Ursus marijanus
Imo a better metric is defensive uses divided by accidental or negligent gunshot injuries/deaths. Iirc that ratio is about one in fifteen.Your reason is exactly why I contemplated getting a gun. To protect myself from other gun owners. It's an emotional decision, not a rational one (see below). It also propagates the cycle of gun violence.
From a practical POV, It's very rare that a gun owner will successfully use their gun in self defense.
About 80 million people own a gun. In 2018, guns were successfully used in self defense 70,000 times or 0.0875% of gun owners used a gun in self defense. It's a tiny number. To put it in perspective, one can expect to flip a fair coin ten times and get heads every time 0.098% of the time.
For that, I should go through all the hassle of buying, maintaining, securing, practicing, finding the right holster, etc., all the while introducing other rare though larger risks that go along with it? It's your choice to make and maybe you live in an area that is much less safe that I do. But for me, no thanks.
Still compelling statistics. I have no interest in carrying a gun. It’s not only a huge hassle, but the gun is more likely to get me in trouble or even be used against me or mine. It’s not like I have a spec-ops background.
I have a single reasonable defense scenario: I’m in bed, and I hear an unexpected entry.
Even then, the chances are overwhelmingly that it’s a neighbor on a mission of concern, or some dumb kid, or even an offspring seeking unannounced asylum from an abusive partner.
I certainly will not put the finger inside the trigger guard for anything but a known/confirmed malicious intruder. Even in the Methjave Desert that is super unlikely. Easily checked using a camera flash (also kept at hand), which will reveal and disorient the other person and not make an easy target of me.