1st Grow - CFL KB Seeds w/ Pics


Well-Known Member
Aside from that I would love to have a hydro grow. If you have time theres a pretty sick video on youtube about a hydro system. just type in 'mr. green' ha I watched the whole thing.
Im going to head out tomorrow and grab some of that mylar, thanks. We just got dumped with 14"+ of snow so I dont think Ill be going today


Well-Known Member
I do yes! prob the favorite thing to do.
Actually I just had surgery on my shoulder last month cause of a fall I took last year. Ive been out of work for a lil over a month because of it so I started growing. Basically the point Im getting is that snowboarding lead me to grow, its a beautiful thing ::tear:: man...
Haha but if you ever get the chance to go I would highly reccommend it!


New Member
Yea ive gone to mammoth and mountain high a shitload of times and i love it. Its sweet bcuz i like to surf and skate so its kinda a mix of the two.


Well-Known Member
aw sick then so you know... i was in CA this summer and I had a friend show me some surf spots... yea i think i was instantly addicted. I still think about going like every day and its been like 4 months


New Member
Nice man! Where did you guys go? I live in cali and surf wenever theres a swell so maybe we have even surfed at the same spot


Well-Known Member
It was in SD the pacific beach area... IDK the names really of where we went cause I was thinking more along the lines of i better get up, this is gonna be sick! I was only there for a week so... :/
and i miss it haha... beautiful area by the way wanna trade spots?


Well-Known Member
Quick update day 21

Its been a full 3 weeks since my 2 plants sprouted and today I switched to 12/12. I did this somewhat early because Im working only with CFLs and this is a bag seed grow, my seeds from attitude come in this week(merry xmas).
I added 2 42w lights, and switched out 4 bulbs for 2700k bulbs. So the lights now go as followed:
2 - 42w 2700k
2 - 26w 3500k
4 - 26w 2700k
I think its a good amount of light for the 2 plants I have.
I also added some mylar to the area for reflectability.
Other than that I watered today with 1.5Q a piece.
Pics coming soon!

: Sorry I was out the door and never got back on, I meant living spots cus I want to live in CA. Sorry it was a bad joke haha


Well-Known Member
Plants are lookin good PT! I'll stick around for this one- we're pretty much workin with the same set up and time frames goin on.....

What strains did you and ur boy order?
I'm goin with
Neville's Haze
Millennium &
El Nino

I'm gunna do a mix grow this spring- Start them all indoors, but after the first frost move half of them outdoors- and go from there!
All three strains are big yielders so I should be set for a hot minute as long as my outdoors don't get ganked......


Well-Known Member
thank don, those seeds sound pretty sick. Im not a 100% haha to tell you the truth I was pretty stoned and he was ordering them, no lie we were looking through Attitudes site for 2 hours haha. Ill let you know exactly in a few days when they come in. I know we got some AK, gigabud, white widow, and a purple strain just to see what its like. How bad is that that I spent like $100 and i dont even remember what everything was called...idiot. Anyways Ive been by yours and its pretty sick Im gonna follow along. Make sure they dont get yanked that would be like losing a child haha prob worse actually. Are you just going to leave them in your yard?


Well-Known Member
Check it Day 24 of the grow...

Little summary of the past few days...
I switched the lights from 24 to 12/12 to induce flowering on day 21
Why so early? Well if you read back Im just using bag seed and trying to get a routine down before I use my good seeds. Also CFLs arent meant for super tall grows and anything pushing 2 feet is alot to ask from low wattage lights. The book I have started its flowering cycle on day 16 with CFLs and the plants were mighty similar. Im also not topping these plants cause I changed the light cycle already and I missed my chance.. Im sucha n00b. I got Pwned(i just wanted to say that)

I havent started any bloom nutrients yet but I did buy some the other day. Next watering Im going to start a feeding cycle with a really low dosage.

The lights have to be moved up so I took out the plants today and snapped some photos... both plants are about 7" tall and about 12" wide. Looking straight down at the plants its extremely hard to tell them apart. They also both are accumulating alot of under growth and getting pretty bushy.

Should I cut off the bottom 3rd of leaves, and is that "lolli-popping"?
And any other advice at this stage that I might of missed would be super appreciated thanks...

Here are some pics of day 24:weed:
1. Plant 1
2. Plant 2
3. Both Top View
4. Both Side View
5. Another Plant 1


Well-Known Member
PS. I just gave 1 plant a misting of water and a low dosage of bloom nutrients as a little experiment


Well-Known Member
Okay, if you're thinking of lollipopping, the idea is to basically grow one big fat ole bud. You trim off the entire bottom third of the plant, removing fan leaves and branches. It's not too late, but I have to be honest and tell you that because the plant is currently sexing, you are running a risk of stressing the plant into a hermaphrodite. Anyway the idea is that the plant will focus its growth to the top of the plant, as the bottom buds don't usually mature as fast or produce dense buds anyway.


Well-Known Member
Okay, if you're thinking of lollipopping, the idea is to basically grow one big fat ole bud. You trim off the entire bottom third of the plant, removing fan leaves and branches. It's not too late, but I have to be honest and tell you that because the plant is currently sexing, you are running a risk of stressing the plant into a hermaphrodite. Anyway the idea is that the plant will focus its growth to the top of the plant, as the bottom buds don't usually mature as fast or produce dense buds anyway.
mmmkk well at this point i dont want to run the risk then i'd much rather wait til next grow. basically if you want to lollipop you'd do it in its veg state is what youre saying?
thanks for the help