Got served with an 'injunction against harassment' today.


Well-Known Member
About 9 days ago, one of my dogs managed to bolt out of my gate before I could get it closed. Since my next-door neighbor's dog and mine are only separated by a wire fence, they're very familiar with each other and they're all friends. So that day, she gets out and goes in his yard, since he usually leaves his gate wide open and his dog could run free basically at will. She's in his yard running around with his dog, and his response is to pull his gun and chase her around, threatening to shoot her if she hurts his cats. She wanted to play with her friend, couldn't care less about his cats.

So after a couple of minutes, she runs out of his yard and I assume the episode is over. He gets in his truck and leaves. In the meantime, our two dogs were joined by yet another dog from the guy across the street. A few minutes later, douchebag comes back, sees all 3 dogs huddled up and doing dog things off the side of the road, and locks up his brakes and skids off the road trying to hit all 3 dogs. I'm kind of an animal person, so I was pretty fucking incredulous over seeing this. I walked out of my gate onto the side of the road, about 40-50 feet away and start verbally berating him. I'm yelling, "what the fuck are you doing?? did you lose your fucking mind" and stuff like that. The scumfuck then turns towards me, reaches in his pants pocket and pulls out a gun. Points it at me before swinging it around and yelling, "I'll just shoot these fucking dogs." As much as I despise cops and having to deal with them, there's just some shit you don't let slide. So I went to the local Sheriff's office and filed a report. Someone who'd pull a gun over this kinda bullshit clearly has impulse control issues, as well as just being a total coward, so I wanted it documented just in case he does something like this again. I'm the kinda asshole who'll typically be happy to oblige someone stepping up to me and wanting to start some shit, but can't do much about someone who's only got enough balls to wave a gun around from a safe distance.

Fast forward to today, I get a Constable at my gate to serve me the injunction against harassment. I read it and see that he lied about many of the details, saying me and my neighbor's dog were attacking his, so apparently his brilliant plan to "break up the fight" was to try to run all 3 of them down? Of course, the pantywaste completely omitted the whole brandishing and pointing the gun thing. Gonna go down to the Magistrate's office tomorrow and demand a hearing to contest this. People just fucking suck.
About 9 days ago, one of my dogs managed to bolt out of my gate before I could get it closed. Since my next-door neighbor's dog and mine are only separated by a wire fence, they're very familiar with each other and they're all friends. So that day, she gets out and goes in his yard, since he usually leaves his gate wide open and his dog could run free basically at will. She's in his yard running around with his dog, and his response is to pull his gun and chase her around, threatening to shoot her if she hurts his cats. She wanted to play with her friend, couldn't care less about his cats.

So after a couple of minutes, she runs out of his yard and I assume the episode is over. He gets in his truck and leaves. In the meantime, our two dogs were joined by yet another dog from the guy across the street. A few minutes later, douchebag comes back, sees all 3 dogs huddled up and doing dog things off the side of the road, and locks up his brakes and skids off the road trying to hit all 3 dogs. I'm kind of an animal person, so I was pretty fucking incredulous over seeing this. I walked out of my gate onto the side of the road, about 40-50 feet away and start verbally berating him. I'm yelling, "what the fuck are you doing?? did you lose your fucking mind" and stuff like that. The scumfuck then turns towards me, reaches in his pants pocket and pulls out a gun. Points it at me before swinging it around and yelling, "I'll just shoot these fucking dogs." As much as I despise cops and having to deal with them, there's just some shit you don't let slide. So I went to the local Sheriff's office and filed a report. Someone who'd pull a gun over this kinda bullshit clearly has impulse control issues, as well as just being a total coward, so I wanted it documented just in case he does something like this again. I'm the kinda asshole who'll typically be happy to oblige someone stepping up to me and wanting to start some shit, but can't do much about someone who's only got enough balls to wave a gun around from a safe distance.

Fast forward to today, I get a Constable at my gate to serve me the injunction against harassment. I read it and see that he lied about many of the details, saying me and my neighbor's dog were attacking his, so apparently his brilliant plan to "break up the fight" was to try to run all 3 of them down? Of course, the pantywaste completely omitted the whole brandishing and pointing the gun thing. Gonna go down to the Magistrate's office tomorrow and demand a hearing to contest this. People just fucking suck.

Don’t let him take anymore energy from you my g. The best revenge is finding your peace again, know you’re loved. Your dog loves you for protecting it, I’m sure you got family who loves you. 1 sick person can really get us down on humanity sometimes I catch that vibe. But end of the day, that dude is probably so alone, and miserable, all you gotta do is keep living life to win. I may never know you, but I love you and, there’s more good people than bad! Never give in!!!! Rage against the dying of the light!!!!
I'm picking up what you're putting out, but I see it a bit differently. We've had zero contact since it happened, so I'd assumed we were just gonna go on about our lives as if each other didn't exist. I'm exceptional at doing just that with people, so I'd have been fine with it. Really not eager to have to deal with any magistrates or cops, and even beyond the general principle involved, my concern is this: He's shown himself to be a liar. I have a witness who was standing maybe 8 feet from me when this happened and will corroborate my story, but as long as that injunction is in place, he can and likely will just make up absolute bullshit to get more cops at my gate. All he really has to do is SAY I did or said something and I'm sure someone will have to "investigate" it. I'm an asshole, and I've been openly and loudly critical of the first responders and cops in this region. I'm sure there are some of them who'd love something resembling RAS to come and try to fuck me over. If I successfully contest and quash the injunction, it's one less bit of bullshit hanging over my head. I was content to let sleeping dogs lie, but if he wants to come at me, the truth is on my side and I'm MUCH more shrewd and intelligent than he is - and I've got all the time in the world. I'm bored out of my mind with life, so something worth focusing on may not be such a bad thing right about now.
The people that own your mortgages and want your homes back to sell to a couple more people like you at a higher price are smiling while you two live your lives out as enemies... it only works one way... then there's peace, forgiveness, responsibility, honor and maturity... but that's all unfashionable these days.

But hey.. my last landlord is so evil he owned a bad car dealership and had eighteen properties he owned and managed. I work harder than him and do more difficult work and can't imagine how he had the time to manage so much time like that unless somebody powerful was helping making it happen. That's how I know some of these conspiracy theories are real. There really are some evil forces that get away with everything they do, based on us regular people getting fucked.

Your post, the animals, I have cats, I live around dog owners, something arranges this shit. it isn't good/bad luck. or freak occurrence.

Or ..think about the ancient Egyptians. Maybe its all these fury little bastards that ended their civilization. That's all I can think of with this picture you've painted for me. I think people are worse than animals. Best of luck...
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The people that own your mortgages and want your homes back to sell to a couple more people like you at a higher price are smiling while you two live your lives out as enemies... it only works one way... then there's peace, forgiveness, responsibility, honor and maturity... but that's all unfashionable these days.

But hey.. my last landlord is so evil he owned a bad car dealership and had eighteen properties he owned and managed. I work harder than him and do more difficult work and can't imagine how he had the time to manage so much time like that unless somebody powerful was helping making it happen. That's how I know some of these conspiracy theories are real. There really are some evil forces that get away with everything they do, based on us regular people getting fucked.

Your post, the animals, I have cats, I live around dog owners, something arranges this shit. it isn't good/bad luck. or freak occurrence.

Or ..think about the ancient Egyptians. Maybe its all these fury little bastards that ended their civilization. That's all I can think of with this picture you've painted for me. I think people are worse than animals. Best of luck...

Damn homie… victimized mindset stuck thinking the world is evil. Even the dogs and cats?! Remember you’re loved, and can love.

I feel for your life without a change. Idk maybe it’s where you live? Where I’m at, good hard working people get ahead in life. Those who do good and give, have more blessed upon them. Good people outnumber bad 100x to 1x.

we still take care of our elders, and the poor. We still love community and simple good+kindness.

I remember being younger and feeling like it’s rugged. But now I’m the property owner and I keep my prices cool even when the market goes wild, you have to change the game yourself. And it’s set up by some basic rules that once you’re in, it’s basically rigged to continually make you wealthier. Just that first launch pad is difficult my guy. Keep going.
Man this is fucked up. I honestly thought at first , considering that your dogs play, that you may of had a decent relationship with your neighbor. Completely unnecessary shit. Any possibility the third party can/ could be found as a witness. Sounds like they were there and him and his dog were also threatened. Your a good guy it sounds better than me. The reaction of the neighbor seems truly American unfortunately and its a serious crime here. Atleast it used to be its all so hard to tell anymore. I can say with certainty, knowing my own personal flaws, that if someone shot my dog it would also be the end of my freedom.
Man this is fucked up. I honestly thought at first , considering that your dogs play, that you may of had a decent relationship with your neighbor.
We did. Over the past few years, I've given him more free weed than I can even begin to remember. His house caught on fire almost exactly 2 years ago. The first responders here are so fucking inept and worthless that they parked the fire engine, dragged out the hose, sat it on the ground and just stood around. I actually videotaped much of the debacle when I wasn't working the hose and put that shit on YouTube. As I'd suggested, the cops and official types around really don't like me. My neighbor was the first one to grab the hose and actually try to use it. When I saw this, I marched my fat ass over there in shorts and sandals and took turns on the hose trying to save his house. I'm an angry person and can be a world-class prick, but I AM the kinda prick you my want on your side when shit goes sideways. We'd had a disagreement or 2 before this, but we were on very good terms before he pulled this shit. Hell, a few months ago I saw his phone screen was trashed so I gave him my old Note 5 for free just so he'd have something usable. I'm an asshole that feels an odd compulsion to help people even though I'm a major misanthrope.
Possibly that witness could go and refute his story on thier own.That would give them a chance to add info before you contest the order?If it was my dogs,I would definitely be in the fight.No tolerance for hate on animals.
I went to the Magistrate office yesterday, to formally request a hearing to contest. That should happen within the next 10 days, and I found out that I can have a witness. He completely neglected to mention the part where he pulled the gun in his written statement for the injunction. When I mentioned that part to the lady that was helping me, here eyes got wide and she went and got me the paperwork to file my own injunction, urging me to do it since a gun was involved. Really fucking don't wanna deal with cops or any of this shit, but my neighbor made all the important decisions to bring this current state of affairs about. He may have fucked himself by not leaving well enough alone. Guess we'll find out before too long.

I'm right there with you with the lack of tolerance for hurting animals. That's some cowardly shit there and not something I'm typically gonna be able to just let slide.
Damn homie… victimized mindset stuck thinking the world is evil. Even the dogs and cats?! Remember you’re loved, and can love.

I feel for your life without a change. Idk maybe it’s where you live? Where I’m at, good hard working people get ahead in life. Those who do good and give, have more blessed upon them. Good people outnumber bad 100x to 1x.

we still take care of our elders, and the poor. We still love community and simple good+kindness.

I remember being younger and feeling like it’s rugged. But now I’m the property owner and I keep my prices cool even when the market goes wild, you have to change the game yourself. And it’s set up by some basic rules that once you’re in, it’s basically rigged to continually make you wealthier. Just that first launch pad is difficult my guy. Keep going.

I'm not going to go into my situation, but with what your experiencing, I can conclude you've had a particular life situation... I would have agreed with you years ago, i came from a semi-priviledged family. But I've gone through something relating to my new career that has made me rethink the whole thing. It's actually opened my eyes to how things are. Beyond how I want them.

I grew up in small towns and never noticed the racism, even moving to San Diego and LA from New York. In the city I live in now its so segregated I almost think we're back in the 1950s. And this isn't mentioning all the wars happening, school shootings and endless stories I read about on the news of people killing one another.. I go to a local casino to get Chinese food, they have a great restaurant there. I never gamble, my eyes pop out of my head watching/listening to people throwing their money away and its insane. Its the only dream they have and it will never happen and the casino profits without a care in the world. That's how the world works.

And then the entertainment and arts/literary business are so unfair, until you get involved you'll never understand that the moneymakers in this world are ice cold calculating capitalists and no amount of love will ever stop it... and I'm not referring to first time home owners living in small towns or people who've had some privilege's or even people who just work hard and are lucky enough to have a well paying job..

Some of us can worker harder than others and get nothing. And I don't even think that its some of us. I think its most of us...

It's evil.
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I'm not going to go into my situation, but with what your experiencing, I can conclude you've had a particular life situation... I would have agreed with you years ago, i came from a semi-priviledged family. But I've gone through something relating to my new career that has made me rethink the whole thing. It's actually opened my eyes to how things are. Beyond how I want them.

I grew up in small towns and never noticed the racism, even moving to San Diego and LA from New York. In the city I live in now its so segregated I almost think we're back in the 1950s. And this isn't mentioning all the wars happening, school shootings and endless stories I read about on the news of people killing one another.. I go to a local casino to get Chinese food, they have a great restaurant there. I never gamble, my eyes pop out of my head watching/listening to people throwing their money away and its insane. Its the only dream they have and it will never happen and the casino profits without a care in the world. That's how the world works.

And then the entertainment and arts/literary business are so unfair, until you get involved you'll never understand that the moneymakers in this world are ice cold calculating capitalists and no amount of love will ever stop it... and I'm not referring to first time home owners living in small towns or people who've had some privilege's or even people who just work hard and are lucky enough to have a well paying job..

Some of us can worker harder than others and get nothing. And I don't even think that its some of us. I think its most of us...

It's evil.

This is America, I came from not shit, but had citizenship which is enough. Have friends who are first wave immigrants and now on stellar businesses. The difference here in those who make it, and don’t… as I see it is 2 things:
1. Grit - the ability to reapply after failure or undesired result with the same hunger as the first attempt.
2.The ability to learn, adapt, and admit when they’re wrong or weak and modify those areas.

It’s almost never luck or privilege. I’ve seen rich folks piss it all away w one bad family member. It’s consistent grind. This is the NBA of the world. Everybody else wants in, and is mainly refused.

A lot of times if I found myself around evil, or bad things/people it was my own philosophy, lifestyle, and lack of morales&God and my pride+stubborn nature telling me I could do it I was good, even though everything sucked ass for me at that time. And after changing it streamlined in the opposite direction.
This is the NBA of the world. Everybody else wants in, and is mainly refused.

I agree with that much. I understand your thinking/Situation but I have my own. I've been through things I wont bring up and it all only makes sense one way. There are certainly two sides to everything, or how we perceive it inside of us, our ability to understand both, but I think outside of what we think/feel... there's really only one

except the crazy redneck dude trying to shoot dogs that’s bad luck those people are 0.1% of the world

I disagree its 0.1% That may just be what's on the surface. And money isn't the root of all people. People are..
Strange we went from a time where you could be walking to the park with dad and a corvette would go by he’d say wow thats nice stay in school and work hard you can have one. Now same situation dad looks at kid and says who does that douche think he is…..

that is very very perceptive.
Winners don't know they are in a race,they just love to run...
Strange we went from a time where you could be walking to the park with dad and a corvette would go by he’d say wow thats nice stay in school and work hard you can have one. Now same situation dad looks at kid and says who does that douche think he is…..
This is the point, immigrants do well because they have an optimistic mindset.Optimism is frequently overlooked by policy makers but covid has shown us its value.The whole story is not being told.(See Bam for the whole story)
Winners don't know they are in a race,they just love to run...

This is the point, immigrants do well because they have an optimistic mindset.Optimism is frequently overlooked by policy makers but covid has shown us its value.The whole story is not being told.(See Bam for the whole story)
Let’s just leave that alone
To the OP
Pets aren’t considered family members by law
Which is BS in my eyes
I lost a flat coat retriever to a douche who claimed he “feared for his LIEfe “
If I we’re you I would emphasize the fear you felt for your well being more so than the dogs
Maybe even mention possible innocent others who could have been harmed
Just a tip on people who suck like that
And you still have to live with the moron
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