12-12 lighting for seedling?

It can be done from clone but i never tested it my self from seedling. I will try that and see what happens. Ill let ya know in 2 months. peace
Many people do this successfully. The plant will grow to a minimal height, then flower.

Just be aware that this puts the plant into a stressed state, so it can increase the risk of hermies.
Many people do this successfully. The plant will grow to a minimal height, then flower.

Just be aware that this puts the plant into a stressed state, so it can increase the risk of hermies.

cunt ur so full of shit the plant will grow slowly and wait for it to bud will be painfull
cunt ur so full of shit the plant will grow slowly and wait for it to bud will be painfull

Grow up. I never said I that I recommended this method (I don't) but it will do exactly what I said. I never said it would grow fast, did I?

Who the hell do you think you are, going around calling people cunts for no apparent reason? Sounds like you need to grow some more weed, and chill the fuck out.
mate in australia calling someone a cunt in the west is not such a bad thing,u just need to harden the fuc up,ease up on the bong and let the muscle tissue repair
mate in australia calling someone a cunt in the west is not such a bad thing,u just need to harden the fuc up,ease up on the bong and let the muscle tissue repair

Where I live, it's about one step away from punching someone in the face. As for me "hardening the fuc up", if that means becoming an internet hard man who gets his jollies by posting annoying shit on forums, then i'll pass. People come here for tips and advice, not insults and sarcasm.

If everyone around you calls you a cunt often enough for you to think it's normal behaviour, maybe they are trying to tell you something. :-P
Has anyone done this?
What happens if you use 12-12 lighting as soon as the seed sprouts?

Ok, well back on subject.. I've done 12/12 from seed right after it sprouted in 16oz cups before. The results weren't too bad, but if I had a larger container like I use now it woulda been better. Either way it takes a few days for it to get large enough to induce flower so I generally wait till about 1-1.5 weeks into veg. to flower now from seed. Check out my grow log in my sig.. it has the end of my last grow and i'm chopping the rest of my current grow tommorrow! :D
Where I live, it's about one step away from punching someone in the face. As for me "hardening the fuc up", if that means becoming an internet hard man who gets his jollies by posting annoying shit on forums, then i'll pass. People come here for tips and advice, not insults and sarcasm.

If everyone around you calls you a cunt often enough for you to think it's normal behaviour, maybe they are trying to tell you something. :-P

no dude hardening the fuc up means watever slander comes ur way u should take it on the chin u dont know me i dont know u everone gets stoned and everone makes there decision in life
mine was to bag u out at that moment
ur a normal human and acted in a normal way ,i know there is a major age diffence between us but hey dont hate me ..this isnt a message of truce,just my 2 cents for what its worth...

all im sorry for is that i chose the rong person to mess with not that ur a hard man "cause ur not" well its obvious...

sensative more like it ,but hey each to there own ,i have nothing against u or what u wrote in ur previous post i just jumped the gun...

just remember u wear young once
I also use the 12/12 method from seed to grow, and its not a slow painful wait like one of you said its actually alot faster than veg'n for a month or so then flowering. From sprout to harvest its usually 8-13 weeks, and average produce 1 oz per plant.

they usually never get over 24in and because of the small size and lack of being bushy allows you to put many more of them closer together in a small space. Allowing large harvests in small areas.

Check out this guys grow journal to see how well it can work
all im sorry for is that i chose the rong person to mess with not that ur a hard man "cause ur not" well its obvious...
sensative more like it
Sure, you're "hard" because you can insult people anonymously across the globe, and i'm "sensitive" because i refused to take your shit.

I was in the military when you were probably still having your arse wiped. Once you've had a beasting from the RSM, random insults from kids on the net pale into insignificance. But yeah, i'm sensitive, and you're hard.

This is my last post on the subject, as i've shat in this thread enough. (sorry everyone else). Feel free to have the last word, if it will help your ego.

Now, contribute something useful, I have a question for the 12/12 from seed guys. What made you choose this method over 12/12 from clone? I can see some advantages and disadvantages to this method.

One room for everything
Cheaper on the electricity

Increased stress/hermie risk
Takes longer to flower than clones
More stretch than clones? (not sure if this is true)
Variation in seeds mean less even canopy height (only an issue if you have lots of plants)
Seeds can be expensive or hard to source (do you make your own?)

Are there any advantages or disadvantages that I have missed? I'm not knocking this method at all, and have seen plenty of successful grows like this. I'm just wondering what prompted you to choose this method in particular.
yeah i better boost the ego like u just have so here goes

im the hard man? i dont recall ever saying i was hard,but anyway
u mention the military yer ,is the stereotype for a typical army man a "hard man" or someone stronger than ur average man?
i dont know but it seems to me like u think ur the hard man?,i simply implyed that u where sensitive .
and i like ur last attempt at getting support by telling the puplic ur sorry ,i thort u were never to apologise because its a sigh of weakness
anyways peace out.....
nocturn, seeds r cheap, yes i bred my own seeds so you have the opportunity to cross, you say clones flower quicker but you spend 3 or 4 weeks rooting them,if you grow from seed you can grow 6 different strains and dont need 6 different mothers. why the hell clone.