how can i turn my green into "green"?


Active Member
:joint:hi guys im an irish newbie grower and i was looking to know if there are any of youse out there which im sure there are, people who can give me tips and help on how to grow fairly big amounts of green indoors! i want to harvest at least 1kg-2kg every 8-12 weeks. how can i do it,what requirements do i need like lights,space etc! any help atall will be very very much appreciated guys. were all in the same boat i suppose!

"o father who art in heaven,dont hold back on the harvest as it is not us mere men who taint and destroy it but those hypocritical pigs who are the supposedly "law enforcers"....Amen:weed:


Well-Known Member
This just reeks of suspission. Read through the site, you'll find what you like. None of us here grow, we just talk about it.... The info is here, justtake a look.... Search is your friend.


Active Member

nah guys i jus wana know what the tips are.....i know none of you grow it??/:o but i just wanted to know, i got a few tips from420 but it was 2 fcukin technical 4 and peeps hav helped me out wen my babys wernt so healthy so i was hoping for another bit o help! im not a spy or shit ffs! what does s.o.g mean man??lol

F.T.W:weed: "jammin, i wanna jam wit chu, oooohh jammin,jammin.....and i hope u like jammin too"


New Member

nah guys i jus wana know what the tips are.....i know none of you grow it??/:o but i just wanted to know, i got a few tips from420 but it was 2 fcukin technical 4 and peeps hav helped me out wen my babys wernt so healthy so i was hoping for another bit o help! im not a spy or shit ffs! what does s.o.g mean man??lol

F.T.W:weed: "jammin, i wanna jam wit chu, oooohh jammin,jammin.....and i hope u like jammin too"
if that was to technical for you mate then you will be struggling to produce anything.


Well-Known Member
i want to harvest at least 1kg-2kg every 8-12 weeks. how can i do it,what requirements do i need like lights,space etc! any help atall will be very very much appreciated guys.
There are way too many variables to give a precise answer but here's some basics.

You'll need two areas in which to grow,one area strictly for vegatative growing which means getting the plants from seed/clone to the point your ready to bud them,if growing Sea of Green (SOG) this area can be relatively small,just enough area is needed to keep clones warm & well light,if growing large plants obviously a larger veg area is needed,when chosing the growing style keep in mind that growing large plants requires heavy wattage lights in both the veg room & bud room while SOG only needs a few cheap floro tube shop lights in the veg area.

The 2nd area will need to be around a 12ft x 12ft area,you will need 2,000 watts HPS lighting along with an air intake as well as an exhaust ststem,you'll also need dedicated power line leading directly into the grow room or very near the outer wall,this way you can put the hot ballasts outside the room to help with heat control in summer time.

A new grower can easily pull a half kilo for every 1,000 watts of HID lighting,either Metal Halide or High Pressure Sodium with HPS being the prefered,as the experience level grows so will yeilds until you are able to pull very close to a kilo per each 1,000 watts light,for most people this added yeild takes quite a few grows & tweaking the grow method used.


Well-Known Member
There are way too many variables to give a precise answer but here's some basics.

You'll need two areas in which to grow,one area strictly for vegatative growing which means getting the plants from seed/clone to the point your ready to bud them,if growing Sea of Green (SOG) this area can be relatively small,just enough area is needed to keep clones warm & well light,if growing large plants obviously a larger veg area is needed,when chosing the growing style keep in mind that growing large plants requires heavy wattage lights in both the veg room & bud room while SOG only needs a few cheap floro tube shop lights in the veg area.

The 2nd area will need to be around a 12ft x 12ft area,you will need 2,000 watts HPS lighting along with an air intake as well as an exhaust ststem,you'll also need dedicated power line leading directly into the grow room or very near the outer wall,this way you can put the hot ballasts outside the room to help with heat control in summer time.

A new grower can easily pull a half kilo for every 1,000 watts of HID lighting,either Metal Halide or High Pressure Sodium with HPS being the prefered,as the experience level grows so will yeilds until you are able to pull very close to a kilo per each 1,000 watts light,for most people this added yeild takes quite a few grows & tweaking the grow method used.
Yeppers..All he said, but with CFL's. More expense to set up, but lower electric bills and lower heat build up = less ac need + no need for kilos of GBP!! Exceptto purchase CFL bulbs.


Active Member
[thanks to panhead,ludacris and anotheroldphart for your help i jus neede to know the basis and you guys gimme that so cheers im gonna add to all your reputations for takin da time out!

as for the other guys who patronized and were bein smart......well you know the craic yourself!

peace out boys:weed:


Well-Known Member
Hey man, didn't want to sound like a jerk. I just know from experience, you always learn a whole lot more if you really dig and look for it.
This site has a ton of valuable resources to search out, I wanted to try and point you in the right direction at the same time, allow you to become familiar with the site and where things are.
Anyway, I recommend this book,

I have learned a ton from it.

Cheers man, and good luck with everything...


Well-Known Member
Hey man, didn't want to sound like a jerk. I just know from experience, you always learn a whole lot more if you really dig and look for it.
This site has a ton of valuable resources to search out, I wanted to try and point you in the right direction at the same time, allow you to become familiar with the site and where things are.
Anyway, I recommend this book,

I have learned a ton from it.

Cheers man, and good luck with everything...
Ain't that the truth..Though if he'd taken the time to read ALL of that that is here..he wouldn't get growing for..I don't know..years!!*lmao*