Morning all..................

are you using chrome?

my computer crashes while I'm typing, but only if I'm typing in chrome. firefox works fine.

I use FF 2..OP system not big enough for 3... No idea what chrome is...

You need to check for a virus.Either that or it's a hardware failure.Better do a backup.

Don't know how to backup..burn cd, make links, start files..etc.. a real comp dummy...:-?

Empty all your temp files. Get rid of any of those stupid effing Yahoo and Google toolbars if you have any.
Do a defrag.
Run an up to date anti-spyware app such as

Don't go to or any other site than the one above. There are many bogus sites selling spyware pretending to be a Spybot site.

What sort of anti-virus software are you using? Norton, McAfee and some others can sometimes slow your system and cause locks and hangs.

Re-installing your browser can sometimes help (if you're using Opera, Chrome or Firefox...).

OR, if it happens on big threads with lots of images and YouTube links, you may have a memory problem. Possibly some dicky RAM that gets accessed while loading all those images or something...

I downloaded a free Avast anti found trojan (1) and adware (3) and puts them in chest.. I have 82% free memory... haven't got the $$ to buy spy/virus stuff...If I could I'd get a better and bigger comp..
my win 98, 667mhz is an old boot box... As for remove/reinstall I went through that grabbing all windows updates and overloaded my systems and had to spend 24+ hours removing shit.. I do the maint. at night..defrag too.. I do have google and yahoo tool bars but use them for mail and quick google access..

Thanks my friends for your input..alway appreciated....truly....kiss-ass
I need to get a computer sometime soon... Haven't had one in years, there is soooooo much shit I don't know about new technology, I just need something for bullshitting on the internet, youtube, and music files...
I need to get a computer sometime soon... Haven't had one in years, there is soooooo much shit I don't know about new technology, I just need something for bullshitting on the internet, youtube, and music files...
My youtube viewing is like flipping cartoons pages..all jerky and sound doesn't match up... I miss most of fdd's (and other) great links.... streaming music and video sucks..
I want a new computer, But mine works fine for what I use it for.. If I ever get a new one it will be a Mac laptop like China's..
I've never seen the screen on a Mac....... I don't want to be able to launch the space shuttle..just online and some games..not even mega graphics..around a 1.8... then I can buy Civilization those.. 3 sucks..but the original guy Meiers is back...
My last computer was a Mac G4 Powerbook, got it in 2001, worked until 2004... Cost me 4 grand when it was new, computers are so much better, and so much cheaper now-a-days.

I use FF 2..OP system not big enough for 3... No idea what chrome is...

Don't know how to backup..burn cd, make links, start files..etc.. a real comp dummy...:-?

I downloaded a free Avast anti found trojan (1) and adware (3) and puts them in chest.. I have 82% free memory... haven't got the $$ to buy spy/virus stuff...If I could I'd get a better and bigger comp..
my win 98, 667mhz is an old boot box... As for remove/reinstall I went through that grabbing all windows updates and overloaded my systems and had to spend 24+ hours removing shit.. I do the maint. at night..defrag too.. I do have google and yahoo tool bars but use them for mail and quick google access..

Thanks my friends for your input..alway appreciated....truly....

Spybot S & D is free Twisty. Going by the sounds of those specs, you'll have ahard time with Youtube and most graphics/video intensive sites. Wish I was in a position to help with a better 'puter. S'no fun when they start getting cantankerous in their old age.:-(
I've never seen the screen on a Mac....... I don't want to be able to launch the space shuttle..just online and some games..not even mega graphics..around a 1.8... then I can buy Civilization those.. 3 sucks..but the original guy Meiers is back...
Civ IV is great, make sure to get both the expansions, fixes some problems and new game features are awesome :D
I can spend days just getting stoned and playing a campaign.
Spybot S & D is free Twisty. Going by the sounds of those specs, you'll have ahard time with Youtube and most graphics/video intensive sites. Wish I was in a position to help with a better 'puter. S'no fun when they start getting cantankerous in their old age.:-(

Got a couple of options..a used for about $225..or a new Dell, basic for $377... on the list..just hope this one doesn't just die.. My 1st was sick for about a year..the 2nd..just died.. :finger:

Civ IV is great, make sure to get both the expansions, fixes some problems and new game features are awesome :D
I can spend days just getting stoned and playing a campaign.

I got into Civ. when I used to babysit in the early 90's.. I'd never even touched a comp and I'd trade babysitting for comp time.. Got addicted..the friends would come home and I'd keep playing.and leave next day... Never been very good at shooter games..except Redneck Rampage..buts thats not like Call to duty..just a basic shooter..bongsmilie
Got a couple of options..a used for about $225..or a new Dell, basic for $377... on the list..just hope this one doesn't just die.. My 1st was sick for about a year..the 2nd..just died.. :finger:

I got into Civ. when I used to babysit in the early 90's.. I'd never even touched a comp and I'd trade babysitting for comp time.. Got addicted..the friends would come home and I'd keep playing.and leave next day... Never been very good at shooter games..except Redneck Rampage..buts thats not like Call to duty..just a basic shooter..bongsmilie
hey twisty i am thinking about a new basic dell too. also check out tiger cuz they got cheap refurbished and cheap brand new systems for a great price.:blsmoke:
Sorry I hate RPGs, I like racing games, got a PS3 and all the racing games, Need4Speed Underground & ProStreet, Dirt, Grip, F1, Sega Rally, Gran Turismo, D1, Ridge Racer, I'm forgetting a few... But all racing games.
Sorry I hate RPGs, I like racing games, got a PS3 and all the racing games, Need4Speed Underground & ProStreet, Dirt, Grip, F1, Sega Rally, Gran Turismo, D1, Ridge Racer, I'm forgetting a few... But all racing games.
I had an xbox (not new 360) and it froze after 10 days and Microsoft were useless.
Friend was here and told me he got caught at Montreal airport with some trace and a seed or two... nothing happens here, but now he's freaking because he has to go to North Carolina and move his girlfriend in three weeks.. and may get refused at US border..... Forms were filled in... which is rare for here......
Friend was here and told me he got caught at Montreal airport with some trace and a seed or two... nothing happens here, but now he's freaking because he has to go to North Carolina and move his girlfriend in three weeks.. and may get refused at US border..... Forms were filled in... which is rare for here......

boat across the St Lawrence ..... :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen: