State of the Union

What crime are you saying they are guilty of?
A very long list of potential crimes, conspiracy of several kinds among them, that is for the DOJ and Garland to sort out. These hearings give the DOJ tremendous political cover and the ability to go after Trump and congress people with ease, the J6 panel cut them off at the knees.
So a couple of people talking about an event they did not want to happen is a potential crime or a conspiracy? The hearings are actually bogus and the DOJ which is corrupt under Wray and Comey before him don't need any cover to act as Biden's Brownshirts. Look at their part in the Russia collusion hoax.
So a couple of people talking about an event they did not want to happen is a potential crime or a conspiracy? The hearings are actually bogus and the DOJ which is corrupt under Wray and Comey before him don't need any cover to act as Biden's Brownshirts. Look at their part in the Russia collusion hoax.
Take yer meds FFS, this has entered pathological territory and your intense feelings are distorting your perspective of reality to the point of delusion.

Wray and Comey ran the FBI, not the DOJ and Trump appointed both of them, or reappointed Comey. He appointed many of the witnesses against him at the hearing today.
Take yer meds FFS, this has entered pathological territory and your intense feelings are distorting your perspective of reality to the point of delusion.

Wray and Comey ran the FBI, not the DOJ and Trump appointed both of them, or reappointed Comey. He appointed many of the witnesses against him at the hearing today.
Not really Trump fired Comey and Wray was next in line. Trump was not really up on all the swamp creatures, why many of his appointments were shit. Barr for example. Just because Trump appointed these people does not mean they were loyal. Plus he was certainly busy runniing the country and dealing with the phony Russia hoax started by that idiot bitch Hillary.
Not really Trump fired Comey and Wray was next in line. Trump was not really up on all the swamp creatures, why many of his appointments were shit. Barr for example. Just because Trump appointed these people does not mean they were loyal. Plus he was certainly busy runniing the country and dealing with the phony Russia hoax started by that idiot bitch Hillary.
Loyal to him or the constitution of the USA and the rule of law, like in their oaths of office?

I can see why you are afraid of being replaced by better brown stock, they are taken over for a reason, natural selection and survival of the fittest. Stop trying to rig the game and let nature take it's course.
I wonder how much of Freddy’s hard earned money went to the stop the steal campaign? It’s just as well he doesn’t watch the hearings.

What sucker. lol.
Fred is on the automatic perpetual withdrawal plan, with those prechecked boxes and the real fine print...
So a couple of people talking about an event they did not want to happen is a potential crime or a conspiracy? The hearings are actually bogus and the DOJ which is corrupt under Wray and Comey before him don't need any cover to act as Biden's Brownshirts. Look at their part in the Russia collusion hoax.
A real republican, Donald is the real RINO
Do you accept the truth that Biden won and you were lied to?

‘Dishonorable act’: Rep. Adam Kinzinger condemns Trump in day 5 closing statement
Not really Trump fired Comey and Wray was next in line. Trump was not really up on all the swamp creatures, why many of his appointments were shit. Barr for example. Just because Trump appointed these people does not mean they were loyal. Plus he was certainly busy runniing the country and dealing with the phony Russia hoax started by that idiot bitch Hillary.
There is a bridge in Manhattan that I'd like to talk to you about. Thousands of people pay toll to cross it, Its a cash cow. I have connections to the secret owner who is financially stressed due to the recent stock market crash and wants to quietly sell the bridge to a smart person like you in order to cover his stock losses..

PM me if interested.
I wonder how much of Freddy’s hard earned money went to the stop the steal campaign? It’s just as well he doesn’t watch the hearings.

What sucker. lol.

More like how much of my hard earned money. That guy is clearly on disability, but I am sure hates welfare.

As the saying goes, he will be right there by your side to fight against these cultural Marxists and their welfare states...just as soon as his check comes.
i hope you mean Georgia in Europe, cause you would be talking about Tn. in the U.S., and we already have enough fucking lunatics
Word is Florida, Russians aren't that fucking stupid, those that are, are sent to Ukraine as cannon fodder.

It's a good thing for him Donald doesn't need cannon fodder, unless he calls all his supporters to a giant campout at Mar Logo to surround and protect him from the FBI. He can put out a call to the proud boys, who aren't in jail and the other fascist militias, bring yer guns and body armor to the fight for freedumb boys! It would be like the fucking Alamo, with with TV station drones in the air covering the attack of the feds on the last of the Magats! :lol:
How 'bout the time he told his followers he needed $ for a "defense fund" that didn't actually exist based on his Big Lie and they sent him $250 million!

Seems like yesterday but it's actually today. He's still doing it & they're even happier to send the con their $.
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I think I want access to their donor list.

I have a lot of important information for them about time sensitive offers to save freedom for their grandkids. They need to act now before the freedom runs out.

Somebody is going to fleece these people, might as well be me. It wouldn't be that hard to set up a conservative pac/nonprofit, 90% overhead and admin costs, 10% dispersed to conservative causes.