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Hey guys im new to the site but im not new to the herb. The problem i have is growing without anyone knowing cant grow inside and outside its cold. I was wondering a way to grow without spending money and i have alot of the stuff to start out. Maybe not fertalizer but what about using something else. I have my parents to deal with so growing has to be stealth. I have a shed but its gets really cold about frezzeing or more. I have tried growing before and i was a little bit succesful with new plants i had about 15 plants going but the power got cut to the shed and they got to cold wethered and died. I need a way to grow in the cold or maybe even grow inside without my parents knowing. Anyone please help me out i will be on everyday responding and letting yall know how it is going. Thanks.
Well i have my own room but no key lock and it probly wont happen with a key lock either : ( but i do have a fish tank and another 10 gallon tank also. I was maybe think about my 55 gallon iguana tank but its right by the door : ( on my dresser
well the only people that care are the rents but they dont go in there i need a way for the smell down and to grow without alot of stuff and not to noticeable mom may walk in there every now and then but doesnt go threw stuff becuase i would be in deep shit if she did
there is no way I can possibly think off that your mom or anybody wont find out that your growing unless you have a key lock restricting anybody but you from going in. btw how old are you?
i just had an idea with the dresser the tank is sitting on. moving it from the wall by the door to the wall on the other side of the room and i am 17 whats it have to do with growing though. taking a drawer out well the back of it and making it open able and leaving the bottom ones for the plants lining it with plastic and going from there.
I kinda get what your trying to say....well if you go ahead and do it, then post pics I might see your idea better..........

btw im just wondering
Yea i dont know i have to really think about it and everything and plan it out and get my buddy who has alot of good ideas for making stuff to help me out i have talk to him later on today about it. o okay about the age thing i hate when people get on me for it because it doesnt mean anything for me shit. I could go tank a pic of the dresser so you can see what im saying.
yea dude thats what im doing i have been trying to get the pics on my laptop the software is not working though idk its pissing me off
i got another quiestion for someone who doesnt mind answering...

i got my soil a couple of days ago and a ph level tester, but when i got home i realised its a SOIL PH TESTER not a water one...but i was wondering is this similar? as long as the soil is at the correct ph level does it matter about the water? i hope that made sense

also, the soil i got was a organic soil which seems ok, but if i add perlite or vermiculite (some of the stuff ive been reading on here) will it make a difference in the growth?

and one more thing..ive been using a shitty 25w desktop lamp, obviously i know this isnt ideal, but for the time being will it do, and can i buy a decent bulb for cheap to replace it? (im on a tight budget!)
Well the ph tester is just for water like in a fish tank so you dont kill your fish if the water is to acidec so i think you should really go get one that is ment for water because you could kill your root system with acid water. The 25w desklamp will delfy not work you can go to lowes or home depot and get a light that will take up to 300 watts for like 12 something at lowes i just bought one for my iguana. You can probly get a florescant blub there to i dont know how much though. Hoped this helped ya
Okay so here are the pictures i said i was going to get for the dresser. I also have another idea for the iguana tank im building a stand what if i just put cabinets under neath it with a lock or something?? the stands dimsions are 4 1/4in. long 2ft 9in. tall and 1ft 2/2 wide. i dont know how much room im going to get with it but should be a good bit maybe i could divide it up some for cloning and other things to keep the plants going. let me know please : ) The pictures are of the dresser idea.


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