The Cheese, The Whole Cheese and Nothing but the Cheese

mr west

Well-Known Member
dont they look topped enough genfranco? the ghs has 4 tops and the bbc has 3 lol wen i take clone itll top em some more lol

mr west

Well-Known Member
the birthing day is getting closer lol, i could take a few now but im trying to let it grow more first lol


Well-Known Member
Yea id let it grow alot more mate before takin anything off her, your gonna keep the original clone as your mother tho yea?


Well-Known Member
Going to be starting my BBC grow very soon, and just wondering what methods suit it best. Im thinking SOG for a quick crop, but just wondered if anyone knows what style grow suits BBC, since I've nvr grown it before. I've got cupboard space of about a square meter, and a 600W dual spectrum. I will be using flora and vega, and a bit of pk 13/14 for flowering. If anyone has any tips for growing this stuff in particular, please let me know!

Yep SoG suits BBC well, flowering clones with little veg time after rooting, keeping the clones single cola dominant.

Big Buddha himself told me this, and it makes perfect sense to me, iv flowered a few seedgrown BBC's and they get a bit too bushey and branchy for theyre own good IMHO, blocking light and preventing good airflow around and in amongst the plants, leading to problems i.e mould.

IME they didnt need much in terms of food, i only went up to half my usual feed strength with them and they still grew quite happy even in full flower staying rich green with zero deficiencies.

They didnt stretch much once they were on their 12/12 light schedule, i flowered mine at about 18"-20" tall, and they only really gained another 6-8" in height throughout flower.

Hope this helps ;-)

mr west

Well-Known Member
no i shal keep a clone back as a mother, the point was to flower thre cheese clones but ive changed my mind and want bud asap now so im gonna flower a week or so afte clonealization occours

mr west

Well-Known Member
yeah big shame but u canny hurry these gals specialy the echeese 10 weeks flowering lol. Now my m8 has a ghsc he been keeping goijng a while now thats good in 7 weeks ?????? and it wrecks ya head too lol

mr west

Well-Known Member
did a bit of pruning on the exodus cheese tonight and have taken 3 clones lol, fingers crossed they will root ina week lol.