Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!


Well-Known Member
unless you have a smart meter - you pay based on demand and can watch your electric use/cost in real time - I'm sure we'll have one before the end of the first Obama administration
I pay .05c a kilowatt hour
I can compare how many hours I use from last year. every bill has how many I use per month for a year back to present date.
One time my well pumps pressure switch was stuck and my well pump ran non stop till it burned out. that month was like double. They never said anything about it. I have to call in my #'s off my meter everymonth since they wont even come on my property to read it, cause of my dogs.
all it does is figure the kw hours used. the meter is like a clock timer that turns little dials to acheve this. It spins fast constantly in the winter cause I heat with all electric baseboard heat.
so If I didnt run anything but grow lights and nothing else it would be less than I am using now. they would never know. After I add more lights Im callin them to let them know I just installed a hot tub and tanning bed so my usage might go up. (hottub and tanning bed are just a cover) it probly dont matter but Im just being carefull


Active Member
WOW! Thanks for the such fast reply. Thankyou andyman, funtogrow, and StinkBud. You all are amazing!

I cant tell you how much I appreciate this place. It makes me just want to help the whole world at this point.

StinkBud, if you would be kind enough to point me in the right direction of how I could also get a license to do this legit for cancer patients, I would be speachless.

As for the replies, I feel so dumb now. The answers were dead in my face, I just didnt look hard enough.

I understood the risks and cost of this before I began doing research, but its definately something im not going to give up on. In all reality, it would be the same thing as me giving up on my mother - so to speak. Just not something I will do.

Once again, I appreciate everything everyone has done here, keep up all of the hard work and keep the information flowing. -Bugz


Well-Known Member
We are all here to help! There are no dumb questions here - if you aren't sure about something ASK! I'm pretty confident in saying the major posters in this thread are good guys and aren't gonna jump down your back or make fun of any questions. Try to find the answer first in the thread but if you can't find it ask away.


Well-Known Member
my order from attitude seeds came in today. I have to go to my friends house were I had it shipped to check it out. Its my first time ordering. took 14 days. but they were out of one of the ones I ordered so I will see what they actually sent. will post once picked up. peace


Well-Known Member
Hello Stinkbud-Very nice post, it inspired me to make a cloner and I have filled it with Barney's Blue Cheese, and Belladonna. Then in 3 weeks I will fill the cloner with red diesel and White Russian.I have two questions for you or anyone else kind enough to answer. #1 Should you line the bottom of the fence posts with some type of root liner and #2 on the vegetative plan, does the top container just sit on the bottom container or are they stuck together with silicon? My clones have no shock whatsoever, they look great, good job.


Well-Known Member
StinkBud, if you would be kind enough to point me in the right direction of how I could also get a license to do this legit for cancer patients, I would be speachless. -Bugz
Medical grow license depends on State Laws. Try doing a search for Medical Marijuana Laws for your state and see what comes up.


Well-Known Member
#1 Should you line the bottom of the fence posts with some type of root liner
No need to bro. Check out these guys results! Insane I tell you!

#2 on the vegetative plan, does the top container just sit on the bottom container or are they stuck together with silicon? My clones have no shock whatsoever, they look great, good job.
Yep, it just sits there looking stupid. It's almost too easy (as you can see by the cloner).

The thing is it dosen't get any harder. The whole system is very simple in every detail.

Good luck Bro!


Well-Known Member
heres some pics of my veg unit that will veg for 2 weeks under a 400 then pop under 3 1000s for 47 days cant wait oh ya heres some root porn lol exuse the pics took them off my phone peace :bigjoint:
Looks like you have a healthy supply of clones. Your flowering all of those at once? Going to have your hands full.

I can barely find the time to work on a 12 plant cycle. :clap:


Well-Known Member
Looks like you have a healthy supply of clones. Your flowering all of those at once? Going to have your hands full.

I can barely find the time to work on a 12 plant cycle. :clap:

ya hands will be full but I got sick that need medicine so what can I do LOL


Well-Known Member
It would trip as soon as it electrified the water. A breaker trips when the amount of amps drawn exceeds a pre-defined limit. A GFCI trips when the amount of juice going out does not match the amount of juice coming back because it went to ground or water or something.

Most rooms are wired on their own circuit or at least have one outlet that is wired into first. Find that outlet and replace with a GFCI outlet ($10) and now the entire room is GFCI.

A quick quote while on topic -
“If GFCIs were installed in every U.S. home, nearly 70 percent of the approximate 400 electrocutions that occurred last year could have been prevented,” notes Brett Brenner, President of Electrical Safety Foundation.

I may be able to answer your question as I had a similar problem with my bait tank. Every time I stuck my hand in the water, I felt current running through me.

I have a question. Have you tried turning off the current to your pumps? Do you still get a tingle? Shut off each piece of electric equipment one piece at a time checking to see if you get a jolt out of the water each time or not.

Next, if you want to see what kind of amperage your water has, test it with a volt ohm meter. I could feel less then a volt in the water, but the power company could not. They could see the power with their meter. When we did something to the power, I would stick my hand in the water first and tell him if it was less, more or the same. He was amazed that I was right on the money with my body as a volt ohm meter.

What it turned out to be in my bait tank was that I was near a power sub station. All the power returning to the sub went through the ground and through my tank. They put some kind of a resistor or something on the pole. It stopped and has never returned.

Good Luck!
Flabs :weed::joint::joint:


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the help stinkbud...I've been working on the veg unit today. One little question? Where does the inspection hole go in the lower container lid? Just trying to visualize placement of the hole, can you see the hole without lifting the top lid?Sailor huh, ever see Subic Bay? I've paid a bar fine or two.