Blaze & Daze


Well-Known Member
Mornin, hope everyone is doing good this fine day....woke up to a nice 60F this morning, high mid to upper 80's today light wind from the south......gonna be a nice day imo

okie dokie......i have bacon and egg taco, and i ain't afraid to eat them.......little green sauce and :shock:, that will tickle the taste buds.....

#9 against humans wins again........gravity does work......


Well-Known Member
I was trying to get the tail pointing down and kept pushing it deeper and deeper and then I kind of lost it in the dirt, it may be an inch deep by now. I was trying to barely cover it.
Ok now I've done the wet paper towel and got them to pop but kill them in putting them in soil so I've never tried it in water or in the paper towel again lol


Well-Known Member
I loved to play with water, making streams and ponds, when i was a child. And i keep doing that.
I see biopolymers being used to stabilize soils, guar and Xantham gum look promising.
Mixing the gel with straw or leaves is pretty effective to get vegetation started too.


Well-Known Member
Did about 5 miles in the woods today.
Getting ready for end of winter.

Nice mid 70°s a little warm but it was nice.

Saw this little guy. It was very slow and warming up.

Damn dogs and bears! There's a lot of damage to fix. But that just means I get to hang in the woods a bit more :blsmoke:

How's everyone doing?


Well-Known Member
hope everyone is doing as well as charlie here. i'm finally finished with the full 2024 outdoor harvest. i ended up with ~8oz off the chernobyl, and even found four seeds while trimming it all so i'm pretty happy with that! i let a buddy come over and take off some of the stuff that i left behind.
this is my last week of summer busy-ness, and i'm getting my winter hobbies ready...thinking about putting up the tent to grow herbs and veggies. not sure i need to grow more weed right now as i'm sitting on over 2 pounds and my consumption is pretty conservative these days.


Well-Known Member
View attachment 5435241
hope everyone is doing as well as charlie here. i'm finally finished with the full 2024 outdoor harvest. i ended up with ~8oz off the chernobyl, and even found four seeds while trimming it all so i'm pretty happy with that! i let a buddy come over and take off some of the stuff that i left behind.
this is my last week of summer busy-ness, and i'm getting my winter hobbies ready...thinking about putting up the tent to grow herbs and veggies. not sure i need to grow more weed right now as i'm sitting on over 2 pounds and my consumption is pretty conservative these days.
One very happy pup you got there :hump: :peace: