Examples of GOP Leadership

Conservative Columnist Shreds 'Deranged Hobo' Trump: 'Lost His Grip On Reality'

Thu, January 26, 2023 at 4:38 AM AST

National Review senior writer Charles C.W. Cooke said Donald Trump’s rambling posts on his flailing Truth Social platform show his “deterioration” on “full display.”

In a column posted on Wednesday titled “Trump Has Completely Lost His Grip on Reality,” Cook wrote that the former president is “ranting like a deranged hobo in a dilapidated public park” with his messages.

He added:

“There was a point in time at which Trump’s unusual verbal affect and singular nose for underutilized wedge issues gave him a competitive edge. Now? Now, he’s morphing into one of the three witches from Macbeth. To peruse Trump’s account on Truth Social is to meet a cast of characters about whom nobody who lives beyond the Trump Extended Universe could possibly care one whit.”

Trump is ignoring real-world problems facing the nation and is instead “busy mainlining Edward Lear,” he wrote, referring to the author of “A Book of Nonsense.”

Read the full column here, which offers examples of the nonsense taken directly from the ex-president’s Truth Social posts.

there were at least a dozen episodes where he was hooking up with chicks. he might have been bi, but not gay
But if you examine each of those, you can see that he has little interest them. The only time he seemed to actually show interest in the opposite sex was with the archeologist Vash on Riza. However, I would argue that the writers were intentionally depicting his interest as intellectually motivated as he had great interest in the antiquities.

Besides, it's not like Star Trek writers have ever shied away from depicting romance. Particularly in the case of captains. Kirk for example. Furthermore, it would have been an important depiction of a gay man in such a position in the 90s.
But if you examine each of those, you can see that he has little interest them. The only time he seemed to actually show interest in the opposite sex was with the archeologist Vash on Riza. However, I would argue that the writers were intentionally depicting his interest as intellectually motivated as he had great interest in the antiquities.

Besides, it's not like Star Trek writers have ever shied away from depicting romance. Particularly in the case of captains. Kirk for example. Furthermore, it would have been an important depiction of a gay man in such a position in the 90s.
Picard showed an interest in Vash but after she deceived him, he realized that while she was sexy, she was also potentially trouble. I think he liked her but knew she couldn’t be trusted.

I don’t know if the writers intended to portray Picard as gay or not but if it was their intention, why not do it openly? Picard’s character didn’t show any interest in men, that I can remember so, if it was their intention, too bad they weren’t more open about it.

I get your point though, he didn’t have the sexual conquests that Kirk had. Perhaps he was asexual and married to the federation.
Picard showed an interest in Vash but after she deceived him, he realized that while she was sexy, she was also potentially trouble. I think he liked her but knew she couldn’t be trusted.

I don’t know if the writers intended to portray Picard as gay or not but if it was their intention, why not do it openly? Picard’s character didn’t show any interest in men, that I can remember so, if it was their intention, too bad they weren’t more open about it.

I get your point though, he didn’t have the sexual conquests that Kirk had. Perhaps he was asexual and married to the federation.
He was the "new communist man" of the federation! :lol: Epitomizing moral and ethical rectitude, along with cultural sensitivity, intelligence and balls of steel.
This is good! How long does Santos Claus have until the FBI picks him up? :lol:

Lawrence: George Santos is a ‘perfect monument’ to House GOP lies

139,521 views Jan 27, 2023 #msnbc #gop #georgesantos
MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell explains how George Santos’s newest lie that his response to the press will be “comprehensive,” along with his failure to answer questions about his possible campaign finance crimes, shows how “House Republicans are fully accepting of lies told to them that they know are lies.”
I’ve mentioned this before but having been a fan of Star Trek Next Generation, I was disillusioned with the premise that while discovering how to travel faster than the speed of light, humans still haven’t solved the problem of male pattern baldness.
Lot's of Boston athletes are pushing a hair doctor in the Boston area and are sporting full heads of hair,and the Keeps site hypes it's regimen as revolutionary,I'm not sure,have always wished my hair was more rock star but I have managed to keep it all. The transplants take plugs from a donor area in the back down near the neck line and move them forward. As for the Keeps,I think it's a product to resist further baldness or to be used as preventive maintenance if it's a hereditary thing.
He was the "new communist man" of the federation! :lol: Epitomizing moral and ethical rectitude, along with cultural sensitivity, intelligence and balls of steel.
Back in the days when I was in the corporate world, all of the operations managers had to read a book about how to apply Picard’s management style to our departments. It was essentially extolling the benefits of managing people without micromanaging them.

The book did little for me as in that regard, I was already Picard like.
Lot's of Boston athletes are pushing a hair doctor in the Boston area and are sporting full heads of hair,and the Keeps site hypes it's regimen as revolutionary,I'm not sure,have always wished my hair was more rock star but I have managed to keep it all. The transplants take plugs from a donor area in the back down near the neck line and move them forward. As for the Keeps,I think it's a product to resist further baldness or to be used as preventive maintenance if it's a hereditary thing.
it must skip a generation or two now and then. my real dad was balding, but my grandpa had a full head till he died, and i got so much hair i wish i was bald now and then, same with cousins, and uncles, seems to be random, about half are balding, half aren't
I’ve mentioned this before but having been a fan of Star Trek Next Generation, I was disillusioned with the premise that while discovering how to travel faster than the speed of light, humans still haven’t solved the problem of male pattern baldness.
Even Elon Musk conquered baldness in the early 21st century, look at some of his old Paypal photos, he should be as bald as Bezos by now.
Even Elon Musk conquered baldness in the early 21st century, look at some of his old Paypal photos, he should be as bald as Bezos by now.
I noticed that star trek discovery mentions muck twice, one in a list of people that one would want to emulate, and one member of the crew went to musk highschool...You can tell those episodes were made a while ago, i wonder if they will ever feel compelled to go back and edit his name out? I already would have.