Blaze & Daze


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah it's is taco's for me tonight!! And it's been a while so I am drooling!

I was out searching for a used battery for my truck. And like wow to the prices of new ones!! But 2 junkyards later, I scored zero. It's for my old work truck so no real hurry.

I called Daddio today. He had a total hip replacement yesterday, at 86 years old. He lives in a 2nd floor apt, and he thinks he is coming home tomorrow. :roll: He just wants a smoke and a beer and he'll do whatever is necessary to make it happen....But I ain't carrying him up there!!! :o And he's not staying here, either!! :p Love you daddy...

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
I’m too exhausted . Never have I ever been to hospital orientation like the one today. They came out dancing and the dancing never stopped. I learned the shopping cart dance, the lawn mower dance, the weed wacker dance, the River dance and the line dance called the wobble. There was rap and metal music and , girl this and girl that. It was epic. These people are spirited to say the least.

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
Talked to a client at work today in Mesa, AZ and the forecast there is like 112 average for the week o_O :fire:
It’s Arizona in the summertime. It’s always hot like that as I recall . Especially Phoenix. I lived in Tucson for a couple years and it was funny how they would be like saying it’s better in Tucson because cooler Tucson is cooler than Phoenix. Like by a couple degrees. When I lived there back in 2012-2014 110 degrees was kinda the norm in the summer.


Well-Known Member
We live close to Tucson. We're over due for some monsoonal storms. If they start rolling through it's actually quite tolerable.
If not, well, we're close to Mt Lemon, beautiful drive and pretty cool when you get up among the pines and aspen. There's a golf course a little north of us that seldom gets hotter than 102. And in the mornings, you do stuff in the mornings.
And then we seek shade lest we die.