Gun control is coming

My comment was specifically targeted at people upset about gun suicide.

To me, an American in the rural Midwest, the whole gun control argument is moot. There will never be anyone kicking in doors around here to confiscate guns they have no way of knowing a person has. And they sure won’t be arresting people at the county fair for “hate speech”.

In a country with a constitution specifically stating weapon ownership is a right, gun control is just something for people to argue about. But 400,000,000 guns aren’t going anywhere.
They will confiscate illegal firearms as police run across them. Traffic stops and gun ranges are likely candidates. If you leave your firearm locked away at home in your gun safe you will probably be OK. But drive around with it or wave it around at the gun range and you might have problems.
can anyone imagine hundreds of thousands of Americans just handing over their rifles and hand guns in order for them to get smashed up by the government, like what happened down under, thats funny :lol:
In the rural Midwest most people shoot on their own land. The range is usually a buddies property with fishing ponds and atv paths.

I’ve heard the gun control bs my whole life. All it really does is drum up sales through fear.
People have been buying product x before it gets banned for decades.
It doesn't matter where it is, if the cops hear it, they have grounds to check it out, no matter what kind of signs you have posted. Funny thing about cops, they don't have to obey no trespassing signs if they have a reason not to, and they ALWAYS have a reason not to...
So if they hear you firing, and count more shots in a row than are allowed, that's probable cause. You buying a ton of legal ammo could be considered probable cause, you saying anything that they hear repeated is probable cause...
I've heard the non gun control bs for about the last 20 years...I'm not sure how to reply to those people, who clearly are divorced from reality, and not even paying alimony. There are cold hard statistics that prove that stricter gun control laws lead to less gun deaths. Period. Indisputably. And yet, they dispute those cold hard facts, with no hope of winning, and the gun lobbyist keep buying politicians, mostly republican they don't have to win a debate, they just buy those that make the laws.
i wonder what the gun lobbyist will do when a lot of their investments are sitting in prison cells for being insurrectionists?
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In the rural Midwest most people shoot on their own land. The range is usually a buddies property with fishing ponds and atv paths.

I’ve heard the gun control bs my whole life. All it really does is drum up sales through fear.
People have been buying product x before it gets banned for decad

LaPierre has taught this one well.
can anyone imagine hundreds of thousands of Americans just handing over their rifles and hand guns in order for them to get smashed up by the government, like what happened down under, thats funny :lol:

thats what needs to happen for it to have any effect

be like trying to take a chocolate bar off a fat kid, and telling him chocolate is bad for you, and not to buy any more

suppose thats why so many celebs from the states move to Byron bay when they visit here less guns

I can imagine hundreds of thousands doing so. But with over 70 million people owning guns in the US, a couple hundred thousand won’t make much of a difference.
I can imagine hundreds of thousands doing so. But with over 70 million people owning guns in the US, a couple hundred thousand won’t make much of a difference.

yes i know that,

i was going to say millions, but typed hundreds of thousands

same idea, no one will comply unless its mandatory across the board for every one
Have you never been on 100+ acres of private property? There are no cops. If there were they are guys we all went to school with that would refuse to enforce anti 2a laws. Look at eastern Oregon.

Small communities rock.
I live on a 100 acre farm and 12 years ago, just before a moose hunting trip I had some guys out to sight in the rifles. After about 10 minutes 3 cop cars came racing down my road to investigate. Times are changing here due to the urban exodus to the country and gun shots are scary to them.
I live on a 100 acre farm and 12 years ago, just before a moose hunting trip I had some guys out to sight in the rifles. After about 10 minutes 3 cop cars came racing down my road to investigate. Times are changing here due to the urban exodus to the country and gun shots are scary to them.
theres shit getting blasted all night round here by professional contact shooters no one gives a fuck, because of gun control i spose
Have you never been on 100+ acres of private property? There are no cops. If there were they are guys we all went to school with that would refuse to enforce anti 2a laws. Look at eastern Oregon.

Small communities rock.
I don't think overthrowing democracy one step at at time is a winning position. Vlad agrees with the NRA on this point, though. And 100 acres isn't big enough to hide the sound of rifle shots. 100 acres is only the width of two forties and a half at its widest point.
Have you never been on 100+ acres of private property? There are no cops. If there were they are guys we all went to school with that would refuse to enforce anti 2a laws. Look at eastern Oregon.

Small communities rock.
As long as you keep that illegal gun on that property, and don't mind being a criminal, with the threat of jail time, to keep that gun, knock yourself out...And all those cop buddies? They stop being buddies when the public gets pissy and starts giving them shit about not doing their jobs...that's where you hear shit like "sorry bobby joe, nothing personal, but you aren't as important to me as feeding my family and paying my mortgage."
the facts of the matter is all they have to do is restrict ammunition sales and the sales of reloading supplies, and all the sudden you have a lot of expensive, illegal paper weights. some people will have stockpiles of ammo, but they ain't gonna share that shit with anyone.
no matter what law you decide to break to keep illegal weapons, they can and will make them as useless as possible, and people like you will be the reason they're doing it.
keep breaking the law, and they'll keep making more drastic laws, with harsher consequences, until it's forced into something more, something dangerous...
You guys really don’t understand. The police in rural America won’t enforce anti 2a laws. In fact, many rural county sheriffs have vowed to not allow federal agents to do so either.

As I said earlier it’s a moot point. The 2a prevents any real control over firearms. All the huffing and puffing does is energize the base, and sell more firearms.
you don't really understand...the second amendment was added to the constitution, and it can be removed from it, when the majority of the country makes an issue of it, and fuck the gun industry...that is what all of this is pushing towards...psychopaths and criminals who will always want more, are going to get it all made illegal...don't blame liberals, blame magats.
The saying there is a well armed citizen behind every blade of grass rings true here in the rural Midwest.
Folks you would never imagine unless you bring up the subject of safety in light of all the current madness you see on the news. They may tell you to reach behind you and feel in the couch you are sitting in. Open up the end table drawer next to you. Check under the couch behind your feet. Look in the corner next to the front door.
People in their 90s, 20s, don't matter. Not talking about rebellious or waaay right extreme people. Just everyday good folks.
with the way people talk int he midwest i wonder how i managed to live in rural ocean trapped middle of actual no where alaska,

so middle of no where frozen tundra of canada

its almost like we didnt need a gun in either place....

The saying there is a well armed citizen behind every blade of grass rings true here in the rural Midwest.
Folks you would never imagine unless you bring up the subject of safety in light of all the current madness you see on the news. They may tell you to reach behind you and feel in the couch you are sitting in. Open up the end table drawer next to you. Check under the couch behind your feet. Look in the corner next to the front door.
People in their 90s, 20s, don't matter. Not talking about rebellious or waaay right extreme people. Just everyday good folks.
there has only been a ten percent fluctuation in the last 50 years...we aren't even at the high of 1990.
the problem isn't gun ownership, it's high capacity magazines, it's sloppy background checks, it's not stringent enough rules.
It's the gun industry scaring the fuck out of idiots. If they wouldn't run those ads, those lying, misleading, just flatly stupid ads, well, then they would lose money...and we can spare some school kids to keep all those gun makers rich, right?
when they wrote your 2nd amendment, did it say the right to keep and bare fully automatic weapons, or would they have sort of been talking about a rifle
when they wrote your 2nd amendment, did it say the right to keep and bare fully automatic weapons, or would they have sort of been talking about a rifle
That is a matter of lively debate. You got the guys at Cato suggesting that if you have the cash, the amendment secures your right to own and operate a carrier strike group. Complete with tactical fuck-your-city ordnance.

This is what happens when you take an infallible-Bible approach to the Bill of Rights.
when they wrote your 2nd amendment, did it say the right to keep and bare fully automatic weapons, or would they have sort of been talking about a rifle
they wouldn't have even been talking about a rifle in the modern sense. They had flintlock muskets. Single round weapons that took a skilled musketeer around 15-20 seconds to load. No rifling in the barrels, no hollow point or armor piercing rounds, no high capacity magazines, no speed loaders, no bump stocks, no full auto conversion kits...How the radical right got to here from there is pretty fucking amazing...
The saying there is a well armed citizen behind every blade of grass rings true here in the rural Midwest.
Folks you would never imagine unless you bring up the subject of safety in light of all the current madness you see on the news. They may tell you to reach behind you and feel in the couch you are sitting in. Open up the end table drawer next to you. Check under the couch behind your feet. Look in the corner next to the front door.
People in their 90s, 20s, don't matter. Not talking about rebellious or waaay right extreme people. Just everyday good folks.
What you said contradicts with surveys that find 40% of households in the US own a gun.

Maybe it is different in the Midwest or maybe what you are experiencing is due to the poor character of people you associate with.

From the graphic below, the Midwest is likely skewed toward higher toward gun ownership. Most gun deaths are either due to murder or suicide, btw. Those guns owned for "self defense" are killing a lot of innocent people. This is such a stupid issue.

It states “arms” meaning weapons.
so you think they were time travelers? that they were aware that weapons would advance to their current state? They wrote that in the 1770s...To try to apply it to the current situation is not sane.

What people aren’t understanding is that there are many localities and states that would not follow any changes to the 2a. Our local Sheriff would band with citizens to keep the feds out of our county to confiscate arms.
And that would lead to the nightmare scenario where people are dying and killing others to keep their illegal your sherrif would become a criminal, abet other criminals, and ultimately get all of you killed in the inevitable standoff you have no chance of winning.
are you sure you want to go out in a blaze of glory? because the rest of us aren't going to remember it that way, we'll all remember it as you were criminals who fought the law, and lost.