Talk to Jesus Christ!

the bible says god created the earth and put people on it, so either you believe the bible or you don' cant just make up shit to add on

Do you believe God is a Spirit?

If you believe God is a Spirit than you should know that a Spirit needs a body to make influence.

What I'm trying to say is that I, Jesus, am Gods Spirit.

You were talking about aliens and where in the bible were they. Look no further than the book of Enoch. I'm not going to go into detail. But i promise you if you start reading it you wont put it down.

edit: Forgot to mention, it was taken out of the Canon, so you wont find it in your bible. You can find it on amazon or download a pdf. I find it hard to believe than a book written by a man that was "taken" by God, and did not die, in the book of Genisis, should be taken out of the bible. I tend to think it shed to much light on "the plant of righteousness" and the messiah. (Come to your own conclusion).
You were talking about aliens and where in the bible were they. Look no further than the book of Enoch. I'm not going to go into detail. But i promise you if you start reading it you wont put it down.

And people say scientologists are crazy . . . . looks about equal to me.
You were talking about aliens and where in the bible were they. Look no further than the book of Enoch. I'm not going to go into detail. But i promise you if you start reading it you wont put it down.

edit: Forgot to mention, it was taken out of the Canon, so you wont find it in your bible. You can find it on amazon or download a pdf. I find it hard to believe than a book written by a man that was "taken" by God, and did not die, in the book of Genisis, should be taken out of the bible. I tend to think it shed to much light on "the plant of righteousness" and the messiah. (Come to your own conclusion).

Welcome to RIU!

Feel free to quote from the Bible to further explain what You mean!

Its like watching people in a psych ward in here except I get to smoke weed and eat hamburger helper . . .
Or how about this 2 pounds of "legal buds". Could Jebus work his magic on that? That would be great.

Yes Sir!

Just wait until I go back to My house. I'm going to be setting up a huge aeroponic setup under 3k watts of HPS in a 10 x 10 mylar room.

I'm going to most likely be growing WW x Ice, WW x Thai and Ice x Thai. I made all sorts of hybrid seeds from WW, Ice, Thai and Afghani seeds.


I'm also in need of some medicinal grade Herb. All in time! Gods speed.


You have to check this out!

If your calling me crazy for reading a book and having the ability to point out where the bible mentions non-human beings before mans biblical creation, then I guess I would disagree. Other than that, yeah, everyone is just as crazy as everyone else, if you think that Conscious beings could be formed out of anything other than a Consciousness. god forbid we do find a definite answer. "wow thats crazy" would probably be the most common answer.
If your calling me crazy for reading a book and having the ability to point out where the bible mentions non-human beings before mans biblical creation, then I guess I would disagree. Other than that, yeah, everyone is just as crazy as everyone else, if you think that Conscious beings could be formed out of anything other than a Consciousness. god forbid we do find a definite answer. "wow thats crazy" would probably be the most common answer.

Yep but santa visits every house in the world the night before x-mas oh and the tooth fairy puts money under your pillow, don't even get me started on the easter bunny! I love that guy! :lol:
To believe the Bible is a literal historical document is crazy though yes; or better put completely irrational for educated modern day people to believe.
To believe the Bible is a literal historical document is crazy though yes; or better put completely irrational for educated modern day people to believe.

I believe you in a way. I believe that anything written down in an attempt to tell the truth would eventually become a lie, and vice versa. What i mean is that if "Satan" is the ultimate deciever, to me, then anything put on paper is the deception. The fact that we listened to the snake instead of god means that we believed someone else istead of believing whatever we chose to believe

When Moses asks God what his name was, God gets angry and says "I am who i am, so you will tell pharoah, I AM has sent me." Moses constantly says, I am the lord god almighty, to his people.

so I guess you are god newgrowth.

I dont expect you to believe me. I wouldnt expect any church leader to believe me. Actually i think they would call me crazy. Cause i am. But i am what i am eh.

Im to stoned to stay on track with myself so cheers to you while i sit back and light another bowl.
Prophets are misinterpreted satan, jesus, moses, God, ect are all personifications of what can not be descibed or explained. Really its a load of crap with a very simple and profound message.

I am God, you are God, We are God. God is not as one but as all and as nothing so Chaos is inherent because everything can not exist without unlimited possibility. So just enjoy the ride no need to write books on it or preach it in order to control populations.
Who's fault is it? OUR fault :peace:

Just stop the killing and insanity you arrogant bastards! And I mean that! You know nothing in the face of the universe! Yet you preach absolute knowledge.
Prophets are misinterpreted satan, jesus, moses, God, ect are all personifications of what can not be descibed or explained. Really its a load of crap with a very simple and profound message.

I am God, you are God, We are God. God is not as one but as all and as nothing so Chaos is inherent because everything can not exist without unlimited possibility. So just enjoy the ride no need to write books on it or preach it in order to control populations.
Who's fault is it? OUR fault :peace:

Just stop the killing and insanity you arrogant bastards! And I mean that! You know nothing in the face of the universe! Yet you preach absolute knowledge.

Well spoken.
If your calling me crazy for reading a book and having the ability to point out where the bible mentions non-human beings before mans biblical creation, then I guess I would disagree. Other than that, yeah, everyone is just as crazy as everyone else, if you think that Conscious beings could be formed out of anything other than a Consciousness. god forbid we do find a definite answer. "wow thats crazy" would probably be the most common answer.

"The End, of course, is Jesus, as we noted previously, as Revelation 22:13 makes this clear: “I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last,” and He was at hand then, and He is still at hand. "

Maybe God, the Spirit, started everything (the big bang) and made Jesus to be THE GOOD SHEPPARD, in the image of God Almighty.

Jesus/God planted Us here.

Jesus will now plant Us on other planets because We now know how to move! Just check out My signature to get a good idea of what heaven is going to be like.



"The End, of course, is Jesus, as we noted previously, as Revelation 22:13 makes this clear: “I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last,” and He was at hand then, and He is still at hand. "

Maybe God, the Spirit, started everything (the big bang) and made Jesus to be THE GOOD SHEPPARD, in the image of God Almighty.

Jesus/God planted Us here.

Jesus will now plant Us on other planets because We now know how to move! Just check out My signature to get a good idea of what heaven is going to be like.



You are one of those irrational crazy people my friend that is why we keep asking you to stop spamming RIU with your crap. if you had a real message it would be fantastic but you do not. I know you are not going to stop so I'll continue to enjoy the entertainment but others may be less tolerant. Especially those people that have lost loved ones to maniacs like you. I am one of those people :leaf: