Anybody use GROWTRONIX


Well-Known Member
i've heard bad things. i was researching one cuz i was too lazy to build one, but for one, their overpriced....i posted some good controllers that i think you'd like in your other thread.... and they are independent meaning they dont need a PC.

also...there is a member of the forum who is building a model like this. im not sure what happened to him....


Well-Known Member
i've heard bad things. i was researching one cuz i was too lazy to build one, but for one, their overpriced....i posted some good controllers that i think you'd like in your other thread.... and they are independent meaning they dont need a PC.

also...there is a member of the forum who is building a model like this. im not sure what happened to him....
What happened to that guy who was showing us how to build one ??

Overpriced for sure, I could make hardware, but I don't know shit about computers, when I go out-of-town it sure would be nice to be able to check the girls.

THX for the advice.


Active Member
I had to sign up for another account to post since I can't figure out my password or email for the regular progrow account but I own a Growtronix system and thought I should chime in. I don't see how people think Growtronix is expensive? Show me another controller that does what it can do for cheaper? The sentinels that loudblunt referred to are ok but they don't have the abilities that Growtronix does and are only slightly cheaper and can't be added to like growtronix can. I have 3 rooms controlled with one growtronix cvontroller and my level of control is much greater then could be had from a sentinel controller. Can sentinel turn off the lights if smoke is detected? How about turn off the pumps if a flood is detected? And send a text message to your cellphone to boot? Can you check in and control the grow room live from your cellphone? How about an emergency shutdown from the cellphone when needed. Can it detect the meter man and turn off the lights before he gets to the meter? Don't think so. To someone who takes growing seriously these features are well worth the money in my opinion.

Another thing that people say about automation is that they prefer the "hands on" approach. Thats just silly in my opinion. Do they sit in their grow room and watch a temperature sensor and turn an exhaust fan on and off??? Same with Co2, Humidity? I figure they're just new growers who don't have the knowledge to know how important it is to control an indoor grow properly. How do they control and syncronize Exhaust fans, Co2 genie, foggers, dehumidifiers, heaters, exhaust systems?? I mean you need SOME type of automation, growers who turn on and off their lights manually aren't doing themselves any favors IMHO. While growtronix and sentinel type controllers are probably overkill for the average grower it's hard to imagine how the heck they get by without it.

Now that I'm sounding like an advertisment I'll give you some negatives about growtronix. I bought my system about 3 years ago and have added to it fairly regularly. If you saw the system I bought back then and what they offer now you wouldn't recognize it,the product seems to change quite a bit. Although always compatible. Second is the build times can be rough when you need some equipment and have to wait at least a week or more for the item to ship. I waited over 3 months for my ph tds and temp meter! The system is sold with regular phone type cord but if your system is anything but small you'll need to make your own cat-5e cables. There is a bit of a learning curve if you ask me, but once it clicks you get excited about the possibilities because the system is completely configurable. Besides that the support is like none other, I've had emails answered in minutes and he's made himself available in the middle of the night to give support through IM chat. To end this long winded opinion I'll just say that Growtronix is an awesome controller and until something better comes out I'll be a loyal user. And whether sentinel, growtronix, climate master or some other controller automate your grow you won't be sorry and you'll still have plenty of work for "hand on" time with the ladies.

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Well-Known Member
Thanks a lot, I'm going to add on in the future, and I like to leave town for a few days at a time.So I think I'll save my pennies for the growtronixs CO2 kit, then add-on as I go.
PG, REP+,you too,GG.


Well-Known Member
not trying to nit pick and shit...but who really wants any traceable shit like text msg to your cell phone or pics and all kinds of shit.

i work with computers AND networks bro.... if it can happen, it WILL happen! im not too keen on putting all my trust into a computer. nor do i think the problem will run good unless regularly rebooted....but who knows!


Well-Known Member
You have to have a dedicated computer to it for one, and I agree I dont use the text feature...

Also dont use a PC, use a apple that isnt connected to the internet.

solves alot of the rebooting problems/needs comonly found with PC's im sure.


Well-Known Member
You have to have a dedicated computer to it for one, and I agree I dont use the text feature...

Also dont use a PC, use a apple that isnt connected to the internet.

solves alot of the rebooting problems/needs comonly found with PC's im sure.
How old an apple can you use ??

I wanted to get one last time, but the price of a PC is so low.


Well-Known Member
not trying to nit pick and shit...but who really wants any traceable shit like text msg to your cell phone or pics and all kinds of shit.

i work with computers AND networks bro.... if it can happen, it WILL happen! im not too keen on putting all my trust into a computer. nor do i think the problem will run good unless regularly rebooted....but who knows!
Pros and cons, perfect, and by competent people no less.:hump:

Sidetrack, computer people.

I don't much of anything about computers,but I know this PC is always getting viruses, my C64 never got sick,LOL.

I have heard Apples don't get sick, is this true??

My PC is almost though, whenever it goes into standby and wakes up it says "you computer has recovered from a serious error" I don't even use stand-by anymore, its so slow, I hate to have to pay for remote asst. sucks, I'm tired of PC problems.I use stop sign it helps but WTF.


Well-Known Member
Apples run on scripts pc's dont, hence apples dont get sick from downloadable spyware and other shit that the internet is full of.

"Designed with security in mind, Mac OS X isn’t plagued by constant attacks from viruses and malware. Likewise, it isn’t inundated by never-ending security dialogs. So you can safely go about your work — or play — without interruption."

Another thing you can do is take a PC and wipe the hard drive put a fresh copy of linux on it and a fresh copy of TREND MICRO (get the one from best buy, DONT DOWNLOAD IT) you will be just as secure as a MAC...

Still reccomend getting the $200 G$ desktop from e-bay to run the growtronix though.


Well-Known Member
yes, apple doesnt to get virus to an extent....they still have their share of cons tho...

with that said...for an operation like this....i wouldnt even run it on an apple....i'd run it on linux...word up!


Well-Known Member
I never saw any... requirements that is..

seems to be running ok for me, they are adequeate computers to handle the job.

a 400mhz apple is like a 1.6ghz intel.


Active Member
I think Growtronix only runs on Windows but I could be wrong. As long as you have a fresh install of windows and dont visit strange websites and install a bunch of random software XP will run for months without a hitch. I usually do reboot regularly just for good measure though. I use the text message feature and don't think it's that much of a security risk, you can set the message to say what you want. And besides if five0 is reading your text messages they probably already know what your up to. I usually do disable the feature to allow remote access unless I need it. The cam feature is nice but another one I choose to disable because I don't like the idea of a camera always having an image of my G-room. I have made some time lapse movies with the cam feature though which are sweet.


Active Member
my growtronix continually and for no apparent reason, looses communications with the sensors and devices and must be restarted. I can not trust it to control only monitor.