Cops on Riu?


Well-Known Member
I kinda wish the staff would change the name of this thread to just NOID!? now.Bad karma is not good and i dont want to be like earl making up for all the bad things ive done.


Well-Known Member
All i have is a spare walk in closet at this point. I have actually thought of cloning certain people in it but after all im done with baby mamas. It could be converted to a dungeon tho.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I wouldn't actually torture...just maybe tickle them till they puked or something.
All i have is a spare walk in closet at this point. I have actually thought of cloning certain people in it but after all im done with baby mamas. It could be converted to a dungeon tho.


Well-Known Member
I've always wanted to handcuff a guy, get him off...and then you know how sensitive you get afterwards?Just tickle the shit out of that thing till he screams......

When you say that you have always wanted to do this… Why don’t you just do it? You’re a female meaning you have all the right parts in place to make a man do anything you want and you still have not done this. In my next life as a girl I am going to make my way in the world having sex for money and living the fat life… Not to say that this is what all girls will do, but im pretty sure that I am an old soul, so as a female I will be cunning enough to know what to do to get by in the world and have a hell of a time doing it… Damn just like I do now, just as a dude… God knows I wish I could sell ass to woman for money I would then truly be the happiest man alive, but for now as things stands I’m not too bad off.
Dude don’t worry about the cops who gives a shit, They could give two or even three shits about you. They are after the guy that is making money and getting the shit out, educate yourself on the laws of your state and see what you would get if caught. That was one of the first things I did. Take it from me I have a 3/12 Kw grow the only people that know about it besides one close friend is you guys and none of you would even have a clue as to where I reside, it could be in Tanzania for all you guys know. The point is unless you are pumping out some serious money and tell everyone what you do then you have no reason to be truly paranoid.
A. Rip-offs, tip-offs and your own big mouth
Reading a chapter entitled "risk factors" of cannabis cultivation in the United States, one might automatically assume that the subject of that chapter would be law enforcement. After all, hundreds of millions of dollars are spent every year by various anti-plant life agencies around the country on the ferocious war to exterminate this harmless and helpful species. However, despite the normal paranoia that is a byproduct of the current system, law enforcement actually only represents about 2% of the problems that face modern American freedom fighters. Law enforcement techniques like reducing mandatory sentences for squealers and placing anti-cannabis ads with 1-800-GROW police hot lines are vivid proof of exactly how clueless these people are when it comes to where to start looking for the cunning grower.

Any estimate given by the authorities relating to the percentage of cannabis seized in a particular time period or area is fabricated. The truth is that they have no idea how much of the crop was uncovered, because the remainder went undetected.
By far, the number one risk facing the modern cannabis creator is thieves. This point cannot be emphasized enough. Rip-offs don't answer to anybody. They don't care about your civil rights. They don't follow any rules at all.
In my opinion, people who steal are really at the bottom of the food chain, period. But people who steal cannabis, especially from the growers, endangering their freedom, have got to be the saddest, lowest, most pathetic and most thoughtless (devoid of thought) individuals on this earth. And they are abundant.
The number one way to get busted is when the ripoffs come to steal your crop and somehow the cops get called. This may be simply the concerned neighbor who calls when they see prowlers, or a concerned passer-by who only witnessed you violently pummeling a would-be intruder with a bat, or someone who heard gunshots when you shot the scumbag, (not recommended) or the shots of the scumbag shooting you (less recommended). (It is a serious legal complication to have a gun at the marijuana growing location).
The second most common way to get busted is through your girl/boyfriend or your roommate/grow partner, (love and money are both by nature de-stabilizing) or anyone else who has knowledge. No matter how much you trust someone, they might end up telling just one other person, who "they trust". This person has nothing to lose and will undoubtedly tell just one other person who "they trust" and who you might not even know. The cannabis creators' credo should be "for every one person you tell, that's too many." It can be good to have a partner if you have a large garden, because cannabis creation can be a lot of work, but this person should have just as much to lose as you do. This is the best incentive for both of you to keep your mouths shut.
Realistically, a small commercial operation (5KW or less), in a good location, with a good odor control system that only two trusting people know about is virtually unbustable. You peek out of your blinds for months, always expecting to see the cops, but the bust only comes when a Cessna has engine failure and crashes through your roof. In my experience, I have never seen any cannabis creator get busted because the police figured it out by themselves. It is true that the slightest hint may get them on your trail, but it is inversely true that without that, you should be getting away with your wildest dreams.


Well-Known Member
Same reason you just posted what you did it’s new and the title was interesting and this the lady friend of ours started talking about getting dudes off now it’s a part of RIU history…


Well-Known Member
I feel ya man, we all get a little paranoid and look for comfort from the people we know are like ourselves. It’s a self assuring way of knowing that everything is going to be ok. This just shows how afraid of the man we have become.

Buffalo Bill

Active Member
I like to tie my girl up in the walk in freezer and then stick my tongue as far up her ass as possible. Sometimes this is not the best idea as she gets a bit gassy after we eat chinese. It add's to the aroma, but negatively effects the flavor.