the volcano arrived today


Well-Known Member
After playing with the box and shiny things inside. I read the instructions (hubby thinks instructions are a waste of time) and put that baby to use.

Tried some old crappy weed (light fluffy buds that never really matured from about 3 years ago). Well that was about 4 hours ago. Damn never thought I'd get toasted off that. And such a small amount. The cool thing no coughing.

Wish I would have done this sooner. :) :) :) :) :)


Well-Known Member
I own one too. I've had it for ~ 8 months. I use mine all the time. The best thing about a Volcano is that getting a cold doesn't stop you from smoking. Doesn't make you cough.

I always use my trimmings in the vaporizer. I have also found that if your buds aren't 'fully' cured the vaporizer does the trick. The chlorophyl doesn't seem to come through when it's only getting hot enough to heat the THC up.

Take care of her, and she'll definitely take care of you. I like to just get through two large bags in a row, that always sends me to a special place.


Well-Known Member
Geeze I smoked so much I passed out for a few hours. Swore today was Friday. Damn.

Due to a last minute bidding war on ebay (thank heavens for people who collect thin man movies) I made more then expected. So I got the big package. $539 and I couldn't believe all the goodies that came with it.

A luggage type case for the volcano, 5 very classy tiger butane lighters, an awesome glossy black bud box, a carved incense box with packs of incense, of couse the volcanco and 8 boxes of bags, a digital scale (cool it looks like a cd and even has different cd covers) and countless filters and accessories.

I can honestly say I have never gotten so high off weed in my life. Going to repeat it again tonight. I would recommend this to anyone.


Well-Known Member
ive used the bag far longer then 8-10 times. it will get super wrinkly but it works. ive also used a turkey bag i had laying around. usually 2 1/2 - 3 bags gets my friend and i blazed. like blazed where you forget what your talking aboout and that the vap is on and cooking away.


Well-Known Member
fuck that, im not rich id rather smoke out of a homemade gravity bong or something... any ideas on how to make a GOOD homemade vaporiser?