

Well-Known Member
sure i want the state Israel, to be safe and have their land of milk and honey, but without so many civilian casualties
im still smelling that rat
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Well-Known Member
In the aftermath of the Hamas terrorist attack, we will see retaliation by the Israelis against more than those in Gaza where the plan is to inflict maximum causalities on the Israelis in urban combat when the begin their ground assault. Bombing Gaza into rubble might make the ground assault more difficult because rubble is often easier to defend and blocks streets.

I think retribution will extend to Hamas leadership and Iran too, I think we will see the use of many starlink controlled drones to assassinate these people on the ground in Iran and to attack Iranian facilities. Let Elon try and cut off their starlink connection in the middle of an attack and see what happens then! It should not be hard to covert and old jet fighter bomber into a drone using a couple of starlink antennas in the cockpit, plexiglass should be transparent to the signals, and they can even gimble it a bit, several 4K cameras can provide the view to the remote pilot and crew. Why risk pilots flying into Iran when you can use starlink instead? Uncle Sam will provide and Elon, well let's just say they have ways of dealing with Elon in these matters.


Well-Known Member
If Russia is involved then Mossad will know of it and who in Iran backed this brain fart of an idea to murder over a thousand Israeli civilians in a made for TV atrocity meant to motivate action and retribution. They will have the retribution alright; the current government is not above breaking or bending international law and are a lot smarter about it than the Russians. They motivated Israel and repulsed the west and I'll bet among many Muslims who were watching it on TV from the comfort of their homes too. The Mossad will find out who the leaders were, and the ample video will provide the identity of many who participated in murder and kidnapping. My guess is the leaders who cooked this shit up are in Iran, but by no means safe!

Nothing we can do for the dead or much for the hostages and I think Bebe wrote them off. If the Nazi's lined up civilian hostages on the beaches of Normandy, would it have deterred the allies from D-day during WW2? We might have a voice in how Israel treats the 2+ million people of Gaza, and if the plan is to move them out before leveling the place. 2 million of them are basically innocent and probably less than 50,000 are guilty, so move them somewhere while they go to work on Gaza, I don't think it will exist after this.


Well-Known Member
Putin has enough enemies and having Israel as one could be fatal.
that article gives some heavy insight on what's going on...it is opinionated...although if you follow the events, it does have some merit to it.....and Israel and Ukraine alliance is becoming fatal to Pooty.....just wish Israel would learn a little from Ukraine with in part of relations.....


Well-Known Member
If Russia is involved then Mossad will know of it and who in Iran backed this brain fart of an idea to murder over a thousand Israeli civilians in a made for TV atrocity meant to motivate action and retribution. They will have the retribution alright; the current government is not above breaking or bending international law and are a lot smarter about it than the Russians. They motivated Israel and repulsed the west and I'll bet among many Muslims who were watching it on TV from the comfort of their homes too. The Mossad will find out who the leaders were, and the ample video will provide the identity of many who participated in murder and kidnapping. My guess is the leaders who cooked this shit up are in Iran, but by no means safe!

Nothing we can do for the dead or much for the hostages and I think Bebe wrote them off. If the Nazi's lined up civilian hostages on the beaches of Normandy, would it have deterred the allies from D-day during WW2? We might have a voice in how Israel treats the 2+ million people of Gaza, and if the plan is to move them out before leveling the place. 2 million of them are basically innocent and probably less than 50,000 are guilty, so move them somewhere while they go to work on Gaza, I don't think it will exist after this.
i have a feeling Mossad and Shen Bet absolutely know what happening....even though they did fail to react since Egypt gave them the head up on something is gonna happen and soon....


Well-Known Member
i have a feeling Mossad and Shen Bet absolutely know what happening....even though they did fail to react since Egypt gave them the head up on something is gonna happen and soon....
If Russia had anything to do with this shit they will regret it, when they start striking Iran, they will launch missiles and drones back at Israel, the same ones Ukraine is dealing with from the same enemy. In such a technological and drone-based war Israel has a big advantage and they produce advanced weapons systems. I think they will ally with Ukraine and could vastly improve some aspects of the war with Russia for them. There will be trouble in a Caucasus, between Russia and Iran, with Georgia and other countries getting lots of military support while Russia grows weaker everyday. There will be plenty of opportunities if they ally with Ukraine to cause grief for Iran in the region. Like I said before, if Israel was pissed off enough, they could launch a cheap suicide drone war on the Iranian power network and hit all the big transformers in the country inside a week. They could keep the lights off in Iran for a year or more, if motivated to.


Well-Known Member

EU funded water pipelines despite Hamas boast it could turn them into rockets
The European Union helped to build more than 30 miles of water pipelines for Palestinians despite Hamas terrorists boasting of their ability to forge an arsenal of home-made rockets from pipes.

Brussels has poured almost €100 million into pipeline projects in territories controlled by the Islamist group over the last decade, a Telegraph analysis of the bloc’s foreign aid found.

The revelation comes amid a mounting international row over future handouts to Gaza amid fears humanitarian donations could fall into the hands of Hamas.

EU foreign ministers on Tuesday night held emergency talks over aid worth €295 million a year to Palestine after the European Commission announced the donations had been placed under review in response to the terror attack on Israel.
Josep Borrell, the EU’s chief diplomat, announced on Tuesday night that aid to Palestinians would continue, meaning €218 million more will be dispersed to the Palestinian people by the end of this year.

Diplomatic sources said the bloc’s decision to maintain financial support for the Middle Eastern territory had been made after a “very tetchy” meeting between Mr Borrell and Olivér Várhelyi, the EU’s neighbourhood commissioner, who announced the initial suspension on Monday.
Both Germany and Austria ordered a halt to their bilateral humanitarian support for the region amid fears the cash could assist the terrorists, who hold some 100 Israeli hostages.

But other EU capitals were reluctant to freeze aid, arguing that cutting support would disproportionately punish civilians rather than the perpetrators behind the attack.

Some sceptics of the aid blockade said it could undermine potential peace talks or be exploited by Hamas to claim the West has turned its back on Palestinians.

The bloc has pledged a total of €1.18 billion in support from 2021 to 2024 in programmes for the West Bank and Gaza, which are both controlled by the terrorist organisation.

In 2021 footage emerged of Hamas terrorists excavating pipes from the desert that were eventually fashioned into home-made rockets.
Their main armament has been the Qassam rocket, assembled from industrial piping, makeshift rocket fuel of sugar and potassium nitrate fertiliser and commercially available explosives.
On Saturday, Hamas claimed it launched at least 5,000 rockets before mounting a ground assault across the border.

While the Telegraph cannot independently verify the exact weapons used in the mass bombardment, it has raised fears over whether Western-donated building supplies could have been used to manufacture some of the munitions.
Frank Furedi, executive director of the MCC Brussels think-tank, which assisted with the research, said: “Those running EU diplomacy are naive.
“There must be prudent security assessments before giving taxpayers’ money to Palestinian organisations for infrastructure that can be utilised for military ends by Hamas terrorists.”

Between the period of 2015 and 2022, the EU contributed to multiple schemes to help deliver fresh water to Palestinian territories.

The first of which was the “completion of an 18-kilometre (11-mile) pipeline” to provide 75,000 Palestinians with clean, drinking water in Gaza, alongside Unicef.

The pipeline transported desalinated seawater from a plant to the settlements of Khan Yunis and Rafah in southern Gaza, where it was estimated that 95 per cent of water was unfit for human consumption.

Another scheme delivered 2.6 miles of pipelines as part of a sewage treatment plant in Tubas, Tayasir and Aqqaba, south of known Hamas hotspot Jenin.

By the next year, EU humanitarian aid missions had further delivered some 16 miles of water pipelines to Palestine territory.

The EU steadily increased its donations of cash towards the construction of pipelines in territories controlled by Hamas.

In 2021, publicly-available information showed the EU provided €9 million for the purchase of “new bulk water pipes” in Gaza City and Jabalia, adding to a 32-mile network of sewage pipes.

In 2022, the EU announced another 10 miles of pipelines would be built using EU funds.

This year, documents show £26 million has been spent by Brussels on new pipelines, without specifying any particular lengths.

The Commission this week insisted its money hadn’t been handed to Hamas.

“The EU is not funding Hamas or their terrorist activities directly or indirectly,” it said.

The EU’s Brussels-based executive has maintained a “no contact policy” with the terror group since 2007.

The UK has committed funds to connect some 425,000 Palestinians to drinking water and sewage systems, without detailing whether British cash bought pipes.

An FCDO spokesman said: “UK aid is subject to rigorous oversight to ensure it reaches the most vulnerable with maximum impact, and to minimise risks of diversion.

“Absolutely no funding goes to Hamas, and our aid is targeted towards providing vulnerable civilians with essential and lifesaving assistance.”



Well-Known Member
little more....hmmmmmm....

"Budanov: Russia provided Iran and Hamas with satellite intelligence, infantry weapons trophied in Ukraine. This is a section from latest interview with http://pravda.com.ua - Is there a Russian trace in this story? -

Budanov: Yes. First of all, we clearly know that trophy weapons from Ukraine were still transferred by the Russians to the Hamas group. It is mostly infantry weapons.

There is some information that something was going to Hezbollah, but we don't know for sure at this point.

Everyone could see the video on social media - a completely, let's say, natural for our region and completely unnatural for the Middle East tactic, when FPV drones were used against armored vehicles.

This is the know-how of our war after all. No one other than people who passed through our theater of war could do such a thing. Since we were not there, it means that it was the Russians.

Two more interesting facts. First: a little more than a week before the start of these actions, the Russian station "Sputnik" began to officially speak in Arabic on the territory of Lebanon. This is broadcast in an absolutely propagandist style with clear Russian narratives.

Second: on September 24, a Russian spacecraft capable of conducting radio-electronic reconnaissance and intercepting satellite signals was moved to Israel's geostationary orbit.

Let me remind you that in the period from September 22 to 24, there was an official visit of the Russian military delegation to Iran. We know that there were several, shall we say, wishes from the Iranian side. One of them concerned the expansion of intelligence capabilities. It is now clear what intelligence information the Russians began to provide to all interested parties.

I emphasize that it is not Iran alone, but all interested parties. - Israel is currently conducting an operation in the Gaza Strip and can take it under full control. Under such conditions, how will Lebanon, Iran, Egypt behave? –

Budanov: The most difficult question. What we believe will happen is a more or less rapid entry of the Israel Defense Forces into the Gaza Strip, the restoration of order and, as they usually do, an equally rapid withdrawal.

But the Hezbollah organization, which is mostly based in Lebanon, and certain parts of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps from Iran have directly stated that if the Israeli Armed Forces begin to enter the Gaza Strip, they will start their ground operations from the north and northeast. It is meant from the territory of Lebanon and the territory of Syria.

A lot of disparate units are moving across the territory of Syria closer to the border with Israel. Hezbollah is all mobilized now, everyone is also pulling up to the border. A few days ago, there was a visit of senior representatives of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps to Hezbollah in Lebanon. It is quite clear that their units will also participate in this." Source: https://pravda.com.ua/articles/2023/



Well-Known Member
No need to watch, just Georgie walking the streets of Washington. Two noteworthy comments, he like the pizza also.

5:03 - At a military expo, "Especially I like the Canadians, surprisingly nice people the Canadians are. Very polite."

11:20 - "One thing I noticed in US, religion, super big thing. Really really big thing religious in US is. I knew that before coming obviously. But it just kind of hit me, just how different.... ...every couple of crossings of streets, there is going to be a church in there. The density is really high. Not the same as in Denmark. In Denmark it is maybe one or two church per town.."
