i cant believe this thread exists, i can think of a hundred ways i'd rather spend my time. oops, did i unplug the washer? the microwave? the tv? people pull ur heads out of ur asses (miss hester, u can feel my pain!) and fuckin think for a minute. ur gonna do all this shit for like 3 bucks a month. how much time u gonna spend? my job gives me money when i give them my time, its like a kagjillion times more than the money i'd save from your electricity saving technique u r all talking about. plus ur gonna turn into a frigging psycho, trying to cut a few watts of power. poster of this thread, u admitted to being gay, now can you admit to wasting others time reading this garbage? can you admit to being an idiot? thanks for wasting my time! go watch idiocracy, the cast is chuck full of people like you! go be gay on some other forum! have a nice day!
I can't believe some shit face faggot would talk about someone else wasting their time. You saw the thread, saw the title, and still you chose to be a fuckstick,enter this thread,and post some immature nonsense in this man's thread. If you don't like it then don't read it.
I myself am not gay in any way, i do watch oprah and proud to admit it, not because i'm gay but because it's popular in the prison i sat in for four years so i got hooked!
Any problems with that?
I appreciate this man lending helpful information on this thread, that could save people money by unplugging the things they don't use on a daily basis.
Do you even grow weed dude, cuz if so you would notice the lights pull a thing called electricity, and by conserving it else where it doesn't attract attention to the illegal grow in the basement!!!!DUH!

Now again, If you do not like,do not read, and do not post.
Just take your immature ignorance elsewhere, and flusster a thread with you and other asswipes like you, that have no knowledge of growing and only want to be clucking chicken heads like a bunch bitches trying to start drama. What bitches!!!!!!