Sobran on Ron Paul ...


New Member
The Reactionary Utopian
January 25, 2007

by Joe Sobran

Dozens of people have announced their candidacies
for the White House in 2008, and if I had to bet at this
point, I would put my money on the old woman. Hillary may
be awful, but at least she is predictable. I suppose I
can learn to resign myself to her.

What difference does it really make? Our next
president will have his or her hands full cleaning up
after George W. Bush. In a negative sense, he has already
set the agenda for his unfortunate successor. Just
getting this country back to normal would be a labor of
Hercules. And Hercules isn't in the race.

Politics doesn't often produce good news, but I am
slightly heartened to learn that Congressman Ron Paul is
contemplating a run for the presidency. The Texas
Republican has now taken the standard preliminary step of
forming an exploratory committee.

Paul, a pro-life medical doctor, is a genuine
political maverick. When the House votes for something
434 to 1, you can safely bet that Paul is the 1. He
really fights for the principles other Republicans only
pretend to stand for, and does so with carefully reasoned
explanations of his positions.

In essence, Paul appeals to that subversive
document, the U.S. Constitution, long since abandoned by
both major parties, not to mention the U.S. Supreme
Court. He tests every proposed law by asking whether it
exercises a power authorized by the Constitution. The
answer is seldom yes.

Many years ago Paul told me, with his affably ironic
smile, that he felt more pressure from his fellow
Republicans than from Democrats, because the Democrats
weren't embarrassed when a Republican voted like a real
conservative, but the Republicans were. Showing up his
own party has been the story of Ron Paul's career. No
other Republican has voted against President Bush as
consistently as he has.

Paul isn't flamboyant or defiant about it; his style
is quiet and reasonable, not combative. Being a maverick
isn't a pose for him. It's a matter of conscience and

As a result, the GOP doesn't care much for him and,
if he runs, will try to stifle him. The allegedly
right-wing Newt Gingrich, when he was riding high, once
supported Paul's opponent in the primary race; Gingrich
knew what he was doing. A genuine conservative's worst
enemy is a fake one. And vice versa.

Paul ran for president once before, in 1988, when he
bolted the GOP to run on the Libertarian Party ticket.
Much as I admired him, I voted for George H.W. Bush,
afraid of "wasting" my vote on Paul, who had no real
chance of winning. Silly me. I soon realized I had really
wasted my vote on Bush. It made no difference to Bush,
after all, since he was going to win no matter what I
did; but it made a difference to me. I still regret it.
(And to this day, Bush has never thanked me.)

Paul has no chance of winning this time either, but
he may make a real difference just by being himself. He
is what liberals used to call a conscience-raiser. He
makes people reflect. After six years of supporting
George W. Bush, conservatives should be in a reflective
mood. American democracy has come down to an unappetizing
choice between the War Party and the Abortion Party. Paul
could offer an alternative to this bitter dilemma.

The Constitution must never be mistaken for Holy
Writ, but at least it is based on the idea that there
should be what William F. Buckley has called "rational
limits to government." At this point, even that may well
be a utopian hope.

But we have subscribed to the principle that the
Federal Government must confine itself to powers actually
enumerated therein. And after all, our rulers are still
sworn to uphold it, just as Bill Clinton is still legally
bound by his wedding vows.

Taken literally, this would reduce the government to
about 5 percent of its current size. That would be a huge
improvement. If nothing else, the Constitution stands as
a reminder of what normality used to be.

Well, I can dream, can't I? And today I'm dreaming
of President Ron Paul, with a Congress he deserves.


Read this column on-line at
Well, I can dream, can't I? And today I'm dreaming
of President Ron Paul, with a Congress he deserves.

Well, he can't quite walk on water, but he has some endearing attributes. I differ with him on a few things, (Nobody's perfect) but would probably vote for him if I thought he had a chance. I wouldn't want to waste my vote and let one of those wannabee hitler republicans get elected. Judiani, retch, retch, retch!
Ron Paul is a candidate I wish I could like more than I do.
The only problem I have with his platform is his stance on foreign policy and the military...IMO, he is borderline irrational when it comes to the War on Terror. It is unfortunate that he seems to me to suffer from myopia on this issue!
Oh well, no candidate can be perfect!
Needless to say he is far superior to the entire gaggle of feckless Dems!
Ron Paul is one of the very few in government who really understands the meaning of the document that they are sworn to uphold.

And, I'm with you Wavels. Ron Paul is wrong on the War on Terror.

Well, I can dream, can't I? And today I'm dreaming
of President Ron Paul, with a Congress he deserves.

Well, he can't quite walk on water, but he has some endearing attributes. I differ with him on a few things, (Nobody's perfect) but would probably vote for him if I thought he had a chance. I wouldn't want to waste my vote and let one of those wannabee hitler republicans get elected. Judiani, retch, retch, retch!

Exactly the way I feel now. I wouldnt waste a vote on someone who doesnt have a chance. I still sometimes look back and feel bad, I voted for nader the year bush won first. All i could think about was yeah pot legal. Not thinking about bush knowing that & laughing all the way to the winners box. So yeah, lets actually vote for the popular dems this year. Then once they own the majority of all govnt then we can vote for people we actually want.
i had never even heard of this guy until i happened to catch the colbert report (i hate that guy and the show) but ron paul made an impression on me, and i really liked the guy and how he stands. he made colbert eat his words a few times and that was awesome
i had never even heard of this guy until i happened to catch the colbert report (i hate that guy and the show) but ron paul made an impression on me, and i really liked the guy and how he stands. he made colbert eat his words a few times and that was awesome
Colbert is a spoof on the right wing assholes, He might be a little over your head. When I first watched him I felt as you do, another right wing asshole, but after you watch him a bit, it becomes obvious that his humor is very subtle and he is actually mocking the assholes.
Comedy is only comedy because it exaggerates the truth. Its not Fox you can't stand, you just can't the truth.

Comedy is only comedy because it exaggerates the truth. Its not Fox you can't stand, you just can't the truth.

And for the counter-punch to Colbert, watch "The half hour news hour" on Fox. These guys are brilliant! And ... they actually have an audience. *lol*

The 1/2 Hour News Hour - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


What? are you fucking joking? I've watched the show twice and i can honestly say its the most painfully unfunny piece of shit i have ever seen.
And what do you mean has an audience? The Daily show/Colbert report have well over a million viewers every night
"If you tell a lie big enough, and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it." - Joseph Goebbels (Hitler's Propaganda Minister)

The "War on Terror" is bullshit, Terrorism is a tactic, it's not Nazi Germany, or WWII Japan. How do you declare a victory over a tactic, do we win when nobody is shot for a week? A month? A year? When there's only a car bombing every few weeks? Months?

We're 6 years into this war and we don't even have a definition of what a "Victory" would be. Politicians just need a go-to topic to scare the people into voting for them, the media needs a lot of scare-mongering to keep up revenues. The politicians also need a simple way to label opponents as un-patriotic, anti-american or just a jackass. For instance you say I'm soft on terrorism and will get us attacked if elected because I don't support anal-cavity searches on all Muslim or Islamic passengers on an airplane. Even though your position might be ridiculous what resonates louder with the people? Usually the slander.

They want to invade America and smash into your home to kill you and make turbans out of your babies! My God won't somebody think of the children! Terrorists are secretly planning to put uranium in your yellow cake, arsenic in your water supply and a cap in your ass. Yes they have a problem with you personally Bob-o, you see, they hate you for your freedom, Lord!! if only we didn't have so much freedom they would surely love us! So that what were doing, eroding your civil liberties, sorry did I say eroding civil liberties? I meant enacting a series of measures to ensure the continued safety of every American in the ongoing (and going well!!) War on Terror!

Anyone over 18 without felony convictions can go to Wal-Mart and buy a shotgun an a few boxes of ammo, walk to your car, load it up and walk back in walmart and kill tons of people? Obviously we should get rid of guns.

I can drive to a hardware store and get everything to make a big bomb, should we stop selling that stuff? It's a slippery slope.

We aren't really any safer now than ever, people just find the illusion of safety comforting, and soul-sucking-money-grubbing politicians can promise them just that, the illusion.
What? are you fucking joking? I've watched the show twice and i can honestly say its the most painfully unfunny piece of shit i have ever seen.
And what do you mean has an audience? The Daily show/Colbert report have well over a million viewers every night

Well, that's because your politics probably lean way to the left ... and anyone can tell ya ... libbies were born sans a sense of humor. :mrgreen:

And, here's an excellent case in point: The "audience" comment I made was made in jest ... and you just didn't freakin' get it. See ... no sense of humor. So in the future, you can share the room we've set aside here in the political forum for the humorless to reside in. Med says its quite comfortable *lol*

Well, that's because your politics probably lean way to the left ... and anyone can tell ya ... libbies were born sans a sense of humor. :mrgreen:

And, here's an excellent case in point: The "audience" comment I made was made in jest ... and you just didn't freakin' get it. See ... no sense of humor. So in the future, you can share the room we've set aside here in the political forum for the humorless to reside in. Med says its quite comfortable *lol*


Funny, i don't recall ever seeing a conservative comedian (other than maybe Dennis Miller).

I must admit, after a couple minutes of thinking, i still don't see the humor in the audience comment.
unless you were making a reference to the 1/2 hour news hour using a laugh which case i get it.
Ron Paul is one of the very few in government who really understands the meaning of the document that they are sworn to uphold.

And, I'm with you Wavels. Ron Paul is wrong on the War on Terror.


No Vi, all the references Ron Paul sited on the War on Terror and why the Arabs hate us can be verified.
Ron Paul is Correct on the War on Terror.

The Real war is in Afghanistan, the War for Corporate America is in Iraq.

One day the for profit motive will click off and you'll see what's really going on in the world...

I would like to know why the Quartermaster corp has been privatized, The Army did it more efficiently and at 1/10 the cost... And they don't use the excuse that the firefight is too bad, they go in regardless.

No Vi, all the references Ron Paul sited on the War on Terror and why the Arabs hate us can be verified.
Ron Paul is Correct on the War on Terror.

The Real war is in Afghanistan, the War for Corporate America is in Iraq.

agreed 110%.

OK, Dank and 7x, I respect you guys a lot ...

So, if we were to pull out of Iraq today, what, in your opinions, would the ramifications be?
