Happy Birthday Lokie

Ladies and Gentlemen, friends, fans and followers alike, Thank You all for your attention in this unique event.

My Bday was filled with good news/bad news events.

Good news- Started the day with clear missions and a cookie. His and hers Dr. appointments was the goal..

First stop was for her.

Bad news - the simple procedure was not an option.
Good news - the not simple option was the best choice offered to begin with.

Good news - Breakfast of Eggs Benedict was top notch, service was good and doggie boxes were carried away.
Bad news - After the last bite a crown came loose. Better later than sooner in that case. I put the crown and post in my pocket.

Good news - My Dr. appointment was with with the dentist.
Bad news - The appointment was for an extraction and bone graft of the same tooth.

Good news - There was little discomfort due to the 2 cookies ingested prior to the Novocaine injections.
Bad news - The dentist chair was more uncomfortable than the procedures.

Good news - There was no drilling involved.
Bad news - The wiggling of the extraction triggered visuals in my mind.

Good news - PORN visuals distracted from what was actually happening.
Bad news - I started to grin midst extraction.

Good news - Once the extraction was complete the graft was not as intense.
Bad news - During the lull of excitement I was fighting "The Sandman".

Laying horizontal for an hour and a half after consuming 2 thc laden cookies is prime sleep time
no matter what else is going on in the whole wide world.

Good news - The best was achieved from the visit and I still like he service received from this facility, even though I do harbor resentment for the recent changes that have been made in their practice.

Temporarily I have a Redneck smile to match my Red Neck.
Red Neck Laughing animated emoticon

The rest of the evening passed in a blur of cookies and cheep adult beverages.

Good news - All is not for naught.
Bad news - Next comes implants.:?
For myself I bought a new pair of Fiskars.

And a Cuisinart grill wok.
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Gifts received were:
A refillable torch lighter.
A "keep fresh" container of sufficient size to contain a portable stress kit.
Tickets to a viewing of 2000 mules.

And an all expenses paid trip to see Sir Tom Jones at Wolftrap.
Knighted by Queen Elizabeth in 2006, Sir Tom Jones has always been pop royalty. Jones became an icon with hits including “It’s Not Unusual,” “What’s New Pussycat,” and “She’s a Lady.” Now, he returns to Wolf Trap on the heels of his most recent album, Surrounded By Time (2021).
