Porn for girls - ladies only - no boobies allowed


Well-Known Member
Now, despite the tone that some certain recent threads have adopted, I know that there are lots of guys out there who know how to show their women love and appreciation without letting their testoseterone get in the way. So I wanted to start a thread to show that not all men on RIU are complete neanderthals when it comes to the love department. What some guys don't understand is that girls aren't looking for the kind of porn that is connected to sex... most girls find love and respect much, much sexier. I dare say that generally this type of treatment yields a much higher return on the part of the guy too. :hug: :hump: Yeah, girls? ;-)

So this is a call-out to all the women of RIU... I want to see your home-made girl porn. Show us just how sticky and sweet your man can be. Whether it's something as simple as opening doors for you, his constant friendship and support, baking very sexy and manly cakes, or scrubbing the shower in a very provocative pose, I want to hear about it. :bigjoint:

(I'm feeling a little smug, because my man is happy to pose in erotic, sometimes outright pornographic poses around the house. Here is the first in a series of pornographic images exclusively for the ladies of Rollitup... and those gay guys who appreciate quality porn and erotica).

I call this little piece 'bubbles'. bongsmilie



Well-Known Member
Aw, come on Stoney... you could bribe him with something... bongsmilie :eyesmoke:

Alright then, here's one just for you... I call this one 'hot stuff'.




Well-Known Member
Gryph's specialty is a souffle omelette that would leave your lacy things feeling sticky. He's famous for it...

Mmmm... omelette :lol:


Well-Known Member
You'll have to ask him for the recipe. He's happy to give it out... usually with the words 'best prepared whilst naked' printed down the bottom. :lol:


Well-Known Member
:lol: Only a problem if you don't like that kind of thing... ;-)

Buy a clear plastic apron??... Appropriately placed pot-holders maybe...


New Member
I dated this rugged guy that was in a band all out there and stuff.. well the sexiest thing was when we were at home and he was in nothing but his jeans cooking breakfast for us. He was a jared leto look alike big time. The So called life leto, not the requiem leto. HOT!


Well-Known Member
Things like that always make me all mushy inside... sweet little gestures that take no effort and very little thought... but that lets you know that you are important.

And, let's face it... there's just something about the man you love in nothing but jeans, eh? :hump:


Well-Known Member
i feel kinda gay just reading this
Why MoE? There's nothing wrong with taking a little advice... especially when it comes straight from the horse's mouth. All the women here are saying what they like in a man. And let's be honest... some of you guys can use a little help... :razz: :lol: bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Okay, my $.02....

It is a major turn on when men cook.... and Vette is a great cook!!!! But even more of a turn on.... men who do dishes after they cook. Wow!!!! :clap:

And Moe.... trust me... if you want your sex life with your woman to last and be great.... do special little things. They really are aphrodisiacs.... trust me.



Well-Known Member
I have never made love to my wife. I'm not that kind of guy...she's not that kind of girl.
I wanna make her feel like she's gotten her ass whooped after we're done, and adversely that's the way she wants it. I'm an aries...I don't make love...I make cervical cancer. jk.