Hawaii Growers

Hawaiian kind

Well-Known Member
What do you guys think about seeds from a hermi

1- All will be hermi?
2- most will be hermi and female?
3- feminized seeds come from hermi?

I had a little girl that tuned hermi in the last few stages so i let it go and it seeded only the bottom few branches so after choping the cola off i let the seeds go for another week and they look nice and dark like good seeds. so now the question is Plant or dont Plant what shall I do? Aloha HAwaiian Kind


Well-Known Member
What do you guys think about seeds from a hermi

1- All will be hermi?
2- most will be hermi and female?
3- feminized seeds come from hermi?

I had a little girl that tuned hermi in the last few stages so i let it go and it seeded only the bottom few branches so after choping the cola off i let the seeds go for another week and they look nice and dark like good seeds. so now the question is Plant or dont Plant what shall I do? Aloha HAwaiian Kind
In this book I read called " Grow Great Marijuana" By Logan Edwards it states

" Hermaphrodites are generally viewed with disfavor. First, They will release pollen and ruin a sensemilla crop, pollinating themselves and all the other females in the room. Second, the resulting seeds are worthless, because hermaphrodite parents tend to pass on the tendency to their offspring.

Please note that occasionally specious staminate flowers will appear in the last days of flowering of a female plant. These do not drop pollen and their appearance is not considered evidence of deleterious hermaphroditism."

Anyway I have had a few hermis come in the last few weeks of flowering. I just moved um far away. Smoked it But discarded the seeds. I've read a few other books that pretty much say the same thing ,Most hermi seeds come out hermi.


Well-Known Member
I have been growing hermi seeds for a while and have only gotten fems out of them all but 1 out of about 10 or so. If any of you guys got hermi seeds dat you no need I will buy or trade them for some smoke. Lmk that wild be grate!


Well-Known Member
I have been growing hermi seeds for a while and have only gotten fems out of them all but 1 out of about 10 or so. If any of you guys got hermi seeds dat you no need I will buy or trade them for some smoke. Lmk that wild be grate!
SOJA concert tomorow, today, (sat) anyone goin?


Well-Known Member
I have been growing hermi seeds for a while and have only gotten fems out of them all but 1 out of about 10 or so. If any of you guys got hermi seeds dat you no need I will buy or trade them for some smoke. Lmk that wild be grate!
kkday call me:leaf:


Well-Known Member
i wish indicas had the brain fizzling high. more brain busting yields! cheeee! im so excited to plant in march/feb. when is everyone planting here?

im planting once I get my order then cure my seeds using banana method. I ordered from seed boutique december 17th, so more than 3 weeks ago, and it just shipped out several days ago, so im planning on getting them in about 2 more weeks.

Once I get em im gonna try and see if this banana method is a fake or not, hopefully its for real!

So ill probably be planting early february.


Well-Known Member
In this book I read called " Grow Great Marijuana" By Logan Edwards it states

" Hermaphrodites are generally viewed with disfavor. First, They will release pollen and ruin a sensemilla crop, pollinating themselves and all the other females in the room. Second, the resulting seeds are worthless, because hermaphrodite parents tend to pass on the tendency to their offspring.

Please note that occasionally specious staminate flowers will appear in the last days of flowering of a female plant. These do not drop pollen and their appearance is not considered evidence of deleterious hermaphroditism."

Anyway I have had a few hermis come in the last few weeks of flowering. I just moved um far away. Smoked it But discarded the seeds. I've read a few other books that pretty much say the same thing ,Most hermi seeds come out hermi.
From reading for months on this website ive learned that those seeds are good feminized seeds!...Its the best way to get the highest ratio of female plants from seed! .. But to each his own ...sheesh, back in the day i used to just destroy all male and all hermies I came across. Now i welcome hermies for thier precious seeds!


Well-Known Member
From reading for months on this website ive learned that those seeds are good feminized seeds!...Its the best way to get the highest ratio of female plants from seed! .. But to each his own ...sheesh, back in the day i used to just destroy all male and all hermies I came across. Now i welcome hermies for thier precious seeds!

Jusrushfc is right!!! I had a good friend who had a couple white widows in his grow that went hermie a couple years ago... it ended up seeding most of his white widow crop that year...
He offered me some seeds and I refused on the belief that the seeds were no good.. well he grew the seeds and gave a bunch to friends... And they all had incredible crops of white widow.. except me...
Six months ago I was given 10 seeds from a friend of mine that runs a co-op in los angeles... they were seeds from OG kush.. Now everyone knows there are no breeding couples of OG kush... but I took the seeds and grew them..... and it turns out that I have an uber strain of OG kush on my hands (jusrushfc had a small sample :)..

So no hermie seeds aren't bad !


Well-Known Member
If you can separate a hermie from the rest of your girls I don't see any problems with them. I mean the Females turn Hermie to continue the species and allow for reproduction since no male hosts are present to spread pollen.

Sure the Hermie Traits are gonna be passed on, but not everyone is gonna be a hermie. I mean as a reporductive trait there is gonna be a true female in the bunch of hermies so that species can continue on, its inevitable in my opinion.

Letting my hermie grow out. Will post on how many bean I get off this one girl. Very well seeded already with swollen calyx's all over. If any of ya guys want some beans from this hermie or If I have enough I will gladly hook up some beans.