Well-Known Member
Nope... my wife works in this Industry.. it's hydraulic fluid for blade pitch and direction control.most oil in a lot of the turbines use a light cooking oil, in hydraulic system.
Nope... my wife works in this Industry.. it's hydraulic fluid for blade pitch and direction control.most oil in a lot of the turbines use a light cooking oil, in hydraulic system.
i thought it was funny when we drove to south dakota a few years ago. all up through CO there were wind turbines everywhere you looked. as soon as we crossed into nebraska, nothing.Nope... my wife works in this Industry.. it's hydraulic fluid for blade pitch and direction control.
It is odd. We have 3 wind generators in gloucester, ma.. most times only one or two are moving.i thought it was funny when we drove to south dakota a few years ago. all up through CO there were wind turbines everywhere you looked. as soon as we crossed into nebraska, nothing.
from what i've read, those floating generators that use the waves in the ocean is/should be the future at least near the coasts.It is odd. We have 3 wind generators in gloucester, ma.. most times only one or two are moving.
You would think with the constant breeze on the coast those things would be spinning 24/7
I don’t watch news for a coupla subjective reasons. Online I tend to use Reuters (even though they always screw up my registration) or AP, sometimes NPR. It’s a lot of fun to see whom others use on here, especially when it’s from sites that select or even distort the news to fit a narrative. I don’t remember near as much ideology driving big news providers forty years ago, but that could be a product of my inattention back then.When and if I do watch the national news I watch cbs. And even they are biased. But they seem to me as the least biased. When I want to know about an issue I get on the internet and do my own research and read both sides of an issue and form my own opinion. I mainly watch local news only. For me I do not need someone telling me their opinion on an issue instead of just giving me the facts and letting me form my own opinion. I also do not like all the division that is promoted by the right or the left. Until we all come together as Americans and work towards the common good we will never fix our problems. But if we did come together as a nation we would not need all the politicians that are bought and payed for by special interest. And I mean politicians on both sides of the political spectrum.
First off have not watched Fox news in many many years. But I do not watch NBC or MSNBC either. I do not watch national news period because they are all slanted to one side or the other.
I have no problem with starting to move toward cleaner energy.
A sustainable clean energy grid?But if the US is the only Country to do it then what have we truly gained.
Sorry I really hate posting in these troll threads.But no one ever answered my questions posed in response #125.
From everything, and as always that includes oil.Just a thought. Where are we going to get all the electricity from? We do not have the infrastructure to go all electric. We barely have enough to get us by now. What happens to a city or state when a hurricane hits and all power is out? What happens during mass evacuations ahead of storms? These are things that no one has thought through.
And I guess since Maddow is educated that means she has no political bias?
She is one of the most politically devisive people in all the news agency's.
There is nothing wrong with that. The last decade+ have been very confusing with the propaganda attack being conducted on us by the Republicans and their right wing handlers.I do not claim any political affiliation.
Man, we don't even know all the questions for them to know all the answers.The Republican nor the Democrats have all the answers.
Today there aim is to divide us as a people and look after there own special interest.
I recently read that a lot of that mid-prairie land is dotted with Air Force holdings, and they recently expanded the “no tall structures” radius around each. This threw a wrench into many NE landowners’ plans to put up turbines.i thought it was funny when we drove to south dakota a few years ago. all up through CO there were wind turbines everywhere you looked. as soon as we crossed into nebraska, nothing.
The tide is way more reliable than windfrom what i've read, those floating generators that use the waves in the ocean is/should be the future at least near the coasts.
i was thinking they were just giving a middle finger to all the free power CO was generating up that way. lol.I recently read that a lot of that mid-prairie land is dotted with Air Force holdings, and they recently expanded the “no tall structures” radius around each. This threw a wrench into many NE landowners’ plans to put up turbines.
That's because they're all in Oklahoma "Where the Winds Come Sweeping Down the Plains"i thought it was funny when we drove to south dakota a few years ago. all up through CO there were wind turbines everywhere you looked. as soon as we crossed into nebraska, nothing.
If I were richer and smarter a few decades ago, I would have simply loved turning an old Titan silo into a man cave.i was thinking they were just giving a middle finger to all the free power CO was generating up that way. lol.
there's a few of the abandoned minuteman (i think?) sites up in northern and eastern CO. i've seen a few sites that post pics of people that have snuck in and taken pics. crazy looking shit for sure and dangerous as hell.
I don’t watch news for a coupla subjective reasons. Online I tend to use Reuters (even though they always screw up my registration) or AP, sometimes NPR. It’s a lot of fun to see whom others use on here, especially when it’s from sites that select or even distort the news to fit a narrative. I don’t remember near as much ideology driving big news providers forty years ago, but that could be a product of my inattention back then.
“put a tiger in your tank”?
it was titan not minuteman. cool pics thoughIf I were richer and smarter a few decades ago, I would have simply loved turning an old Titan silo into a man cave.
It was around that time that Nixon invited The Oil Giants into the Energy Dept.“put a tiger in your tank”?
First thing that came to my mind too.“put a tiger in your tank”?
I remember those tiger tails when I was a kid. We'd steal them off peoples cars and tie them to our bikes to be 'cool'.
You raise important questions, and there is at least one example that answers some of those questions, from when hurricane Ian came through. Babcock RanchJust a thought. Where are we going to get all the electricity from? We do not have the infrastructure to go all electric. We barely have enough to get us by now. What happens to a city or state when a hurricane hits and all power is out? What happens during mass evacuations ahead of storms? These are things that no one has thought through.
I remember those tiger tails when I was a kid. We'd steal them off peoples cars and tie them to our bikes to be 'cool'.
I think it was Esso that ran that ad campaign but not sure.
I start my news day at 3:30pm with BBC News America then at 4:00 with PBS world News and then the local CTV news mostly for the good weather reports.I don’t watch news for a coupla subjective reasons. Online I tend to use Reuters (even though they always screw up my registration) or AP, sometimes NPR. It’s a lot of fun to see whom others use on here, especially when it’s from sites that select or even distort the news to fit a narrative. I don’t remember near as much ideology driving big news providers forty years ago, but that could be a product of my inattention back then.