Cloning Cutting Question ?


Well-Known Member
OK, so I read some tutorials on taking cuttings and cloning on this site. Some of the tutorials have pictures and all of the pictures are low quality. I only have 1 plant and if i'm correct the plant only has one mainsteam/stalk. well do I cut the main stem at a 45' angle I don't want to kill this and it will be my first attempt at cloning.

Any Tips ?




Well-Known Member
I'm pulling up a seat because I am on the verge of buying rooting clone myself. Sorry I can't do anything for you but watch.

buggs bunny

Well-Known Member
yeh cut the stem right above two nodes at a 45 angle dip in gel or roll in root powder,put pencil in your grow medium to make a hole then put clone in and water it so medium goes around clone,put clone in a humidity dome wait about five days and check how wet the medium is,moist is what you want not sopping wet and not dry'wait another five days or less and look for new growth ontop of clone


stays relevant.
why are you trying to cut them stem, rather than branches? If you don't have branches with their own nodes, I wouldn't try cloning yet.


New Member
why are you trying to cut them stem, rather than branches? If you don't have branches with their own nodes, I wouldn't try cloning yet.
yipp top advise from this man, also does nobody search shit these days at google, many sites do cover this in very good detail, sit at your pc and search google, (clone cannabis) there ive done it for you, easy. kids the day i blame the parents.


Well-Known Member

(why are you trying to cut them stem, rather than branches? If you don't have branches with their own nodes, I wouldn't try cloning yet.)

Here's a pic of my plant.. Does it have Branch's with it's own nodes ?


All I can see to cut is either the main stem of my plant or cut off a Branch with 7 leaves on it ?




Well-Known Member
WOW wtf my plant must have stopped growing... The branch's should come out of the node's and have a few sets of fan leaves instead of just one set on each side ?


Well-Known Member
WTF... lol Why doesn't it look like its going to get anymore I mean the branch goes out and 1 set of fan leaves ? It looks like it's not going to get anymore. I check everyday and theres no new ones branching off ?

Thanks,,, :)


Well-Known Member
lol, thats unusual... mutated plant :)

juss kidding... try waiting for a week or so...they mige grow u knw.. :)


Well-Known Member
Ok well it's Day 40 from seed today and I mean you can tell it's growing but I just don't see any possibility of more growing out of the branch's ?



Well-Known Member
What is your light setup? I would add some CFL's around the middle of the plant and then they will sprout, particularly a full spectrum CFL. If not stick two 26w CFL's right around the middle and then they will sprout off the branches. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Ok well you only have 116 posts on this site but I'm sure you know what your talking about... I will try what you said.



Well-Known Member
How did you get it to grow like that?
No branches, nothing but fan leaves.

Not that I would want to do it but maybe you could help someone else out
by showing them what not to do.

After taking a second look I see some small growth on the bottom of the plant.
You should have removed it already but that will root. If you realy want more of this plant.

A clone is an exact replica of its mother, I dont know if I would want to watch a stick grow go for another 40 days.


Well-Known Member
IDK It's just some random bag seed. All I did was put 2x 23 W and 2x 13 W CFL's above the top of the plant and it is growing like that. I really don't understand it! It's looking like if it ever shows sex and flowers... It might be a single Cola plant possibly ?? Or the way it's growing now it might just not ever bud even under 12/12 ?




Well-Known Member
Well, I will try and help

I would think in order to bud at all you need a bud site / top. Most plants when they grow will
produce a leaf and where the leave meets the stalk you get a branch then that process continues.

At the end of the branch you have another top. Not every leaf produces a branch.
Some are just fan leaves that help promote stalk growth. I guess thats what you have at this point.

When a plant goes into flower these little tops grow into buds. as they grow up the stalk they join
with the upper bud. That looks like one big cola but it really is several smaller ones together.
Some Nutrients promote bud sites.

Right now I would think you would want to know what you have. The only way to do that is to sex it.
Go 12/12 and watch for hairs or balls right at the upper growth.

If you got a female then worry about getting more branches.

You know, Hemp has been grown for years to make rope.
They encouraged males and growth just like you have.
You said you have bag weed, maybe its in the genes?


Well-Known Member
One cuts branches. If there is no lower node on the branch being cut, no more clones can be taken from that branch. (so, leave a node or two to make more future plants from) First few attempts my be lack luster, just keep at it. Don't change systems/styles abruptly. Get a baseline of success before venturing out.
Cut from lower section of plant. Cut early, if the plant gets tall, the lower branches will be starved for light and weaker.
Cutting clones promotes more growth on the mother, cut carefully to promote growth in the right areas/directions.

(just some random thoughts)

OK, so I read some tutorials on taking cuttings and cloning on this site. Some of the tutorials have pictures and all of the pictures are low quality. I only have 1 plant and if i'm correct the plant only has one mainsteam/stalk. well do I cut the main stem at a 45' angle I don't want to kill this and it will be my first attempt at cloning.

Any Tips ?




Well-Known Member
how many clones ya want? Lookin at it... I think the only clone i'd try to steal is the top after topping it...


Well-Known Member
@ Cruzer:

Since it's my first grow I think I should just forget cloning right now... ?

But I do have a confirmed FEMALE. What would I do now to get more branch's ?


siLky joHNsoN

Well-Known Member
^ stole my fuckin sig haha props

neway... what you need to do to get ur plant to bush out is start out with the cfls about an inch to two inches away from the top, that will promote it to grow out because the light is stronger not only on the top, but on the sides...a couple weeks outta seed it'll probably have a couple sets of fan leaves, this is when you position some cfls on the sides as close as you can, as well as over top...the light on the sides will promote the side growth and bushiness, the plants are going to reach for the light wherever it is...but if u have the lights closer, they dont reach as much but still want to grow aka tighter nodes...

that plant is strange, but it looks strong, thick stem n whatnot...

btw, if ur looking to clone...

watch the whole thing its worth it. hope i could help everybody