Political memes ONLY.. To prove your political points.

You must be really scared of year seven
Some western countries inflation are running at 6 and 7% or higher and look like rising more.

My freezers are usually full. I get my beef and lamb straight from the farm.
I have very low debt and work for myself so I'm shielded a fair bit by what's hitting the majority of people in the world.

I hope he beats Trump again this time around but I'm not sure he will. I think the Democrats would be better to pick a new leader to run with. Biden did his job and got rid of trump and now its time America elected a strong leader and started to fix the economy.
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Let’s see save the planet or boss hog
Seems an easy choice
How you stay warm in MI in the winter? Do you chop down trees or use heating oil or gas or electricity? Save the planet, brother.

Oh wait, I get it now...you get to compromise between the two, but I have to choose one or the other. Sounds like rules for me but not for thee.
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Electric vehicles....what a crock of shit for a majority of the people. I drove to FL last week and now headed home, guess how many electric vehicles and electric vehicle charging stations I've seen on this roughly 1800mile journey. Not fucking one. Semi trucks hauling goods for us though? Too dn many to count. Litter the highways with quick charge stations and maybe people will start, but then your boy Elon will just get that more rich. Those cars right now are nothing more than status symbols designed to keep you close to home because you're dependent on a stupid outlet to plug into.

And most of them pieces of shit have a 200-300mile range, a few with a little more range up to 400 and then I gotta sit somewhere for 8 hours for it to charge?!
LOL NO THANK YOU. I like to go do things, I don't need some clown stuck in a city telling me how I need to live and what I should be driving and where I shouldn't be going. The technology will get their eventually, private industry will drive it, but right now it's bullshit.

I can tell you how to live too, watch...hey, if you live in a city, you don't even need a car, get rid of it and walk everywhere or ride a bike...I don't give a shit if it freezing or 110, you should walk to save the environment.
check the Aptera out before you make a ruling
Electric vehicles....what a crock of shit for a majority of the people. I drove to FL last week and now headed home, guess how many electric vehicles and electric vehicle charging stations I've seen on this roughly 1800mile journey. Not fucking one. Semi trucks hauling goods for us though? Too dn many to count. Litter the highways with quick charge stations and maybe people will start, but then your boy Elon will just get that more rich. Those cars right now are nothing more than status symbols designed to keep you close to home because you're dependent on a stupid outlet to plug into.

And most of them pieces of shit have a 200-300mile range, a few with a little more range up to 400 and then I gotta sit somewhere for 8 hours for it to charge?!
LOL NO THANK YOU. I like to go do things, I don't need some clown stuck in a city telling me how I need to live and what I should be driving and where I shouldn't be going. The technology will get their eventually, private industry will drive it, but right now it's bullshit.

I can tell you how to live too, watch...hey, if you live in a city, you don't even need a car, get rid of it and walk everywhere or ride a bike...I don't give a shit if it freezing or 110, you should walk to save the environment.

How you stay warm in MI in the winter? Do you chop down trees or use heating oil or gas or electricity? Save the planet, brother.

Oh wait, I get it now...you get to compromise between the two, but I have to choose one or the other. Sounds like rules for me but not for thee.
Rules for thee and not for me is the radical right mantra commonly used in attempt to accuse others of what they are doing
How you stay warm in MI in the winter? Do you chop down trees or use heating oil or gas or electricity? Save the planet, brother.

Oh wait, I get it now...you get to compromise between the two, but I have to choose one or the other. Sounds like rules for me but not for thee.
Seat belt denial is common in your ilk
Stay off OUR roads
How’s the economy down under? I ask because Biden is clearly doing a shit job with our economy up here in Canada too

We have toilet paper and no food shortages. No Baby formula shortages. House prices are sky high but maybe coming off the boil in the major cities and inflation is high at 5%- not as high as the US but still very high. Huge gov debt of $1 Trillion. Lowest unemployment rate in history of 3.9%. Stagnant wages and talk of a $1 an hr min wage increase. Rising interest rates. Superannuation returns, which every working Australian has as its paid by the employer, is up for the financial year. They have been running at over 8% ten year avg but have dropped over 2% already this calendar year due to the Russia, Ukraine war and the involvement of most western countries mainly America and its effect on the Stock market.
Every working or retired Australian has a financial interest in the Stock market and we need that to stabilize.

Defence budget is fkd and so have been the F-35 contract and the nuclear sub deal is probably going to be worse than that so im hoping the new gov rips that into shreds and actually uses the Defence budget for things that will materialize and serve a functiction and be value for money.

We just had a Federal election yesterday and the Conservative Liberal party have had a bad lose and the Labor party under Anthony Albanese is Australia's new Prime minister. Well he will be tomorrow when he is sworn in. Wonderful to have a Federal Labor gov again and the Greens have picked up a few seats so maybe Dental will be added to our Medicare in the not to distant future?? Can only hope.

In a nutshell it's on a knife's edge. We need to get the debt under control and going backwards in the next two years. Won't effect me to much but i'm concerned for my kids and grandkids. Min wage increase can only be beneficial for those struggling and Dental added to Medicare is a win for everybody.

My state is doing ok. Just become not only carbon neutral but Carbon negative.
"Tasmania has become one of the first parts of the world to become not just carbon neutral but carbon negative" @Fogdog

Thats pretty exciting.

How's yours travelling?
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