Not all republican voters are progun, but you see they have a larger cause and this is just collateral damage. In civil war sacrifices have to be made for the defense of the heartland and white nation. It's kinda like Ukraine in a way, they are at war too and tribalism is strong and doing it's proper job of uniting a community of humans to overcome a big problem, Russia. In America White folks are are a majority, but not nearly as big of a majority as they once were, hence, "They is taken over". The sad fact is 70% or more of white people vote for republicans, no matter what they do, or how badly they act because they are racists, often in the other guises like anti abortion and gun freedumb. Family values were tossed in a heartbeat for Trump, the best example of the seven deadly sins in modern history.
Guns and racism are tightly linked in America and it is two of the republicans main legs of support. The evangelical Christians will toss their rights as quickly as the tossed their faith, in order to live is a white nationalist fascist state. They will at best be silent on the eventual death camps or at worst run them. Hypocrisy is the least of their concerns and Jesus mentioned hypocrites quite a bit, he despised them. Strangely he never said a word about abortion, if the unborn were so important you would have though he might have mentioned it, if only to save all those babies, but I guess he didn't care either. He did heal the sick for free, so that did make him a socialist. Love thy neighbor, except if they are black, turning the other cheek is for pussies, that's what guns are for!