Help with bio bizz all mix & nuits


Well-Known Member
i would let them all grow in veg really but coz im having huge heat problems i can't keep my 400w light on for 18 hours and just decided wat the hell! dunno wat to do really i got 5 seedlings growing under a 200w cfl (in a different space to my other established plant under my 400w)


Well-Known Member
Also anyone know with using all mix wen do you add nuits. im using the bio bizz grow,bllom and says on the bio bizz chart after 1 week. but wanded a second opinion!


Well-Known Member
Hi all i've got another question regarding bio bizz products. on the bottle of the grow it says 2-4 ml per littre, but on the chart it says1ml per littre. im confussed. also it says on the chart that you grow(veg) them for 2 weeks then using all mix! i want to know how to do it right!



Well-Known Member
Hi all i've got another question regarding bio bizz products. on the bottle of the grow it says 2-4 ml per littre, but on the chart it says1ml per littre. im confussed. also it says on the chart that you grow(veg) them for 2 weeks then using all mix! i want to know how to do it right!
The chart you're looking at is intended for clones, not seed, which is why the dosages are all wrong. Also the dosages on the bottle are also wrong.

You can very easily burn your plants with Biobizz Grow and Bloom so go easy on it. Allmix is a pretty decent soil if your tap water doesn't contain large quantities of Calcium in it, if it does keep an eye out for Mg problems.

How much and when you feed, depends entirely on your repotting schedule. When you repot into a fresh pot of soil you should not feed your plants anything. You should aim to repot your plants up in successive size pots at 3-4 week intervals thus avoiding having to apply any liquid feed. Aim to repot your plants about a week before you begin 12/12 flowering. Let the plants root out the pots (so roots start start poking out of drainage holes) and then switch them to 12/12. You can now begin feeding on this schedule -

Week 1 - 0.5 - 1 mil Grow+Bloom per litre of water
Week 2 - 0.5 - 1 mil Grow + 1-2 mil bloom per Litre of water
Week 3 - As week 2
Week 4 1 mil grow + 2-3 mil Bloom

Once the pistils start browning switch over to 2 mil grow, 1 mil bloom and stick with that to the end.

I don't always use Topmax myself, but usually feed that at about 1/2 bottle recommended dose. It's harder to burn your plants with Topmax as it contains little actual NPK.

Don't over do the feeding! What I've given you is a guide only, the actual amounts you need will vary slightly on your own grow environment and strain. Some plants need more nutrients than others, so let the plant tell you what it needs, rather than simply feeding it what you think to a system. If in doubt, feed it less than you think, you can always add more, you can't take it back out if it starts to burn your plants leaves.

Also these are intended to be nutrient feedings in between plain waterings. So don't use it every watering, use it every one or two waterings, but let the plants guide you as to what they need and when.


Well-Known Member
that was real helpfull cheers! well by wat your saying im doin it all wrong with the feedings? think my older plant is turning a bit yellow all over


Well-Known Member
why's that?
If you're asking why Mg problems are more prevalent in the UK, it's because many parts of the UK's water supply have large quantities of Calcium Carbonate in it picked up from chalky ground a lot of it travels over. a Lot of the UK sits on top of chalk.


Well-Known Member
ohhhhh thanks! coz im not using clones wat strenght nuits you think as wat you said before was bassed on clones!



Well-Known Member
nice one babygrow. i took your advice. think that plant was turning yellow coz i watered it straight from tap and didn't leave water to sit for a day.did that my last grow. had no probs! but anyways it was a male so i chopped the bastard down. lets hope 1 of my skunk#1 is a lady!! lookin forward to it coz my first grow was just bagseed. two plants. 2 females.


Well-Known Member
ohhhhh thanks! coz im not using clones wat strenght nuits you think as wat you said before was bassed on clones!
Sorry for the delay in replying to this.

The Biobizz charts you showed are for clones.

The feeding schedule I gave you is for plants from seed.


Well-Known Member
nice one babygrow. i took your advice. think that plant was turning yellow coz i watered it straight from tap and didn't leave water to sit for a day.did that my last grow. had no probs! but anyways it was a male so i chopped the bastard down. lets hope 1 of my skunk#1 is a lady!! lookin forward to it coz my first grow was just bagseed. two plants. 2 females.
I wouldn't advise you let your irrigation water to stand at all.

This is yet another piece of misinformation perpetuated by people on this site who don't know any better and simply repeat what they see others write, without really understanding what they're saying.

Letting water stand only allows the chlorine to vaporise into the air, but it doesn't remove any other dissolved salts and in the process of standing also lets a lot of dissolved oxygen also evaporate and vaporise into the air.

The small quantities of chlorine in the water supply are in such small quantities that it doesn't harm plants - what does harm plants is watering them with water that's had a lot of its dissolved oxygen removed - you need that oxygen in the root zone. This is precisely the reason people use airstones in their water before they water their plants - to increase the dissolved oxygen in the irrigation water.

Starving the root zone of oxygen will cause the plant to wilt slightly and will slow down photosynthesis, you want to speed up photosynthesis - not slow it down.


Well-Known Member
This is precisely the reason people use airstones in their water before they water their plants. ----- how do i do this when im already in soil? if you get me!


Well-Known Member
This is precisely the reason people use airstones in their water before they water their plants. ----- how do i do this when im already in soil? if you get me!
Oh I see.

You put the airstone in the bucket of water you're going to water your plants with an hour or so before you water them, so the airstone puts oxygen into the water just before you water your plants.


Well-Known Member
Hi babygrow just wanted to vhrck that i can now feed on this schedual?

Week 1 - 0.5 - 1 mil Grow+Bloom per litre of water
Week 2 - 0.5 - 1 mil Grow + 1-2 mil bloom per Litre of water
Week 3 - As week 2
Week 4 1 mil grow + 2-3 mil Bloom

there curently 16 days old and i ain't fed nothing but water!!!
