Ursus marijanus
and yet, even with the restraints slapped on him by every Republican in Congress pulling the other way, he was one hell of a good Chief Exec.Not that I ever saw, read, or heard about …but I think slapping Obama w/ that certainly counts
gotta say, tho: they came AWFUL CLOSE w/ Clinton. That whole ‘first black president’ thing that went on after he won in ‘92 - that sank deep with the “never call an n-word ‘sir’” crowd…which IMO why Obama was declared a one-term president by Moscow Mitch: the worst possible thing for the US racist had come to pass - an ACTUAL black-American POTUS - therefore he & all his works must be thrown down and erased as completely as possible, as quickly as possible.
Kinda puts El Chumpo in a (slightly) different light
He picked a solid Veep as well.