How many grams do you smoke a month? min/max


Well-Known Member
113.40g per month (1/4lb.) Of bullshit though. Im hoping I'll cut back when I have something worthwhile to smoke.


Well-Known Member
ok maybe I should rectify my post. I did smoke a half pound a month up to a few weeks ago, since then I have tapered down A LOT to the point that I am at now(about a half ounce a month.) and in a week it'll be no oz's a month.


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
Me and hubby together smoke about 5 ounces a month. I smoke about 2 of those myself.


Well-Known Member
When you say this shit what do you mean? I dont know about you but I can easily pack an 1/8 of bud into a nicely rolled blunt if not more. matter of fact I know I can pack more in especially when I roll my cone blunts. Here's a Nice ounce blunt I rolled that we toked on for 6 hours straight from 3pm till 9 pm. BTW thats my size 15 boot. I used 12 bunt wraps on that baby using a dixi cup full of water and a nice little cue tip to get them wet. I have rolled many of ounce blunts since this one. They are great :)
