Nope. He's blaming schizophrenia.
Looking at his life pictures that seems the more plausible explanation, though he could have been fucked up in a couple of ways at once. Mama payed for her stupidity with her life, unfortunately so did a lot of other mothers and fathers, not to mention the kids and teachers who threw themselves in front of him trying to save the kids. But the right hates education and hold teachers in special contempt. Schools are a valid civil war target, not just the right wing nuts, but for every nut for whatever reason, all they have to do is setup the conditions for chaos, as they have. Then blame the liberal government for the mess you create and perpetuate and say they failed, be afraid, be very afraid. Only I can fix it, but I will need some extra powers to make things right...
It's how the cold civil war is fought, don't expect to see General Lee on his fine white horse, this is how it is done, create the other out of blacks, Muslims, Mexicans, LBGTQ folks, Jews, city people, liberals, Antifa etc. They absolutely need an enemy to evoke tribalism and cause them to lose their minds, even if they have to make one up. This is a prerequisite for brain washing, along with that old standby, enrage to engage with a simple narrative and evil people to blame. Make issues from nothing at all, create social division wherever you can and expand those that exist. It is an information war as well as an all out assault on minorities and all aspects of their lives. Welcome to America and civil war 2, it happens to be mostly cold and is largely an information war. Though tell that to American women next week, or whenever the SCOTUS pinches off an opinion and wipes their collective ass with women's rights.