How many of you will give in to RDIF chips?


Well-Known Member
Fuck that! That is the worst thing i have ever heard of in my whole life. They can suck my big fatty right befor they try to inject that shit into me. Im not a fucking piece of cattel! Sure it has its advantages... But no! Not going to happen to me.


i hate to flame .. thats not what this forum is about. i will return in kind as you did to the poster.

check your facts : Iraq, Hussein, et al, did not fly a plane into the twin towers. they did not invade another country in over 10 years. they dont perform acts of international terrorism.

many countries have done, but nobody invaded them. Mugabe in Zimbabwe is a prime example, as is the PLO in palestine, and the afghan taliban.

Iraq was invaded for political reasons. please check the facts and tell me what iraq actually did that warranted any other country riding into thier country and blowing it sky high.

Since the invasion of iraq there are NOW many people that have an anti USA attitude, but who can blame them. and thats the result of the USA international politics.

/rant off

its not the place for a rant, but by christ im in the mood :)
sadam committed genocide and thats pretty damn bad

with chemical weapons.... on innocent people.....


Well-Known Member
i hate to flame .. thats not what this forum is about. i will return in kind as you did to the poster.

check your facts : Iraq, Hussein, et al, did not fly a plane into the twin towers. they did not invade another country in over 10 years. they dont perform acts of international terrorism.

many countries have done, but nobody invaded them. Mugabe in Zimbabwe is a prime example, as is the PLO in palestine, and the afghan taliban.

Iraq was invaded for political reasons. please check the facts and tell me what iraq actually did that warranted any other country riding into thier country and blowing it sky high.

Since the invasion of iraq there are NOW many people that have an anti USA attitude, but who can blame them. and thats the result of the USA international politics.

/rant off

its not the place for a rant, but by christ im in the mood :)

facts checked - this is guerrilla warfare. iraq did not fly the plane into the twin towers -- you are correct. but al qaeda did. where does al qaeda primarily exist? IRAQ and PAKISTAN.

only problem is that Al Qaeda is not a governmental group. they are a guerilla tactic group that make it extremely hard to distinguish an Al Qaeda muslim from a non-Al Qaeda muslim. the american ppl are proud and want heads for what happened on 9/11. AND who do you think George W. Bush would want at the top of his list since he can't aquire the famed Osama Bin Laden? how about the person that took shots at his father and has control over large amounts of oil and government control in iraq? Sudam Hussein.

Fact of the matter is that we DID invade them as much as it may suck. now the people who already hated us hate us that much more. so to not have some sort of influence in a country that was very poor 100 years ago but is now sitting on the most prized comodity, oil, is a poor decision. the moneys going toward their religion and their religion doesn't like you!

i agree that fighting for peace is like fucking for virginity. but not everybody plays by rules... we have police for a reason. with or without american troops their is a civil war goin on in that country. prepare for Jihad -- they are...

oh and somebody else mentioned 2012 purplekitty....


Well-Known Member
I know I know, this isn't the place to rant. But I couldn't resist trying to enlighten people about how evil the American government really is with all of their secret agendas and what not. And thank you for replying kindly. I don't want arguments here, just voice your opinions. I voiced mine about my fucked up government, and I encourage anyone to let their voices be heard. Don't be scared to say whats on your minds. Don't feel like you're being surpressed.

But yes dave, you are absolutely right. We invaded Iraq accusing their
people of things they did not do, because we needed some kind of excuse to go there and try and take over their country and take control of their oil. If we "supposedly" found who we were looking for, why are we still there? Political reasons of course. We wanted their oil, and now we have it. If I weren't living in America, I wouldn't like it, seeing as how they invaded another country solely on suspicions and for oil.

I just want to try and reach out to people who refuse to believe their government would do something like this. Well guess what, we're nearing the point of no return if we don't fight them. They're trying to suppress the free will of the people, which is what this country was founded on. Its a shame. I will do what I can to stop it, and I encourage others to do the same. G'day!:blsmoke:

i hate to flame .. thats not what this forum is about. i will return in kind as you did to the poster.

check your facts : Iraq, Hussein, et al, did not fly a plane into the twin towers. they did not invade another country in over 10 years. they dont perform acts of international terrorism.

many countries have done, but nobody invaded them. Mugabe in Zimbabwe is a prime example, as is the PLO in palestine, and the afghan taliban.

Iraq was invaded for political reasons. please check the facts and tell me what iraq actually did that warranted any other country riding into thier country and blowing it sky high.

Since the invasion of iraq there are NOW many people that have an anti USA attitude, but who can blame them. and thats the result of the USA international politics.

/rant off

its not the place for a rant, but by christ im in the mood :)


Well-Known Member
I should have done a multi quote. lol.

Thats right!!!! Let your voice be heeeaarrd!
We're not cattle, we're not dogs, we DON'T need to be tracked and tagged
and controlled. I'm getting ready to start training to be like Bob Lee Swagger and start assassinating some MOFOS!!!

Fuck that! That is the worst thing i have ever heard of in my whole life. They can suck my big fatty right befor they try to inject that shit into me. Im not a fucking piece of cattel! Sure it has its advantages... But no! Not going to happen to me.


Well-Known Member
there going 2 fucking far!!!!! fuck them and there chip!!!!! im a felon the last time i was in the pen they passed a law anybody convicted of any kind of felony has 2 give dna, i got all drug charges and they took my fucking dna, you know they got 24-7 camras up on light poles all over fairfield ca, what the fuck!!! this shit is gettn bad, the world has gottn real fucked up in the last 50 years


Well-Known Member
PURPLE KITTY -- if you think that we invaded Iraq for the main purpose of oil -- you do no reading of your own and only listen to other ppl whose opinions on this are the same as yours, ignorant. oil may be some icing on the cake but its not the fucking cake. before you bash your government anymore go read the Qur'an and some news articles.

how about u smoke and read international politics instead of smoking and talking to your uniformed friends about it.

"muhammad is the most common name in the world -- read a book!"


Well-Known Member
They want to track your every move by microchips, and if you protest, they turn off your chip so you can't buy anything or pay your bills.
Ok, Ill play along with this for a bit. Lets say the chip becomes mandatory...and cash is a thing of the past.

Take the chip, find out what radio frequency it is transmitting on, they'll want to use a longer wave channel in order to get the max distance in the signal....then get a sealed lead bracelet and wrap it around your wrist.

Not even gamma rays can penetrate lead let alone long wave radio frequencies. Take bracelet off to pay your power bill.


Well-Known Member
This is fucking stupid. I'm positive we did 9/11 to ourselves so we could invade Iraq. Nothing you can say will swade me otherwise. BTW have we found any WMD's yet? Didn't think so. Fuck this country. The people we elect into office are running it into the ground. They don't care what we, the people, want. They are to busy having there pockets lined with money from pharmaceutical companies, electric companies, oil companies so on and so fucking forth. Al Gore is a prime example of the hypocricy that is the American Democracy.


Well-Known Member
What a rant this has turned in to.. but most of you are right, everyone in this damn country needs to lay back and SMOKE ONE, OR TWO!


Well-Known Member
What a rant this has turned in to.. but most of you are right, everyone in this damn country needs to lay back and SMOKE ONE, OR TWO!
lol. sadly I quit for a while. Trying to find a job... I need my own clean piss.

PURPLE KITTY -- if you think that we invaded Iraq for the main purpose of oil -- you do no reading of your own and only listen to other ppl whose opinions on this are the same as yours, ignorant. oil may be some icing on the cake but its not the fucking cake. before you bash your government anymore go read the Qur'an and some news articles.

how about u smoke and read international politics instead of smoking and talking to your uniformed friends about it.

"muhammad is the most common name in the world -- read a book!"
theres no need to get upset.:? I already said I'm not here to argue. Just voice my opinion. You don't need to call me ignorant because I'm voicing an opinion of what I think or rather know is going on. And just for the record, I've been reading about this for quite some time.

So just chill, and go take a bong hit and calm down 420blunts. No need to get mad.... sheesh.

This is fucking stupid. I'm positive we did 9/11 to ourselves so we could invade Iraq. Nothing you can say will swade me otherwise. BTW have we found any WMD's yet? Didn't think so. Fuck this country. The people we elect into office are running it into the ground. They don't care what we, the people, want. They are to busy having there pockets lined with money from pharmaceutical companies, electric companies, oil companies so on and so fucking forth. Al Gore is a prime example of the hypocricy that is the American Democracy.
You go!!!
Yes, sadly they don't care about us. The only people who did/ones that still do are the ones that TRULY uphold the constitution and listen to what we want.


Well-Known Member
F that man, all is corrupt, now your concerned about shit like this, how long have been sayin this, damn sheeple


Well-Known Member
The only people who did/ones that still do are the ones that TRULY uphold the constitution and listen to what we want.
case in point barrack obama,for the american people by the american people

americans wanted change, they did not want 4more years of this propoganda bullshit that bush instilled upon us. haha the world is great.