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Well-Known Member
Ya all the time doesnt work i do it all the time it just happens to me while im already drinking. Best thing is meth that shit workx
Ya all the time doesnt work i do it all the time it just happens to me while im already drinking. Best thing is meth that shit workx
Im fucken kidding jeez lolz ya dude it doesnt work believe me im an alkie it doesnt work olive leaf and lemon balm chicken soup but best thing is eat real food greens and erbs and spices so you dont get sick
I was kidding but no pollen in the liquor just sugar rapid yeist and a still same as a fractional distalation same exzact prosesI used to be an alkie. The bee pollen in the whiskey worked.meth would probably work to but then you are addicted to meth
BEST HANGOVER CURE: Wake up and drink water and get some food and toke a bowl. The food on your stomach will worsen the hangover as the liver will be over taxed. Get a 12 pak of your favorite beer. Drink 8 or 9 beers then STOP drinking. Have a early dinner and wait at least 4-5 hours before going to bed. Next day you should be fine. Time tested works great. The cure also works as a prevention. The key is to sober up before bedtime.
You sound like a newbie. 8 beers is for a mild cold. For a more serious cold it requires double that. COVID takes a triple dose. And you should never sober up before bed.BEST HANGOVER CURE: Wake up and drink water and get some food and toke a bowl. The food on your stomach will worsen the hangover as the liver will be over taxed. Get a 12 pak of your favorite beer. Drink 8 or 9 beers then STOP drinking. Have a early dinner and wait at least 4-5 hours before going to bed. Next day you should be fine. Time tested works great. The cure also works as a prevention. The key is to sober up before bedtime.
alchohol gives an feeling of warmth but in reality it lowers body temperatureJagermeister. All the way.
The Deutsch don't drink Jager' to party like we do here in the states or in other parts of the world. Jager Meister literally translates into "Master Hunter" or "Hunting Master" depending on interpretation. It's use is to keep hunters warm and relatively healthy in the coldest and wettest of conditions and is often used to treat seasonal illness.
I am fully qualified of such an honorable mention in that I currently have two 55 gallon trash cans chalk-full of empty Jager bottles out back as we speak. Fernet-Branca is another of my favorite liquer-esque elixirs with benefits and should be explored. I've since stopped drinking ethyl alcohol myself and I refuse to let those trash cans move because they're my reminder. This isn't to say that I don't highly recommend either of these for their intended usage...
There is absolutely nothing better for your complexion; in aiding digestion; as an anti-inflammatory; sleep aid; astringent; anti-depressant; immuno booster; neurological tonic and aphrodisiac than those mentioned above.
Jager/Franet both will alleviate quite a few ailments at onset and well after incubation has set in. If you're already phukt then drink them anyway. Might as well make the best of a warm fire and NetFlix.
I was drinking about a 12 pack a night in till this past December and now I'm California sober lol! But I still think about drinking every day the cravings are pretty bad sometimes I even dream about drinking! Honestly I'm just trying to hang in there in till this summer then I'm going to unleash the beast and rock out with my cock out lol!I know it's good for a sore throat if your cold has brought that on. That being said, be careful with alcohol. I'm an alcoholic. It sucks . And it continues to ruin my life. I honestly just don't know how to beat and stay off the booze.