Pussy or weed?


Well-Known Member
If you grow your own you'll never have to make that choice and you can always have the pussy anyway if you grow some good weed youll find that pussy also grows on trees:hump::weed:


Well-Known Member
I think the original question was, The BEST, ONCE IN A LIFETIME WEED, Or The Best Once in a Life Time Pussy.

Although why substitute if you dont have to..lol



Well-Known Member
nah, fuck this question its like asking if you would rather be drowned or impaled by a blunt object.

IM GONNA SMOKE THE WEED AND GET THE PUSSY!!! just gotta find a way to get both. i will never choose. but i tell you what, i will take weed over a gf any day cause mary jane wont say that i spend more time with my gf than with her. IVE DATED MARY JANE LONGER THAN ANY OTHER GIRL, and our future looks brighter.


Active Member
I can always get pussy, but If I smoke the weed I wont be wanting to get any. If I take the pussy, I can always get weed after. But Ill never be satisfied knowing I could have smoked the best weed of my life.

Its kind of a chicken or the egg dilemma.

Nice call dude! Pussy then Weed, if you switch it around, it just wouldn't happen would it!


Active Member
If its new Pussy of course you have to go with pussy. If its bomb ass pussy you already had 20 times then I would take the weed.


Well-Known Member
Weed lined pussy eh, I should invent Chronic flavored lube. PATEND PENDING, I SAID IT FIRST! lol

We better close this thread before someone thinks about it too hard and has an aneurysm. No one should be forced to choose between great pussy and great weed. Thats just mean.



Well-Known Member
Weed lined pussy eh, I should invent Chronic flavored lube. PATEND PENDING, I SAID IT FIRST! lol
that would be pretty awesome...i got my patent on the Bongdom (bong condom) already...huge non lubed latex condom with holes in the head to slip over the bong and rip without coming into contact with others germs...im gonna make millions

"Are you at a friends house and dont know what to do?...do they have shitty breathe and bad dental hygene?...do you wanna smoke but dont wanna share the bong?...NOW YOU CAN!! with the BONGDOM...just slip, rip, and dip...available in a large selection of colors and flavors...coming to a head shop near you very soon"


Well-Known Member
that would be pretty awesome...i got my patent on the Bongdom (bong condom) already...huge non lubed latex condom with holes in the head to slip over the bong and rip without coming into contact with others germs...im gonna make millions

"Are you at a friends house and dont know what to do?...do they have shitty breathe and bad dental hygene?...do you wanna smoke but dont wanna share the bong?...NOW YOU CAN!! with the BONGDOM...just slip, rip, and dip...available in a large selection of colors and flavors...coming to a head shop near you very soon"
Great Idea....but most stoners dont even bother with condoms for SEX, whos gonna buy bongdoms?

I shouldnt be saying this online, but Ima patend the Ibong. A bong with a pair of little waterproof speakers, and you hook up your ipod to it.

Just the novelty factor would sell thousands.



Well-Known Member
Great Idea....but most stoners dont even bother with condoms for SEX, whos gonna buy bongdoms?

I shouldnt be saying this online, but Ima patend the Ibong. A bong with a pair of little waterproof speakers, and you hook up your ipod to it.

Just the novelty factor would sell thousands.


shiiiiiiiiiit...the fact that i smoke erb has never made me forget to strap up...stores wont be able to keep bongdoms on the shelf...

the Ibong would def. sell, even if was just a cheap POS piece...like you said, the novelty would sell it alone

how about a free bongdom with your purchase of an ibong


Well-Known Member
shiiiiiiiiiit...the fact that i smoke erb has never made me forget to strap up...stores wont be able to keep bongdoms on the shelf...

the Ibong would def. sell, even if was just a cheap POS piece...like you said, the novelty would sell it alone

how about a free bongdom with your purchase of an ibong

Haha, throw in a bottle of Chronic Lube and we will make MILLIONS!



Well-Known Member
Id take the weed. My reasoning is simple. With weed you will always get high, doesnt matter if its good or bad. But When its pussy, its good its really fucking good and you never want good pussy to go away. So if the pussy up and leaves never to be fucked again then thats just depressing.


Well-Known Member
Vagina is nature's greatest creation in my book. If I had to choose, There would be no hesitation. Pussy it is. Bye bye, weed.