Ladies and Gentlemen, friends, fans and followers alike, Thank You all for your attention in this unique event.
My Bday was filled with good news/bad news events.
Good news- Started the day with clear missions and a cookie. His and hers Dr. appointments was the goal..
First stop was for her.
Bad news - the simple procedure was not an option.
Good news - the not simple option was the best choice offered to begin with.
Good news - Breakfast of
Eggs Benedict was top notch, service was good and doggie boxes were carried away.
Bad news - After the last bite a crown came loose. Better later than sooner in that case. I put the crown and post in my pocket.
Good news - My Dr. appointment was with with the dentist.
Bad news - The appointment was for an extraction and bone graft of the same tooth.
Good news - There was little discomfort due to the 2 cookies ingested prior to the Novocaine injections.
Bad news - The dentist chair was more uncomfortable than the procedures.
Good news - There was no drilling involved.
Bad news - The wiggling of the extraction triggered visuals in my mind.
Good news - PORN visuals distracted from what was actually happening.
Bad news - I started to grin midst extraction.
Good news - Once the extraction was complete the graft was not as intense.
Bad news - During the lull of excitement I was fighting "The Sandman".
Laying horizontal for an hour and a half after consuming 2 thc laden cookies is prime sleep time
no matter what else is going on in the whole wide world.
Good news - The best was achieved from the visit and I still like he service received from this facility, even though I do harbor resentment for the recent changes that have been made in their practice.
Temporarily I have a Redneck smile to match my Red Neck.
The rest of the evening passed in a blur of cookies and cheep adult beverages.
Good news - All is not for naught.
Bad news - Next comes implants.