haha I love how this mr. marks thinks he did something special, not only have all those things been posted before, but in way better quality........
I havent grown for 2o years... but when i have, im guna act like i know things that other people dont... and post shit on the net about growing so people know how cool i am, as well as feed people the info they need to grow so they dont have to click on the other 1 million links right next to mine.
Its cool that you contribute to the site, but all your positive vibez are gone with the negitivity you spread. and you my friend howard sound almost anti hippy. If your ganja is so great how can you be such a angry prick to people?
I think you need to get more biblical my freand....ever herd InI? bless up n turn the cheek, if your so masterful at our craft you shouldent need to use words to make youself feel like your what you say you are, and honestly noone cares..