Examples of GOP Leadership

An example of Donald doing what Donald does best. They are gonna love him when he starts to panic and demands "loyalty".
When Donald goes down there will be a mixture of shock and awe, along with a sense of relief and a burden lifted for many republicans. Donald is a heavy burden to bear and he is gonna get a lot heavier soon enough. Christie was a prosecutor and knows the score, he must figure Donald's days to indictment are down to double digits by now.

Chris 'meatloaf' Christie? The first coveted lunch at the WH in the Oval DR..Trump ordered for him- meatloaf. Talk about a slam and being one sick fuck..remember folks DeSantis is his mini-me and you'll be sorry.

<scrolling through Canadian membership list>

Edit: What tantrum? You went on Twitter to complain about something Trump is doing on Truth Social? Time for Hot Goat Yoga. Oh goody!! The gauntlet has been thrown to the ground, aye @Sir Napsalot aye!
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The republicans won't be giving Donald the heave-ho until they are sure he is gonna be indicted and are praying the judge locks him up until trial! Donald is going down and they can smell the blood in the water.

In apparent rebuke to Trump, Kochs look to turn the page

51,392 views Feb 6, 2023 #GOP #Republicans #Trump
The New York Times' Kenneth Vogel reports on how the Koch Network is preparing to get involved in the 2024 presidential primaries with the aim of moving on from Trump.
someone splain me this. Santos told no-holds-barred lies before and after getting elected. Seems to me he’d continue the trend to hold onto his committee seats.
Suddenly he is showing the uncharacteristic appearance of something resembling scruples. That can’t be it, so his scorpion sense must be a-tingle.

What could scare Kitara Unbound from pursuing the logical course of ambition?

The explanation is the rank and file would not vote to oust AOC when he was still on committees. Some in the GOP are not blind to the fact everyone is saying they are hypocritical bastards.

Pretty soon the entire educational library of the state of florida will be bibles. . . . . . . . .
I'm thinking seriously about opening a you tube temple teaching old time religion, pointing out all the fucked up shit in the bible. Most of my neighbors wouldn't know what to think if told the sin in gay sex is acting like a woman, so only the man on his knees is sinning. (so I guess sideways 69 is cool?)

All girls should be married off at 12 years old and are expected to have kids every year until they die. At which point the husband will arrange the purchase of another 12 year old to go through the whole cycle again It's not uncommon for a man to have 4 or 5 wives over a lifetime.

Child sacrifice is another old time religious habit that has gone by the wayside. First fruits include the womb according to scripture. While I will not ask anyone to kill their kid in God's name, I would accept a few months of their labor if anyone wanted to make that sacrifice to the temple.
George Santos at 2:00..I just woke up so please set it yourself. :shock:

If the story about the dog is true George Santos need to do some prison time. And not in a friendly one. I hope he gets a cockmeat sandwich everyday. Bad enough he's a compulsive liar, the shit I heard about with the dog makes me want to deal with him myself, :twisted:.
The explanation is the rank and file would not vote to oust AOC when he was still on committees. Some in the GOP are not blind to the fact everyone is saying they are hypocritical bastards.
Since I cannot imagine Kitara coming to the conclusion unassisted, am I correct in inferring that one or more of his peers gave him some rather positive assistance?

while this story is informational on the surface, I'm much more interested in the division it shows within the republican party.
scott and lee challenged turkeywattle mcconnell, lost, and are now paying the price for that challenge...(Damn i find it hard not to preface his name with "fuckface" or "douchebag" or worse) ted cruz voted against mcconnell...you know mcconnell won't let it pass unanswered...and 7 others voted against mcconnell. I would be wildly surprised if all 10 of them didn't end up with shit assignments, taking fact finding trips to antartica, inspecting military bases in Afghanistan at the height of their summer, perhaps inspections of egg farms, in relation to the current outrageous price gouging...
I hear there is some kind of malfeasance happening at slaughter houses every summer, when it's really hot...that sure seems to need investigation...
just a happy coincidence that they need to actually be present in the house to vote on anything...
Here we have Queen Qtard raging at a gym …

Somebody please throw a barbell.
Note : How much uglier she is …

If the story about the dog is true George Santos need to do some prison time. And not in a friendly one. I hope he gets a cockmeat sandwich everyday. Bad enough he's a compulsive liar, the shit I heard about with the dog makes me want to deal with him myself, :twisted:.

'If'? They had to put the dog down. Party affiliation: Dog Heaven.

Prediction: George Santos: Federal lockup for wire fraud where he will kill himself or be killed.
If the story about the dog is true George Santos need to do some prison time. And not in a friendly one. I hope he gets a cockmeat sandwich everyday. Bad enough he's a compulsive liar, the shit I heard about with the dog makes me want to deal with him myself, :twisted:.
so santos lying his way into office, defrauding every single person who donated to his campaign, laundering money, and the republicans refusing to kick his ass out of office because they know he'll vote how they tell him to vote isn't enough to piss you off...but when you mistreat a dog, THAT'S when shit has to stop?
don't think for a minute that i support animal abuse, but it just seems kind of odd that all that other shit that negatively effects everyone in the entire country, isn't enough to get some people riled up, but add animal abuse to the recipe, and then they want to start gathering wood to burn the fucker at the stake...¿
so santos lying his way into office, defrauding every single person who donated to his campaign, laundering money, and the republicans refusing to kick his ass out of office because they know he'll vote how they tell him to vote isn't enough to piss you off...but when you mistreat a dog, THAT'S when shit has to stop?
don't think for a minute that i support animal abuse, but it just seems kind of odd that all that other shit that negatively effects everyone in the entire country, isn't enough to get some people riled up, but add animal abuse to the recipe, and then they want to start gathering wood to burn the fucker at the stake...¿

That's because the FBI is involved, therefore, reality. Righties have a grading system everything from throwing beer bottles at Chinese Spy Balloon at 60k feet to Tourist Day at the Capitol.

Note to self: Accountability still gets their attention..we must press on.

I stick with my prediction.
That's because the FBI is involved, therefore, reality. Righties have a grading system everything from throwing beer bottles at Chinese Spy Balloon at 60k feet to Tourist Day at the Capitol.

Note to self: Accountability still gets their attention..we must press on.

I stick with my prediction.
Ah, i see...the FBI grants an air of legitimacy when it's convenient for the republicans, but at all other times, they're a weaponized arm of the Biden administration, who are lying about trump, and protecting Hunter Biden?

feldman eye.gif