bud on a plane


Well-Known Member
Once i was travelling within europe (Amsterdam - Belfast) i managed to stash a qt in my pants. More, I even smoked a litlle in the planes toilet using small glass pipe. Just one hit, no fumes exhaled. Alarm didnt went off :)


Active Member
yup, but not international flights... to risky. Just fill a film canister (in my case 2) seal the shit outta it will tape or seal it with the wax from a candle (sneaky) and put that into a large pockets or some really tight underwear if you feel the need ( make sure its tight so it don't fall out ). The plastic doesn't set off the metal detector, so its "more" safe. Just make sure when you go through u got ABSOLUTELY NO METAL on you, including belt buckles cause they they have cause for search ( even thou they can search without cause ) hope that helps


Well-Known Member
Once i was travelling within europe (Amsterdam - Belfast) i managed to stash a qt in my pants. More, I even smoked a litlle in the planes toilet using small glass pipe. Just one hit, no fumes exhaled. Alarm didnt went off :)
i would never smoke in a PLANE! i carried like a 1/8 to vegas REALLY compressed in my wallet, they scanned it too

LeRoy JaBluntski

Well-Known Member
yea i've done it by putting it in a prescription pill case and put it in my shoe in the luggage. Also put some in a cig box in my luggage


Well-Known Member
One thing that I have learned in my many years of smoking is to put the cronic in a non-lubed condom... (as much as you can swallow) and you guessed it swallow it!! then the next time you have to take a shit, there it is floating in the toilet..... haha I saw that on the Steve O. Videos..... I dont know about the last part tho it's kinda sick.... but he did it so it works!!


Sector 5 Moderator
I brought back some I bought from a Rastafarian down in St. Thomas. I washed my hands good, tightened up the baggie, put that one in another baggie and used duct tape to seal it up. I wrapped it really good with the duct tape then taped it to myself inside my underwear. The main thing is to make sure you have not been handling the weed; the smell gets on anything you touch so don't touch your luggage or anything else if you can help it. When I got home I tore off the tape, and that tore up the outer baggie (which I intended). Bada bing, bada bang: the rasta fairy has arrived.


Well-Known Member
I always do and I put it in my checked bags. Keep in mind that it's just a couple of grams and not a pound!


Well-Known Member
Coming back from millennium celebrations in Amsterdam (pre-911) my buddy stuck a few grams of hash in his shoe... We got off the plane and as we were going through customs he had to walk right by a sniffing dog... Haha the scary part was that it was a Beagle so it was already close to the ground... and thank god for him the dog didn't react!!!

Nowadays it's not worth the risk for me !


Well-Known Member
In my personal opinion. This is just plain stupid. Why would you even risk trying to take it on a plane, especially with the crap going on now. That's like a dope dealer handing out business cards hoping that the cops don't find out.

Don't do, it's not worth it if you get caught. Especially only for a couple of grams. Just my .02

Good Luck.


Well-Known Member
when i worked in the bush up north,the whole crew which would of been about 10% of the passengers on the plane were heading south for christmas hollidays,a bunch of us brought our weedabixs and some rum,we just decided it was time to rock,so we all sparked up and passed it around,about half of the 120 people on the plane started to party,their was nothing the crew could do but have the cops wait for us when we touched down,a few guys took the rap and that will always be a night to remember.the cops went easy on us being xmas eve and all after missing 2 flights for a few days because of a blizzard,one guy got haywire with the stweradis so we put him in his place and the party went on.