Is Biden really that bad?

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Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
No no. Let me be clear. I am here to debate, not for a pissing contest or mother jokes.
no, you are are here to be an annoying little bastard, and you've achieved that admirably, probably the only admirable thing you will ever accomplish in your entire life.
you didn't come here to debate, coming to debate means you are prepared for the eventuality you will lose, and you know you cannot lose, because we're all wrong.
we're the ones with the facts, we're the ones with the witnesses, most of whom are republicans that voted for trump...even they can't take his lies and delusions anymore, we're the ones with the plan that may have a chance to save democracy and the world in general...republicans in general and trumptards in particular have lies, hate, fear, and a lack of ethics or morals....with no plan to save fact, the only plan they have is to steal the rights of the people they represent so they can maintain their hold on power and turn the country into a religious dictatorship...
you represent the wrong side, and there is no argument you can make that will change that, you're a loser who supports seditious criminals....fuck them and fuck you for supporting them, you lose, and will until you change that.


Ursus marijanus
Best Prez since Clinton, finally giving back to the working class not Trump who made the 1% richer. Like they were hurting to start with? God bless Joe Biden for making America great again for everyone.
I do wistfully wonder what President Obama might have achieved without the “because no” party blocking it all.

It would really harm the overthrow party’s cause to have that well-spoken man outperform Kennedy.


Well-Known Member
Thats not true, look at the yield curve.

Great chart. Your chart shows a Recession in 2007. Who was president for 6 years prior and what party was he affiliated with?

it shows another one in 2020. Who was president prior to that and what party was the orange turd affiliated with?

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
Its pretty easy to argue that as much as you dont like Trump, his economy was very strong compared to Joes. We are in a recession now, heading further and further down the toilet. Would you like to compare before and after numbers in any meaningful category? Economy, employment, crime, border arrests, gas, inflation?
wow, you are just a fucking idiot, aren't you? at least half of the shit we're in right now id trumps fault, fucking directly, HIS stupid decisions, HIS petty choices, HIS ignoring advisors, and naming his completely unqualified fucking criminal cohorts to posts they weren't even faintly qualified for... about 25% is due to covid and the supply chain being fucked up, and oil companies profiteering at a rate that would have had them on trial for treason during WW2... 25% of whats going on right now can be blamed on the democrats and Biden's, they and he are not blameless, but they are far, FAR from solely responsible for this fuck soup we're all swimming in right now...of course, you're too fucking ignorant to know any of this, because you watch news designed to make you ignorant...but it's being stupid that makes you make that decision to begin with...

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
I am not here to defend every republican in the history of presidents. Some were good some were bad, just like the democrats. What I am saying is we are in a recession due to 2 straight quarters with zero GDP growth. By definition, that is a recession.
no, you're here to try to convince yourself you haven't made the biggest mistake of your life supporting the immoral, unethical, criminal political party of fascist and white supremacist...but you HAVE made the biggest mistake of your life in doing that...the only sad part of the whole thing is the collateral damage you and your fellow fascist fucks will cause as you die out as a breed...
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Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
“I’m here to debate” yet offers up no actual proof of any of his debate points. Lots of feels and lies but no actual proof. Then a little slide of the goal post to deflect his support for the orange turd. Can’t make this shit up. Poor guy is getting his ass kicked in the “debate” and I actually believe, he believes he’s winning…….hmmmm reminds me of another primate wanna be.


Ursus marijanus
“I’m here to debate” yet offers up no actual proof of any of his debate points. Lots of feels and lies but no actual proof. Then a little slide of the goal post to deflect his support for the orange turd. Can’t make this shit up. Poor guy is getting his ass kicked in the “debate” and I actually believe, he believes he’s winning…….hmmmm reminds me of another primate wanna be.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
I am not here to defend every republican in the history of presidents. Some were good some were bad, just like the democrats. What I am saying is we are in a recession due to 2 straight quarters with zero GDP growth. By definition, that is a recession.

The National Bureau of Economic Research's Business Cycle Dating Committee makes that call, and they haven't made it right now...
so you're wrong again, but you must be getting used to that by now, every post you've made so far has been wrong...


Well-Known Member
“I’m here to debate” yet offers up no actual proof of any of his debate points. Lots of feels and lies but no actual proof. Then a little slide of the goal post to deflect his support for the orange turd. Can’t make this shit up. Poor guy is getting his ass kicked in the “debate” and I actually believe, he believes he’s winning…….hmmmm reminds me of another primate wanna be.
What facts would you like to discuss? Tell me the area and I will post sources.
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