Is it normal all weed fan leaves turning yellow ?!


Well-Known Member
I thought I was a few weeks from harvest and I know people say yellow is common at the end but I feel like I stopped nutrients too early ? It looks very beat up should I still feed her ?


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I’m losing fan leaves fast as you can tell but the leaves around my buds look fine even some of their mini fan leaves turning yellow ..,,I’m worried I stopped feeding early
I personally feed up until I harvest. Are you flushing? If so I recommend that you don't and start feeding her and continue til harvest. Just my two cents.
You are correct. That plant is not even close to being ready. My guess is about 4 more weeks. Maybe longer.
Ty for replies …sorry new grower and she was planted late July… if I start feeding nutrients right away she’ll be ok? It’s getting chilly idk if she’ll last 4 weeks
A mistake will be if you try to correct things to quickly by overfertilizing.
What fertilizer are you planning on using?
I’m using advanced nutrients or was and rhino skin ….but I really think she won’t last 3 weeks with this cold at nights drops to 40s
She smells insane and all the trichomes it almost looks like if I chopped her right now the bud would atleast look sick lol….what if I cut off all her fan leaves and just leave the bud in the sun? Dumb question i know but I have seen people do that
She can bounce back or doubtful? And I thought you wanna leave those leaves on as long as possible bc the plants still technically eating it idk I heard it somewhere
Can you bring her into a garage or shed at night to protect her? Also keep feeding but if you haven't been I'd ease back into the schedule you had been following. Consider taking off the leaves that have pretty well died off, open up the buds to get what limited light we are now receiving. Good luck!
Bring them in at night. Put them in a dark room. Keep feeding. She's fading, but it can at least be stopped. You made it this far. The finish is in sight. I'd do whatever it took.
First of all it's not that bad. We have seen much worse come to fully ripe.

Get back to feeding your plant.

And yea you got a ways to go.
For real yours are not that bad OP. Mine did the exact same thing, started in the middle, slowly expanded outward. No amount of added nutes slowed it down for me. Maybe it's overwatered in my case (as @Kerowacked suggests), not sure.

This was September 18th

Here it is October 12th...(almost all leaves gone except bud leaves).