Every seed I start gets damp off


Long story short I've been growing for 2 years with 95% success rate when starting seedlings. Now I'm getting 0% success rate on the last 60 seeds I've tried to start. They all damp off so now I put germinated seeds in a very slightly moist almost dry peat pellet with 35% humidity and guess what I'm still fucking getting damp off. Any amount of water is literally killing my seedlings. The only thing I can try at this point is to plant them into something that has no fucking water at all holy fuck. I water them from the bottom and don't let the top part of the pellet have ANY moisture at all. Idk what to do anymore this shit is blowing my fucking mind. Has this ever happened to anyone? I wish there was a logical explanation but there isn't. Any help is greatly appreciated thx.
How old are your seeds? What is your initial environment like I try to get my tent at 80 degrees Fahrenheit light a good distance away I just use the tube t5 light from barrina on my seedlings I use coco seed starter and altering from the bottom and occasionally spraying the top also. I usually have 90 to 100 percent pop. I keep my humidity in the dome like 70 percent
How old are your seeds? What is your initial environment like I try to get my tent at 80 degrees Fahrenheit light a good distance away I just use the tube t5 light from barrina on my seedlings I use coco seed starter and altering from the bottom and occasionally spraying the top also. I usually have 90 to 100 percent pop. I keep my humidity in the dome like 70 percent
This and sterility. Try using a oxidizer like bleach or H2O2 and adding a small fan blowing across the soil surface. Stagnant air is your enemy when starting seeds. They hard of faster if they're starting with a light breeze.
How old are your seeds? What is your initial environment like I try to get my tent at 80 degrees Fahrenheit light a good distance away I just use the tube t5 light from barrina on my seedlings I use coco seed starter and altering from the bottom and occasionally spraying the top also. I usually have 90 to 100 percent pop. I keep my humidity in the dome like 70 percent
I have a bunch of seeds I've been trying. Most are 2 years old but even feminized seeds I just bought are dying too. I got 84F with lights on and 75F when off 35% humidity. Light is HLG 100 rspec 24 inches from the seeds should be about 250-300 par rating and a small fan blowing on lowest setting. I would do higher humidity or a dome but in my experience that increases the chance of damp off.

I have seeds going right now. I started 12 in peroxide and they popped in 2 days lookin real healthy. I put them in peat pellets and so far 1 has died with the bottom tip of the root being brown and soggy even though my peat pellet is literally almost dry it makes no fuckin sense. I'll see what happens with these other 11 but I'm assuming the worst. I swear to fuckin god I'm cursed.
This and sterility. Try using a oxidizer like bleach or H2O2 and adding a small fan blowing across the soil surface. Stagnant air is your enemy when starting seeds. They hard of faster if they're starting with a light breeze.
I germinated with peroxide which is very helpful. How much peroxide per gallon can I use to water seedlings without hurting them? I have 35% peroxide. Should I soak my peat pellets in heavy peroxide then rinse them out before adding seeds?
dunk your starter pellets in h2o2 or bleach or better yet dispose of them because your situation makes me think there must be something wrong with the pellets try pure coco with h2o2
dunk your starter pellets in h2o2 or bleach or better yet dispose of them because your situation makes me think there must be something wrong with the pellets try pure coco with h2o2
What concentration do you recommend? I also sprayed down my whole tent and fans with 1% peroxide solution. If this keeps happening despite that I swear to god I will buy a damn fume hood just to start seedlings.
This was 24 hours after planting. I do the dome. I know everybody has their own way of doing there seeds. But it works for me I would try and bring up my humidity with it that low your moisture is being sucked out of the soil faster than plants can take it in. And my lights are like 48 inches away during this time. I’ll gradually bring them down as I remove the domes. 84 seems really high to try dropping temps to 78-81 with humidity in the 65-70 percent range with a lightly wet medium using the lights a little higher and see what it does for you.nvm the stretching they do that with the dome I’ll correct it after transplanting to half gallonsF4A64312-1094-4DCB-945A-7A8A2F8F0756.jpeg6CB3A375-A1D5-4E21-BB45-A8BC509145D9.jpeg9454F9FE-DB55-4A19-8BBC-3415C88A59B9.jpeg9305223C-AD1C-468C-B034-69890AF97CA6.jpeg
This shouldn't happen unless your media somehow got contaminated. It doesn't take much because it spreads like wildfire everytime you water. I would switch media brands and sterilize all of your pots, trays and tools with a 10% bleach solution. Using some diluted peroxide to soak your seeds is good, but I would also recommend inoculating your media with beneficial rhizobacteria prior to planting seeds next time-something like Southern Ag Garden Friendly Fungicide or Photosynthesis Plus would work well-these bacteria will help to outcompete the pathogen giving your seedlings time to grow out of the danger zone stage. Good luck!
I guess I might try the dome after sterilizing my pellets. I'm jealous af I used to grow seeds like that just a few months ago. If my medium was as wet as your's I would 1000% get damp off I guess the only thing different I can try at this point is nuking my pellets with peroxide. I nuked my seeds with 1% peroxide for 12 hours then switched to damp paper towel and 1 of them has died of damp off so far but they looked super healthy before I put them in pellets.
This shouldn't happen unless your media somehow got contaminated. It doesn't take much because it spreads like wildfire everytime you water. I would switch media brands and sterilize all of your pots, trays and tools with a 10% bleach solution. Using some diluted peroxide to soak your seeds is good, but I would also recommend inoculating your media with beneficial rhizobacteria prior to planting seeds next time-something like Southern Ag Garden Friendly Fungicide or Photosynthesis Plus would work well-these bacteria will help to outcompete the pathogen giving your seedlings time to grow out of the danger zone stage. Good luck!
I'm gonna order some of that souther ag. What dose do you use for root drench?
I literally just soak them for 24 hours in bottle of water in a dark cupboard and then plant them with tails or not. Sometimes with seedlings less is better. Good luck
sterilize and switch to coco man you can soak the dried coco with a 3% solution and start in a new tray i think youll have good success with this basic setup
This was 24 hours after planting. I do the dome. I know everybody has their own way of doing there seeds. But it works for me I would try and bring up my humidity with it that low your moisture is being sucked out of the soil faster than plants can take it in. And my lights are like 48 inches away during this time. I’ll gradually bring them down as I remove the domes. 84 seems really high to try dropping temps to 78-81 with humidity in the 65-70 percent range with a lightly wet medium using the lights a little higher and see what it does for you.nvm the stretching they do that with the dome I’ll correct it after transplanting to half gallonsView attachment 5137672View attachment 5137673View attachment 5137674View attachment 5137675
Super impressive for 24 hrs i go straight to soil and that would be 72-96 hrs
This was 24 hours after planting. I do the dome. I know everybody has their own way of doing there seeds. But it works for me I would try and bring up my humidity with it that low your moisture is being sucked out of the soil faster than plants can take it in. And my lights are like 48 inches away during this time. I’ll gradually bring them down as I remove the domes. 84 seems really high to try dropping temps to 78-81 with humidity in the 65-70 percent range with a lightly wet medium using the lights a little higher and see what it does for you.nvm the stretching they do that with the dome I’ll correct it after transplanting to half gallonsView attachment 5137672View attachment 5137673View attachment 5137674View attachment 5137675

i do the dome as well i cant be bothered to check on them twice a day to see if they dried up or what. unnecessary stress! i pull the dome as soon as i see bumps on the soil though.
Id like to see pics of these seedlings. You describe bone dry well atleast almost and your damping off? Im thinking something else is in play
I think your pellets are the issue. Everything seems fine untill you add the hatchling to the pellet. Must of gotten contaminated. Good luck, that would b my next move