Examples of GOP Leadership

trump be like;

He seems consumed by his NY civil case, that involves his money, not his freedom though. Seems like misplaced priorities to me!

Steve Schmidt exposes Republican lies blaming Democrats for their dysfunction | The Warning

34,176 views Oct 19, 2023 The Warning
Steve Schmidt reacts to Rep. Adam Scott's CNN interview and other instances of Republicans lying to blame Democrats for their own incompetence. Steve explains that MAGA gaslighting doesn't change the fact that Republicans are solely responsible for the ouster of Kevin McCarthy as Speaker of the House, their inability to select a new speaker, and the overall dysfunction in the House of Representatives.
He wrote the thing.

He was convicted and sentenced for committing fraud on the US govt for collecting funds from the Covid act that he was not entitled to recieve.

Harding defrauded the Small Business Administration to obtain COVID relief funds including an Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL), which he submitted in the name of a business he owned that wasn't active, the U.S. attorney's office said. After receiving the money, he used the funds to pay off his credit card and transferred money to his joint bank account, as well as to the account of a third-party business.

Trump set up the conditions whereby $200 Billion from the small business Covid relief fund were sent to fraudsters. We all saw it happen at the time. I recall news reports of the loose practices in place to screen applications for those funds. A lot of people who needed them missed the short window of time between the release of the money and all the funds were gone. Practically no controls were put in place at the time Trump's administration was supposed to oversee that program. Widespread and uncontrolled corruption by the leaders in government and their friends is one of the indicators that a government is run by fascists. Look at that man and see the future of the US if MAGA wins in 2024
He wrote the thing.

He was convicted and sentenced for committing fraud on the US govt for collecting funds from the Covid act that he was not entitled to recieve.

Harding defrauded the Small Business Administration to obtain COVID relief funds including an Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL), which he submitted in the name of a business he owned that wasn't active, the U.S. attorney's office said. After receiving the money, he used the funds to pay off his credit card and transferred money to his joint bank account, as well as to the account of a third-party business.

Trump set up the conditions whereby $200 Billion from the small business Covid relief fund were sent to fraudsters. We all saw it happen at the time. I recall news reports of the loose practices in place to screen applications for those funds. A lot of people who needed them missed the short window of time between the release of the money and all the funds were gone. Practically no controls were put in place at the time Trump's administration was supposed to oversee that program. Widespread and uncontrolled corruption by the leaders in government and their friends is one of the indicators that a government is run by fascists. Look at that man and see the future of the US if MAGA wins in 2024
Yep, it was setup that way so his friends could grift off it and many did. I remember it too it was just a part of a completely corrupt administration filled with crooks by the crook in chief. Congress passed the law just for that purpose and as usual the democrats had a gun held to their heads about it, with Trump threatening to withhold federal aid and medical supplies to blue states who didn't like him. Jared or was it Pence was in charge, when Donald wasn't hogging news briefing, spouting disinformation, fucking with the CDC, and recommending drinking bleach and promoting quack cures. With 5% of the global population America, the richest country had 25% of the deaths, un fucking believable! Still, he has a chance at gaining power again, if not for his own criminal stupidity disqualifying and imprisoning him. It says as much about his voters as it says about him when ya consider the entire picture.
What would she be saving? She needs to get elected as a republican in her state before she can do anything, and the base of the party has been poisoned while all the good people walked out. In any case nobody can do anything until Trump is first disqualified and then locked up halfway through the GOP primaries, then it will be a free for all and perhaps a race to the bottom too. She and those like her should attract big money donors though and might end up controlling the purse strings of the grifters, who are just in it for money and power.
