The Junk Drawer


Well-Known Member
There is a reason he was retired a major, given the current manpower shortages. Where is all the tech they've been reverse engineering and how would they keep the scientists silent? This isn't the cold war. Besides Trump probably inquired and would have blabbed about it to the public, it's real "deep state, men in black" stuff. This is not really national security stuff and if America is collecting Alien spare parts so too have other countries and Russia is a big country, the old Soviet Union was even bigger for instance.



Well-Known Member
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. This isn't making much professional news but is being promoted on Twitter a lot. I have yet to see any unexplained technologies that don't have a long trail, a lot of PhDs and solid earth-bound science behind it, big ones win Nobels. Who would be the scientists working on this? Just one or two brilliant minds working alone spanning dozens of disciplines, like in a 1950s sci-fi movie. For something of immense scientific interest and value and not directly related to the military, if it is, where are the weapons or other technologies based on this "long term" program.

The government can't even put Trump in jail FFS and a judge would have to put them in jail for talking about something like this, the US government did not develop it and its rights to possession would be dubious at best. Keeping something like this a secret, I mean having alien hardware and corpses, is not just hard, it is impossible, America is not at war, and this would not be considered a military secret by a judge and jury.



Ursus marijanus
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. This isn't making much professional news but is being promoted on Twitter a lot. I have yet to see any unexplained technologies that don't have a long trail, a lot of PhDs and solid earth-bound science behind it, big ones win Nobels. Who would be the scientists working on this? Just one or two brilliant minds working alone spanning dozens of disciplines, like in a 1950s sci-fi movie. For something of immense scientific interest and value and not directly related to the military, if it is, where are the weapons or other technologies based on this "long term" program.

The government can't even put Trump in jail FFS and a judge would have to put them in jail for talking about something like this, the US government did not develop it and its rights to possession would be dubious at best. Keeping something like this a secret, I mean having alien hardware and corpses, is not just hard, it is impossible, America is not at war, and this would not be considered a military secret by a judge and jury.

Well, I find it telling that months after the 1947 sightings near Roswell, the shelf-life of Twinkies went from weeks to geological epochs.

Also that was the time they introduced the first breakfast cereal that stayed crunchy even after an hour in milk.

While the literature has failed to correlate these phenomena, it is enough to make any serious student of Zetetic Inquiry go hmmmmm.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like he watched alien autopsy and thought it was real, show me the fucking bodies or one piece of alien technology. So, thousands of scientists are studying this stuff, right? If they can't understand it, they would keep bringing in outside help until they did, or do they still have some old German scientists as prisoner and are holding them in a secret underground facility! This is fundamentally different than say the A bomb secret and still the Russians knew all about that, especially when you involve scientists, there must have been some pretty animated meetings and some very good reasons presented to keep the lid on this and even then. So, they excluded all the worlds physicists and other scientists from the "secret". You can't keep a secret between two people FFS, much less involve thousands including the dumb cunts holding the guns guarding it over generations and careers.



Well-Known Member
Well, I find it telling that months after the 1947 sightings near Roswell, the shelf-life of Twinkies went from weeks to geological epochs.

Also that was the time they introduced the first breakfast cereal that stayed crunchy even after an hour in milk.

While the literature has failed to correlate these phenomena, it is enough to make any serious student of Zetetic Inquiry go hmmmmm.
I see the magats are pushing it the most and personally I don't know what to make of some of the testimony, the pilot sightings I can buy, but the alien junkyard with corpses not so much. Logic and reason tell me they are full of shit and as mentioned there are no technological breadcrumbs leading to anything that I'm aware of. Everybody these days is packing a pretty good camera in their cellphone and security cameras abound, how come no new UFO pictures with the proliferation of cameras over the past 20 years? I mean this guy thinks there is a fucking alien traffic jam around earth, and we must be being studied like a zoo specimen. Does America have an exclusive on alien technology, I mean if they were dropping from the sky over tens of thousands of years ya think we would find something in other countries. I mean if the Russians had anything it would have been on the black-market years ago!


Ursus marijanus
I see the magats are pushing it the most and personally I don't know what to make of some of the testimony, the pilot sightings I can buy, but the alien junkyard with corpses not so much. Logic and reason tell me they are full of shit and as mentioned there are no technological breadcrumbs leading to anything that I'm aware of. Everybody these days is packing a pretty good camera in their cellphone and security cameras abound, how come no new UFO pictures with the proliferation of cameras over the past 20 years? I mean this guy thinks there is a fucking alien traffic jam around earth, and we must be being studied like a zoo specimen. Does America have an exclusive on alien technology, I mean if they were dropping from the sky over tens of thousands of years ya think we would find something in other countries. I mean if the Russians had anything it would have been on the black-market years ago!
One thing we learned from the Independence Day movie is that the saucers aren’t shaped like an O so much as a Q.




Well-Known Member
Well, I find it telling that months after the 1947 sightings near Roswell, the shelf-life of Twinkies went from weeks to geological epochs.

Also that was the time they introduced the first breakfast cereal that stayed crunchy even after an hour in milk.

While the literature has failed to correlate these phenomena, it is enough to make any serious student of Zetetic Inquiry go hmmmmm.


Well-Known Member

People benefit from an extended freedom of speech when they demonstrate,” University of Copenhagen law Professor Trine Baumbach told the Reuters news agency, explaining Danish laws. “It does not just include verbal expression. People can express themselves in various ways, such as through the burning of items.

Tough situation. This isn’t just a far-right thing as the second article might suggest. One of the swedish quran burners is an Iraqi refugee. I think freedom of blasphemy is in the top of most important types of freedom of speech/expression/opinion though I have no desire to piss of so many people by burning a for them holy book. Not like it would delete it from the planet anyway. I did smoke a good part of an old bible as rolling paper but that caused a minimal risk to myself and zero chance of attacks on others.

On the other hand, not allowing protesters to burn holy books, by law, just isn’t an option. Banning it under pressure from those who do consider it a holy book would be even worse. That would definitely lead to more quran burnings, or even calls for an international quran+bible+torah burning day. Seems neither side can give in and escalation seems inevitable… and then still neither side will be able to give in.

It’s probably not going to stay isolated to Scandinavia either and it’s not going to be just about burning qurans either. Just a few years ago it required a cartoonist or painter combined with a desire to piss off nearly 2 billion muslims to create any image of Muhammad. Nowadays, with the help of AI, their prophet increasingly features in far more offensive scenes than walking around with a bomb hat.


Well-Known Member

People benefit from an extended freedom of speech when they demonstrate,” University of Copenhagen law Professor Trine Baumbach told the Reuters news agency, explaining Danish laws. “It does not just include verbal expression. People can express themselves in various ways, such as through the burning of items.

Tough situation. This isn’t just a far-right thing as the second article might suggest. One of the swedish quran burners is an Iraqi refugee. I think freedom of blasphemy is in the top of most important types of freedom of speech/expression/opinion though I have no desire to piss of so many people by burning a for them holy book. Not like it would delete it from the planet anyway. I did smoke a good part of an old bible as rolling paper but that caused a minimal risk to myself and zero chance of attacks on others.

On the other hand, not allowing protesters to burn holy books, by law, just isn’t an option. Banning it under pressure from those who do consider it a holy book would be even worse. That would definitely lead to more quran burnings, or even calls for an international quran+bible+torah burning day. Seems neither side can give in and escalation seems inevitable… and then still neither side will be able to give in.

It’s probably not going to stay isolated to Scandinavia either and it’s not going to be just about burning qurans either. Just a few years ago it required a cartoonist or painter combined with a desire to piss off nearly 2 billion muslims to create any image of Muhammad. Nowadays, with the help of AI, their prophet increasingly features in far more offensive scenes than walking around with a bomb hat.
I've always wondered, if depictions of the prophet are sinful and none were made, how do they know a character in a cartoon was the prophet? I mean even an actor labeled as him would not look like him, they would look like themselves. Paintings and sculptures were banned and by logical extension photos, film, video and TV should be banned too. In traditional Islam only geometric designs were permitted.


Well-Known Member

People benefit from an extended freedom of speech when they demonstrate,” University of Copenhagen law Professor Trine Baumbach told the Reuters news agency, explaining Danish laws. “It does not just include verbal expression. People can express themselves in various ways, such as through the burning of items.

Tough situation. This isn’t just a far-right thing as the second article might suggest. One of the swedish quran burners is an Iraqi refugee. I think freedom of blasphemy is in the top of most important types of freedom of speech/expression/opinion though I have no desire to piss of so many people by burning a for them holy book. Not like it would delete it from the planet anyway. I did smoke a good part of an old bible as rolling paper but that caused a minimal risk to myself and zero chance of attacks on others.

On the other hand, not allowing protesters to burn holy books, by law, just isn’t an option. Banning it under pressure from those who do consider it a holy book would be even worse. That would definitely lead to more quran burnings, or even calls for an international quran+bible+torah burning day. Seems neither side can give in and escalation seems inevitable… and then still neither side will be able to give in.

It’s probably not going to stay isolated to Scandinavia either and it’s not going to be just about burning qurans either. Just a few years ago it required a cartoonist or painter combined with a desire to piss off nearly 2 billion muslims to create any image of Muhammad. Nowadays, with the help of AI, their prophet increasingly features in far more offensive scenes than walking around with a bomb hat.
We can't live in fear of or under the thumb of religious fanatics here in the west, whether they be fanatical Muslims or fanatical Americans, all are anti liberal democratic and have values contrary to the secular values of a liberal democratic society. The same goes for reactionary fascists, domestic terrorists and xenophobes in all liberal democratic countries.


Staff member
I think most of the SS would prefer Joe's dog to Trump, even the one's bitten! Commander is probably as protective of Joe as the SS and sometimes they get too close.

this isnt okay though.
if a regular dog that isnt the presidents dog bites, they are required surrender and euth.

this isnt"funny" joke, this is a dangerous animal that could potential hurt someone very badly as shown,
im sorry but if you hold one group of people to a standard you need to hold others.

Commander needs to have a behavioral trainer, and he. needs to be removed from any situation that would allow himto bite those employees.
they have the money for a trainer so obviously they should get one