18 vs 24 hour light cycle for veggie stage

I feel that the 18/6 is better for one simple reason, it's what nature intended. I hear many people say that it is they have seen a jolt of growth when they have switched from perpetual light to 18/6. I think that this is so because plant life has the day night cycle built into its nature. We like light too but there are adverse effects to over exposure to light. I honestly feel that plants are no different.
A well-known grower, OldTimer1, ran some experiments with vegging times, and determined that 20/4 was the optimum vegging time, at least for the strain that he tested.

Link here.
Plants will balance the root ball vs the plant. Neither are going to be way ahead of the other.

Roots DO grow without night (dark) since the 24/0 plants do actually *grow*

There are 3 main strains, Sativa, Indica, and Ruderalis (sp?) then at least 100 of each (on average)

To say that 24/0 kills over 18/6 (or visa verse) is just speculation out one's ass. Grown all of them?

For an analogy, one cup of coffee makes *everyone* jittery and anxious, and on edge all day. (since it might have made someone sometime somewhere)

The best real answer so far! (IMHO)

Uncle Milton
ya , bigbuds good with the simple inpartial advice - i wonder if the guy who plays bubbles is a member on here? not that we'd ever know as he seems to be the avatar front runner . ..
but yeh , i read that the plant will take as much light as it needs , if on a 24hour cycle it may only take18-21 hours of ( possibly less) . . but thats jorges word - to me , thats fact.
when u do a 24/0 cycle u are constantly reaping the longest day of the year day after day , i also heard about upping the flowering hours gradually to get better buddage . .
but thats it , you hear allot , you read allot - yet you still keep askin the same old shit . . try it out , work it out , be amazed that ansers can be found yourself, dont stick to the norm - step out of the box , who knows you may revolutionise the whole scene . . . or may just come to the conclusion 24/0 means no timers or power surges for power ups , no need to worry about light leaks as much
I have done it both ways many times and I can't tell any difference. my veg room is 24/7 now because the timer is fucked up. but, usually I go 18/6 to save electricity....8)
i plan on testin this out once i have time and space to do it hopefully il be able to try 24/7 on 1 20/4 on another and 18/6 on third also will be testing out the theory of slowly increasing the light during flower and see what happens :D
Im going with 24/0 for veg first couple weeks see what happens. Then switch to 18/6. Im kinda shaky about because just like us, we need some shut eye too. I understand they just grow regardless but im sure a little darkness doesnt hurt it. The big boys dont do it for no reason ^^
I know how I feel after being up for 3 days....
Keeping it with natures way can't be wrong mates!!! Everything is cyclical in nature, all life has evolved this way throughout millennium, why fuck with natures way when there is no need to?!
I am personally a 18/6 fan, I mean saves money gives the plants and equpiment time to rest, I mean what does not need rest/sleep?

I have done the 24hr thing and personally I did not notice much of a difference, but either way you should have good resulkts provided the other elements are looked after properly.
24/0 allows shorter and much more bushier plants. I've done 24/0 myself... and i think it just helps in getting more bud-sites in ur plant. Yes, after switching to 12/12, i see INSANE growth... this ensures me that i'll have many-many colas(With LST, ofcurse), all the colas would be strong.

I read somewhere that 20/4 is the most potent Light period.
Im doing 20/4 next grow. :)
hey first timer might be silly but, iv been growin for ner on 10 weeks first 2 weeks were on 16/8 then to 24/0 light and i want to cut down the light but don't know if i should go from 24/0 to 22/2 to 20/4 so on or go from 24/0 to 12/12 or what ?
I was using 24/0 light cycle then switched to 18/6. I have not seen any difference in the plants. I am interested in if it has an effect on yield. I am in the middle of my experament so I will let you guys know what I come up with.
SCORPIO13 does your room temp drop at night?? i think plants tend to stretch to the heat source if the room cools down in the dark period.. the longer the light is off the more everything cools starting furthest from the light which is the biggest heat source in the room... right?.... hence 24 the temp stays the same.. and 20/4 allows plenty photosynth and just enough time to stretch the right amount.. 22/2 might even work for rooms that cool down too much.. just a theory of mine.. don't start chirping me... start checking your dark cycle temps in ratio to your stretch.. let me know..
24/0 would probably yield a shorter thick stemmed plant.. and 16/8 will be a skinnier taller plant.. now whether it's from my theory or the plant does need dark to grow.. not sure...

those of you who see a difference in growth with 18/6 check your dark cycle temps also.. im interested..

and as for the 24/0 to 18/6 also might take off from all the stored energy from 24/0.. or the temp drops too low and the stretch..
I have some pics of plants I moved into flowering last night. I will post them when I get home tonight. As far as stretching, my plants have realy good growth for as tall as they are. I have had the clones for 4 weeks. They where bairly rooted when I got them. After a month of vegging they are only 13" tall. My temps are 74F when the lights are on and it drops to 65F when the lights are off. It stays within range. I will deffinatly keep track of how much they strech in each light cycle. I will keep every one posted. Drr + rep for you.
ok so i went with 18/6 for 2 weeks 24/0 for bout 8 weeks then 2 weeks on 16/8 just went to 12/12 tonight the funny thing bout my grow is that i started two seeds at about the same time they have been on the same light but one is tall just over 2 foot and a little bushy but the other is short under 15cm with no branches. i think from now on i will go with 24/0 for bout 6 weeks then go 16/8 for 4 weeks then 12/12. thor veg the plant dose not 'need' to sleep only really in follwer