Marijuana Seeds

hey guys just got off of the nirvana site wanted to purchase some seeds but it seems like they wanted a lot of personal info. whats up with that ? this will be my first time ordering any seeds , are all of the seed banks like that? where they want an extreme amount of info before you can order. i guess i'm paranoid. cause i figure that if something went down with them, BOOM it wont be too hard to find you if your name, address, etc. is all right there. Is it some one out there that can kinda ease my mind?
go pick and mix dude
as long as your not in the us

nirvana and a few other places have ripped me but never pick and mix.
thats y i only use them now
I was paranoid as crap too, ordering from Nirvana. I did use my real name, but used a friends address, and sent cash. I live in the US too. If you go the cash route, and even use your real name, wat is seriously the worst that could happen? I don't think the mail is going to be an issue. Hell you could send you grandma some seeds and she could get in trouble for it. Ok, not really, but the point is, anybody can send anybody else anything. So don't worry about any mail issues. As for records of the transaction, (no credit card statement! not even a receipt!) I really can't think of any aside from flying to Amsterdam and breaking into Nirvana's office and looking through their books (assuming they even took record it). So no worries there either my man.

Although, its worthy to note that my package was supposedly sent 12/31 so I haven't technically recieved it yet. We're talking overseas here tho, so it'll be a while, I'm not worried. Plus, look at all the success stories here at Nirvana.
So I am about to order seeds from Attitude seedbank. They offer two types of shipping. One is just international shipping with no signiture required and the other is stealth international shipping which they ship the seeds with a T-shirt. This method is almost twice as much though and I'm not ordering many seeds. Does anyone know if I will be OK using the standard international shipping to the U.S.?
thanks for the info guys. i will probably try them and attitude because i have been hearing some good things about them also .
But like you said LV if i did order whats the worst that could happen. so we will see.

I think attitude is as close as you can get to reliable in the U.S.

They are very professional compared to most seedbanks. I have ordered from pretty much everywhere that accepts credit cards and they are my number one. I've had good experiences with Nirvana and seed boutique as well.
Alright, I'm gonna be a moocher and ask if anyone would be willing to give me some seeds. I don't have the money to buy seeds online, and it will be easy to set up a simple grow with junk at my house.:hug:
well in the end from 20 seeds of BBud from Nirvana i got 16 females 4 males
gonna try the Attitude Legendz now lol
gonna keep ya updated
How long does it usually take to receive seeds from Nirvana after they've shipped? Mine were supposedly shipped on 12/31... Am I just being impatient?
i dont support nirvana dude nothing but hastles i got :(
as much as i really wish i didnt have to say it ... o wasted 150 bux trying them...

in my experience if it doesnt make it within the first 2 weeks really its probably time to start losing hope " all my orders that have actually come make it by this time or they dont come at all :(

i wish i could b mr enthusiastic but these are my findings

im loyal to pickandmix now there the only place with a perfect record so far
i dont support nirvana dude nothing but hastles i got :(
as much as i really wish i didnt have to say it ... o wasted 150 bux trying them...

in my experience if it doesnt make it within the first 2 weeks really its probably time to start losing hope " all my orders that have actually come make it by this time or they dont come at all :(

i wish i could b mr enthusiastic but these are my findings

im loyal to pickandmix now there the only place with a perfect record so far

well i'm maybe lucky don't really know :D
i'll update when the BB is ready, and i taste the smoke
but i think it's gonna be a Blast ;)
they /those dirty little bitchez :fire:/ are in 13 day of flowering and r looking very nice. i'll post some pix as soon as i get my 8 megapixel camera back from a friend
I didnt get 10 seeds though.

I got 18 seeds!




I am thinking that this company went to protect your order from being seized or crushed and to post this on a public forum for all too see was not a wise or repectful thing to do .it is hard enough some times getting genetics out there and most ly the USA so think about what you are posting you have now blown this companys secret discreet method that got your seeds so now customs will be loking at this type of mail. I send seeds and just cant believe it when ppl do shit like this. :spew:
ok it looks like almost all seedbanks have at least one unhappy customer what i would like to know is which seedbank has the smoke aka (high) they say the have too me its all about the smoke by the way i ordered from Ontario seed bank i found in high times got seeds took long time smoke was not as good as they said
I got my seeds today!@#@! The package was super stealth and wasn't even the same thing as the above pic. Nirvana is A+. I had no hassels whatsoever, although people say they got theirs in two weeks and such. The whole process for me took 1 month 2 days, but I did pay with cash (and live somewhere in the midwest US if that helps). Although as a first time buyer, I was skeptical about the whole thing and I'm really F'n glad it worked. I gave up on Nirvana too soon tho. I opened up a prepaid credit card so I could place an order with Attitude because I didn't want to do the cash thing again. Since I got the card also today, I'm still going to try them out. I'll let you guys know how that goes too.