So can cops trace where you live from this website???


Well-Known Member
Yes its possible... but pretty hard to accomplish. They'll have to get a warrant which gives them the right to seize the IP info from this site's administrator.


it does take quite a bit of effort but if your stupid about it yeah its possible


they can watch you from your own computer if you have a webcam.... if you are wanted, you will be gotten.... that being said, nobody has been busted because of this website.... at least nobody has came back to say so

there are alot more loose ends to be worried about than riu my friend:roll:


How would they know who they were getting a warrant for? I can just see a judge granting a warrant for a Mr 'woomeister' lol!:blsmoke:

it would just be used as another step in the evidence/warrant process; cant quite prove its you, but with a couple more things, it doesnt look the best...


Well-Known Member
Getting IP is possible, but then again, its just a forum... being on a forum is not illegal....

it'll be a big pin in the butt for the cops to get every1

then again, ppl in RIU are from different states and countries... out of the cop's reach..

its a farfetch'd thought as per me.. :)


Well-Known Member
Wow lucky i have never grown a plant in my life ay!!! i am just intrigued by different plants and living things!


Well-Known Member
Yes they CAN, but they won't. If they wanted to catch you they wouldn't even bother this website cuz if you're not posting all of your information and location then they don't have anything.


New Member
they can pi point you inless then 5 minutes they have direct accest to your internet providers ip adress and your information they can then either have survaillance or a helicopter to c if your a person of interest, that means prob 4 lights or more. The trick is to have wireless beause they cant tell if you are using your own or someone elses thus not able to get the proper paper work to get survaillance. Also pics are really bad they can find the source on the pics and when they where taken photos have an id number specially since some send them from your phones. You can say whatever you want until you post up pics of your room and you say something stupid like my 4rth bedroom in my house and you got quite a few lights there then you have to worry but if you got cfls and one lighters they could care less. Your not making money your just smoking it.


New Member
Yes they CAN, but they won't. If they wanted to catch you they wouldn't even bother this website cuz if you're not posting all of your information and location then they don't have anything.
they have everything they just dont give a fuck about one lighters and 400s or cfls they want whales production growers dumb asses that post pics of lots and lots of lights, they let you post your little one lighter to make the bigger ones feel more comfortable and posting their grow journal of 10 lights and then bingo bango thats a person of interest for most of you with a 1 lighter they prob say mmmmmm nice nugs


New Member
they dont but if you say they are yours at your house they can defiantely make youa person of interest. They dont alwasy need a search warrant the dogs can also give them reasonable cause to search specially if a drug dog is around your house and he sits and points they are breaking in . Its disrespectfull to post pics like that your just pissing them off, they like weed too dont get me wrong but some people on here say shit like they will hurt a cops family for takign their plants ( doing their job ) or posting pics of large crops. i know cops that smoke and alot are kool they even let me go with a qp on the seat next to me, i just dont think that talking shit about them or posting pics to piss them off is a good thing. My 2 cents


Well-Known Member
Trust me they have bigger fish to fry than someone growing a few plants in there closet. At least i would think so.



Well-Known Member
theres information hiddin in digital photos they can pull out you camera serial number run it threw a database and pull the owner from there they do snoppin around and boom got ya

I tell people im from canada but really im from mexico or was it austrilia I always get thow to mixed up