Sure I got that. Join the list of countries embarrased for its drunk tourists’ behavior abroad. If you think Americans look bad in Italy for destroying historic pieces ask them how they feel about the Dutch or Brits. Don’t mention the fountain…
Maybe Europe going nazi again needs its own thread but then I’ll be the last to encourage this lumping together thing north americans have been weirding me out with. Not a whole lot of elections coming up soon though, no need to send in the troops yet.
This episode of nazis rising in… Europe: Sweden. Sweden!? Yes, Sweden.
Not the most unbiased site on the subject but no opinions in this piece:
Sweden Democrats to head parliament's justice, foreign affairs, business affairs, and labor market committees, as well as vice-chair civil affairs, traffic, defense, and tax bodies
Some background:
A long-time pariah, the Sweden Democrats are now the country's second-largest party.
Sweden suddenly has a higher nazi-to-human ratio than France. The fact that party explicitly had to ban its members from wearing nazi uniforms is no problem for 1 out of 5 voters. The problem of course isn’t whether it’s 20% or 40%, it’s rising.
More in-depth:
The humanitarian doctrine of “Swedish Exceptionalism” might have been a point of national pride and a marker of Swedish identity. That capacity has now been challenged by the growing popularity of the nationalist Sweden Democrats.
For me much of it reads like it’s about NL but 10 even 20 years ago. Immigrants who arrive in EU have to request asylum in the first country they enter. Not really how it works in practice and another treaty says we should spread them more fairly. Countries like Italy and Greece (where the boats arrive) have big problems but relatively, based on population, Sweden got a very high amount over the past decade (same as if US would get millions a year). By now only a 5th or less is from islamic cultures but was much higher thanks to the dictator and war in Syria.
A thousand year after being slaughtered and burned into submission by the still existing Christian regime whose busts used to flaunt and maintain their nihilistic evil influence finds defenders on riu
, Sweden is increasingly secular. Mosques and such relatively large numbers of religious immigrants is counterproductive to that goal. In theory anyway. Life‘s too good for most to go extremist if you grow up in Sweden. Some of the problems are real (cultures clashing, small amount of real extremist, abusing support systems), people have a right to complain about it, it is too easy to dismiss it all with socio-economics, but even when populists tell a truth, their conclusions don’t add up and their realistic policies are usually nonexistent. This move by one of the most left and liberal countries in the world will possibly only delay an improvement of the situation, possibly worsening it first.
Not sure what happened to the muslim problem here in NL… ah yes, their sisters and kids went to school and the dumbest men died of covid (as anti-vax as oldskool christians here, heavily overrepresented on icu). Time flies and old people die. In schools in major cities in NL the majority of kids is no longer white, the majority isn’t muslim either. Who knows, who cares, they sure don’t. Not like it’s entirely no longer a problem here, the clash of cultures, but anti-islam isn’t a winning topic for politicians anymore, and as long as no arab looking people blow up too much shit or fly planes into buildings we’ll be fine. Italy going fascist, sure, after Berlusconi nothing surprises me, but Sweden this islam problem is so 2010, don’t you have energy bills to worry about…