1.25 Grams per watt / First Harvest


Well-Known Member
so whats all this talk about one gram per watt being what only a pro could do, after reading all the articals i thought surely i cant expect to yeild more than 0.5 Gram per watt.

but low and behold i sit on 1.25 Grams per watt fist harvest 400watt big bud hydro

only 2 of the plants had big colas the other 4 were weak compared to them, im sure I could do much better next time too but its gonna take me a year smoke all this shit:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
That's amazing!! First grow and you yielded over 1 pound dry weight? WOW![SIZE=+0] No pictures to show off? :confused:[/SIZE]


Well-Known Member
so whats all this talk about one gram per watt being what only a pro could do, after reading all the articals i thought surely i cant expect to yeild more than 0.5 Gram per watt.

but low and behold i sit on 1.25 Grams per watt fist harvest 400watt big bud hydro

only 2 of the plants had big colas the other 4 were weak compared to them, im sure I could do much better next time too but its gonna take me a year smoke all this shit:mrgreen:
How long did you have your plants in the veg stage?


Well-Known Member
yea its pretty dry had it hanging for a week before I put them in jars then left the jars open, went litterally beserk this weekend with my good buddy, we must of went through an ounce each this weekend, we rolled blunts made tea made brownies smoked bongs packed bowls i mean I was throwin the stuff in the air practically. I gave my homy like 2 ounces and maybe another half to other random peeps and after all that I still have 14 totally full mason jars

this was my second grow though but first harvest.

btw i ate brownies for the first time last night and ate half the pan, very bad idea i was too messed up i guess its just smokin for me that shit made me feel real creepy:spew:


Well-Known Member
i veged them for 1 week after the clones were rooted, used MH light for the first 2 weeks of flowering with veg nutes then switched to HPS and flowering nutes, flushed them for 7 day 4 with clearex once they had been flowering 8 weeks. then the night with the scissors. i was drunk and it took me around 1.5 hours to cut the dried buds off into the tupperware and soon began to realize that i had a how do you say "shit load":mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
good for you panda,really!!!!post it up!!my first harvest, u better believe im gonna put it on,im only hopeing for under a half p,4- 4 ft plants,one died.:cry:

Dr High

Well-Known Member
i almost got 400 watts of cfls in my closet... i hope i get 150 gram dry marijuana!!!! that gives me hope what your saying there. i got 3 white russians.


Well-Known Member
Pics, Pics, and Pics. I am happy for you nice work. From what I have heard that strain typcially has a high yield.


Well-Known Member
my buddy has the only 1 pic of the harvest i might ask him for it. i never posted pics of my own stuff here ever. its just a pic of like 14 jars and some other containers filled with bud


Well-Known Member
yea the bud is like high mids at best, so its must be cuz its a high yeilding plant. now im gonna be pissed if I grow another strain:mrgreen:

Dr High

Well-Known Member
out door growing gives off around 10 000 lumens per foot square i think. Do you guys know how much i will yeild from 3 white russians 1 foot tall first week in flowering. almost 400 watts cfls 21 000 lumens.


Well-Known Member
out door growing gives off around 10 000 lumens per foot square i think. Do you guys know how much i will yeild from 3 white russians 1 foot tall first week in flowering. almost 400 watts cfls 21 000 lumens.
just make sure you always keep those lights almost touching the plants, you should get a good amount


Active Member
I don't think you pulled anything close to what you said you pulled....why? Because you trimmed all of the bud in an hour and a half. Anybody that has had the pleasure of a good pull also knows the aches and pains associated with trimming. Either you have some seriously leafy pot, which would explain the weight, or you don't have over a peanut. Especially given the fact that you said you had only two colas!?


Well-Known Member
He never claimed to have "trimmed" in 90 minutes. If you mean manicured, he didn't claim that either. He stated it took that long to cut the dried buds into tupperwares. Just because some of you have not experienced these yield ratios, doesn't make it impossible. I admit it is suspicious I not have pics. Why would you let a buddy have the only pic? Hop on his ass and post it up! :)


Junior Creatologist
even if you dont have a pic of the overall harvest, you did say you have 14 mason jars completely full right man?? take a pic of those then dude - you cant boast a harvest like that n then not back it up bro - people on here that say its hard as fuck to pull 1g/watt are people that have tried to do it over n over n over, n while some might succeed, some people still only get close. U cant just come on here n claim you got that big of a harvest, and then not back it up with pics dude. U got over 2000 posts on RIU dude, do you not have a journal? i mean, if you got THAT many posts, you should know how it works by now man.

We Want Pictures!!!!

n congrats on the harvest btw, if u aint just talkin shit ;)

I gotta call B.S man. i was lookin for your journal dude, n u aint got one, you only got one thread back in feb, where you showed off some fat ass colas. but you said you were using 1 400w n 1 600 w setup, in a 5'x5'x8' closet, but the colas in the pic were in someones basement, and they were using one of those SunSoaker umbrella reflectors with a 1000w bulb in it. I mean, i dont know if you really ARE bullshittin or not man, but i smell somethin fishy, n i shower after i beat my meat dude, so i know it aint me.