what kind of set up for a pound a week harvest

hi i have enough funds, my own house, and a very large basement, what would be the best set up to harvest one pound a week or four pounds a month which ever is better, thanks


Well-Known Member
if you want to harvest a pound every week you need 8 600w lights, 8 3x3 ebb and flow tables, all necessary pumps, timers ventalation etc.. you need to do 16 plants per table, one started every week with a staggered harvest. once you perfect the technique you will be doing more than 1lb a week but this will give you a good start

white boy smurf

New Member
one pound a week is a tremendous goal my friend. All i can really tell you is that you will have to have some kind of massive ass perpetual grow goin on. And you would def. want to go with a hydro setup. I mean i guess you need to do some reading on some of the other guys who are pulling out fairly large perpetual grows. Although ive never read of someone getting a pound a week consistantly. And i hope you are well eperienced in this hobby before you jump into it with these goals. Any small mishap can set you back weeks and then there goes your goal. So pretty much learn to be God very soon or dont hold your breath on 1p/week. Good luck


Well-Known Member
yeah - by my count you'll need at least 8 1KW lights... you MIGHT be able to do it with 600s after you are good, but if you have 1Ks instead you'll get more....

also, whenever you have an LB of fresh goodness dropped into your lap, its hard to keep up with the system from that point on, so pick something manageable ... ;-)


Well-Known Member
600W- 1 pound average for a knowledgable grower...

1000W- 1.5 pound

So yeah, I agree 8 lights, soil or hydro whatever...

Lots of labor.


Well-Known Member
Not to be a dick but if you need advice on how to set up a grow of that size most likely its above your means at this point.

Lots of daily work involved in a massive op such as you want to start up,the best thread on this site to learn to set up a perpetual sog is this thread,its a long read but all the info you need is contained in the thread.

true that.. if you bite off more than you can chew you may end up with noting but an empty wallet
i didnt post this question to hear what i "wouldnt" be able to do. i asked the question what method and setup to acheive a pound week. i would appreciate it if i would get those answers as apposed to you telling me i "cant" acchieve it. as for the lb in my lap quote, i actually function when i smoke


Well-Known Member
me too bro... i just function a little slower ;-)

i hope you get it set up and pull those LBs... just so you can see what i'm talking about ;-)

nobody is tryin' to give you shit here, but most people can sense when you might be in over your head - and there are a lot of people who just sign up, and have a low post count and ask a question just like you did - and you can tell they are not ready to do what they will need to do... mostly by the way they asked the question.

I'm sure you are already aware of some of these minor things that you would need to watch out for...

- you cant even hook up 8KW in one room of any standard house, you will need an electrician to come in and wire a room for you before you start...

- 8 KW makes a LOT of heat - you must know how you will get rid of it all, without getting rid of the rest of the air in the grow room... and also trying to keep a low heat signature.

- with that much heat if you are using any sort of hydro system, you will either need an underground reservoir, or a water chiller to keep nutrient temps below the magic number where algae and root rot appear

- if you are going with soil, you should already know the mix ratios for each type that you need, for seedlings and clones through flowering plants

and be real careful about shipping all of this stuff to your house if you are concerned at all with security...


Well-Known Member
OK man you want to know te best way to accomplish a pound a week. I got your back man. Check out this thread,and multiply it by 3. It is one of the simplest, and seems to be one of the best systems out there. The guy Stinkbud explains ever detail of his system down to the "t". Check it out, and you can easily multiply his system by 3 and accomplish your goal. https://www.rollitup.org/hydroponics-aeroponics/116859-harvest-pound-every-three-weeks.html


Well-Known Member
Did you look at that thread, it should have all the answers you could possibly have ????? for. I also think it is your best bet at accomplishing your lb a week goal.


Well-Known Member
So sorry to double post, but just for the record, you don't have a job do you? Cus if you are serious about a lb. a week, then you will prolly have to quit your job, because that many plants and expecting that high of a yield, will be a full time job. Especially if you are harvesting every week. You will be spending atleast 10 hours a week trimming. You will also need plenty of room to dry all this, and cure it. I might suggest using that system I linked you to, and you can still make it larger to get a higher yeild, but rather then trying to get a lb every week, try to get 2 every 2 weeks, or 2 every 3 weeks. This would space it all out and make it alot easier on you.


Well-Known Member
You could always hire someone to set it up for you, or at least concoct the plan and put together a parts list to order and lead you through setting it up and using it from the safety and distance of the internet...

If you have that kind of cash... Wink wink


Well-Known Member
Hahahaha, this thread is like sooooooo many others...

Listen man, growing isn't easy, and accomplishing your goal is a LOT more work than you're expecting...

This isn't a fucking "tangent" it's the straight up truth.

It's a lot of work, and about a 10-20k investment...

Sorry, but maybe you should start small, and learn the technique... Just like everyone's saying...

8 x 1000W HPS systems will cost you 2 grand in ballasts, 2 grand in vented hoods...

Medium... Lets see... Probably 500 in dirt, a whole lot more for hydro, containers another couple hundred...

Probably 2 grand on nutrients.

Another 2 grand on miscellanious equipment...

Seriously dude, unless you have already grown several gardens, and this is a plan on upgrading size/more equipment I can predict one thing that's certain...

Epic Failure

Sometimes the truth burns a little...
