Political memes ONLY.. To prove your political points.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
I’m not proud of the like but
Every time I see it I can’t help but thinking Stepford wife
can you imagine growing up with trump as a dad? trying to reconcile how he acts with how dads on tv act? with how other kid's dads acted? she has to know that he is a fucking filthy dirty criminal fuck...and how old was she when she noticed that he was inappropriately affectionate? was she so starved for healthy love that she took what she could get from him?
i did feel sorry for her until it came out she was participating in at least some of his scams...


Well-Known Member
View attachment 5161182
they call me a fat orange moron...and a thief, a liar, the worst president in history or the future...and i want to fuck my own daughter so bad i lose my train of thought when i look at her, but it isn't hard to lose a train that is just a caboose...
You seem obsessed with Trump. He's not President anymore and hasn't been for years. Time to get a life.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
You seem obsessed with Trump. He's not President anymore and hasn't been for years. Time to get a life.
:lol: Says the guy Biden bashing every day? Time for you to get a life...
Biden is better than trump, or ANY republican, in every way.
I'm not really a fan of Biden, but when you put up a mediocre choice against obscenely bad choices, they look a lot better.


Well-Known Member
:lol: says the guy Biden bashing every day? time for you to get a life...
Biden is better than trump, or ANY republican in every way.
and i'm not really a fan of Biden, but when you put up a mediocre choice against obscenely bad choices, they look a lot better.
Biden is not better than anyone. I'm not a Trump boy, but I would take him over this current embarrassment any day. You want the brain dead in office like Hillary and Biden, then that's your issue. Who needs qualifications as long as they're libs, right? Anyone with eyes to see can see this turd needs to go. You speak of mediocrity, but this president doesn't know where he's at half the time. He should have been gone after pulling out of Afghanistan the way he did. I will bash Biden any chance I get. Fuck him.